Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Compassion

Chapter 13


At this point, I really will kill everyone. Angelique lays bleeding and unconscious, I’ve injured Syaoran to the point he can’t regenerate, Alice has a shattered arm and I’ve broken 3 of her dolls, and finally, Micah is forced to watch everything unable to help.

He looks distraught and I honestly feel terrible, but I can’t stop. I can feel tears well up in my eyes as a stare at Alice. She’s exhausted and I know my next move will take her life. Micah’s begging for me to stop but I can’t. I take a step towards Alice and she moves back, but I throw one of my cards hitting her in the leg. She falls over backward and I pounce on her pulling out my dagger. Her eyes are pleading for me to stop so I close mine as I bring the blade above my head.

I feel my hands slam down and I can feel the blade break skin, but I still feel Alice’s presence. My eyes open slightly and I’m shocked to see who I have stabbed.

“Mela Jakob,” Enjeru says softly but commandingly.

“Stop Jakob.”

I release the blade and stumble backward taking in the scene in front of me. Enjeru’s arm is bleeding where the knife has gone in and Alice is shielded by her. A sense of relief wash over me, but also some guilt. I stabbed Enjeru even if it wasn’t on purpose.

“Enjeru how did you know?”

“I don’t know if this is a gift or a curse, but I heard you call out to me. It was as if you were right there next to me so I came.”

“But why wouldn’t you rather them dead?”

“If it makes you sad then no and when I heard you crying out for help I couldn’t sit by. You never have for me.”

“Thank you Enjeru,” Alice whispers.

“Hush now and rest I’ll heal what I can for now.”

Alice smiles softly at Enjeru before closing her eyes. Enjeru mumbles some words and I can see Alice’s arm reset into place. She then walks over to Syaoran to heal some of his wounds. She even assists Angelique before stopping at me. She kneels down and kisses me on the forehead before standing and walking towards Jezebeth.

“I see the old hag is up to her tricks again. Who sent you?”

“No one had to send me you filthy halfbreed brat I play by my own rules.”

“Well, this filthy halfbreed ranks as high as Lilith in Hell so you would do well to hold your tongue you filthy old hag.”

Jezebeth is on fire and she’s known to be unwise in her anger.”

“You think because you have Lucifer sealed inside you I’ll listen? You can’t even use him right now. All the highers know you’re nothing more than Libra’s dog so why don’t you sit little girl.”

“You’re mistaken about one thing. I rank higher than you not because of Lucifer, but because I am better than you. And as to not being able use Lucifer well I don’t need to use him to deal with you. So what will it be Jezebeth?”

She looks between Enjeru and I and then somewhere else. I see her smile before lurching forward. I blink and Enjeru has her blade running through her as she stands in front of Micah Shielding him. Micah is frozen to his spot looking terrified.

“Wrong move bitch.”

Enjeru removes her blade swiping it through the air then resheathing it. She watches as Jezebeth fades to dust. Before turning to Micah.

“I didn’t save you because I wanted to. I save you because Jake would have been sad if you died.”

Then she walks over to her skateboard. It turns into a hoverboard and she flies off leaving us all alone. I can hear sirens in the distance and I recognize them to be Libra’s. I turn to Micah and he just stares at me.

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