Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Temptation

Chapter 10


I wake up feeling groggy, but otherwise okay. Looking around I know for a fact I’m not in my room. I hate the color red, but Jake has always loved it.

“Oh, you’re awake?”

“Yes I’m awake, how did I end up here?”

“You passed out during the party woke up ran away then passed out in a hallway. So I brought you back here.”

“Where did Kiro go I remember him being there?”

“No one knows he ran as soon as someone spotted him.”

I sigh knowing that was probably the one and only chance I had to escape this hell hole.

“You shouldn’t frown it makes you look ugly.” Jake laughs.

“Ha ha very funny.”

“Hey look I’m just trying to take the edge off.”

“I’m surrounded by the enemy, I don’t think a few jokes can take the edge off.”

“Never know unless you try.” He shrugs.

I swing my feet over the edge and hope down from his bed.

“Do you want some tea?!?!” He screams from another room.

“Yeah sure. Black with milk and lots of honey.”

“I remember I used to make it when we were kids all the time.”

The thought of childhood Jake brings a smile to my face he was my best friend then. Almost as close as Kiro was to me. But I guess time changes a lot of things.

“Here’s your cup,” Jake says softly handing me a black mug.

I take it before moving to the wall across the room. I lean against it trying to keep my eyes from meeting Jake’s. Even though I won’t look at him I can feel him staring at me.

“Why are you trying so hard to avoid my eye?”

I glance over at him but regret it. He’s pulled his hair back exposing his maroon eyes and all they contain are worry. I look away again deciding it’s time for me to leave.

“Thanks for the tea Jake, but I’m gonna go.”

I run towards the exit before he can answer. I can hear him call after me, but he doesn’t follow. Once I’m a safe distance from his room and people I slide down the nearest wall.

“What am I going to do?” I whisper wanting to cry so badly.

“Why don’t you do us all a favor and get locked up.”

I look up to see Micah standing in front of me. He’s visibly angry, but I don’t know why.

“What did you say.”

“I said why don’t you volunteer to be locked up, at least then I won’t have to babysit you anymore.”

“Why don’t you just let me go?” I growl back.

He grabs me by my collar picking me up showing that he’s stronger than he looks.

“And who do you think you’re talking too.”

“You shit for brains.”

“You’re lucky I don’t believe in hitting women.”

“Oh so now I’m a woman.”

“You know what you’re right nevermind.”

Before I can react his fist pounds my face into the wall. I slide down feeling blood trickle from my busted lip and that my nose has been broken. I can’t help, but start to laugh.

“You think I’m scared because of that? My own father has shattered my skull with a single slap because I killed my mother. My mother had me beaten within an inch of life for supposedly betraying the family. And guess what I fear none of them. You’re nothing more than a speck of dust.” I grin.

“And this speck of dust controls everything here. So I’ll give you some advice stay away from Jake or I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again.”

“Oh and that bullshit you’re spouting about not being afraid of anything is a lie. If you weren’t scared you wouldn’t be here now.” He smirks.

My smile falters a little and suddenly I feel smaller.

“Exactly so follow the instruction given to you mutt and maybe just maybe I’ll keep letting you out on your leash. Though I won’t let you go far.”

He pushes me back into the wall and continues walking. Anger boils up inside me as I watch him smugly walk down the hall. Without thinking I scream while punching the nearest wall and it crumbles in front of me. He turns back and for a moment I see something different in his eyes, but it disappears.

“What!?!?!” I roar anger.

He turns leaving me in the hallway alone.

Tears begin to fall as I stare at my hands. The blood stains them red, just like how blood has stained my whole life.


I continue walking ignoring her tantrum, but then I hear sobs. They sound pained and the nice person in me wants to go back and check on her. But Angie’s words swim through my head.

“She is a demon she is a halfling. She will try to get you to feel for her, to trust her and it’s in that moment that she will destroy everything you love. Her kind is not to be trusted. They were created by an unholy matrimony and should be exterminated. Since we can’t do that we must lock them away and hide the key. Monsters shouldn’t be allowed to roam free.”

Angelique has always been sensitive to auras. I’m much the same though my senses aren’t as strong as Angelique’s. No matter how I look at her she gives off a sense of darkness, evil and anyone like that needs to be treated accordingly. Jake just can’t see that right now. He’s being lead astray by her, but she isn’t going to take anyone I care about. I won’t allow it.

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