Project 9/11

Chapter 1, Discovery and Dilimma

Project 9/11

Chapter 1: Dr Mendel’s Discovery and Dilemma

Dr. Aaron Mendel was head of research at the Wiseman Institute for Advanced Quantum Research at Bethesda, Maryland. The Doctor’s cutting edge work in the area of “Wave Theory Applied to Biological and Mathematical Research” led the field. On one routine afternoon of a particularly frustrating day, while wiping up a spilled cup of coffee on his desk, he observed the tracks in the liquid as he dragged his napkin over the spill. Reflected in the spill was the grate of the florescent bulbs overhead. They resembled the lines of graph paper in the spill; something about the way they shifted while the doctor was sponging them up caught his attention. The doctor stared at the stains reflection as a formula worked itself out in his mind. Dr Mendel accidentally stumbled onto the concept of distorting the wave reflections of neutrons bouncing off sub atomic particles. He quickly jotted down some figures on the tablecloth. In one instantaneous spark of insight, his discovery opened the door for the alteration of light particles. This in turn threw down the barriers that had plagued the possibility of time travel.

In an impromptu meeting that took place in the Institutes Dining Hall, he confided his theory to his closest associates; the world’s leading biological Human Genome experts, Dr Tsuranagi and Dr Roth two world leaders renown for their work in quantum physics. They were stunned.

In the frenetic weeks that followed, Dr Mendel’s formulas were checked and confirmed. Whatever followed would be drawn up, coordinated and executed; all in the deepest secrecy and backed by the wealthiest of donors. A lab would have to be built; He needed a particle accelerator to test his theory. Best if it were underground.

Coming up with the theory was the easy part, thought Dr. Mendel glancing at his notes; How best to implement it and demonstrate it physically was another matter altogether. The ground rules he set were deceptively simple; In one demonstration, to change the world for the better using the stunning discoveries the team uncovered.


There was no agreement amongst his colleagues about what to do with the gift of Time Travel. Should they use it to save Lincoln or Kennedy? Or perhaps warn the Captain of the Titanic. One doctor suggested assassinating Hitler. Another suggested visiting Jesus. The doctors engaged in endless fruitless debate. The boondoggle of finding an agreeable solution to demonstrate the theory was wearing the patience of all the staff members. Anything they could think of would alter the present, and their work would go unrecognized.

It was getting late, Doctor Mendel glanced at his watch; a quarter to ten already. Dr Roth suggested calling it a night. The wall calendar showed, Friday September seventh, 2001

The Doctor was already running down a list of things he had to do this weekend. He ran through the mundane tasks in his head; Most important, early on Sunday morning he had to take his wife to Dulles airport, a short drive away. She was going to spend the week in New York City with their oldest son and his family; They would take in some sightseeing. She was brought up in New York, and missed the excitement of living in the city. Dr. Mendel wished he could go, he loved being with his grandchildren, particularly with his bright thirteen year old grandson Max. Sadly he reflected how his work had him hopelessly tied up. Perhaps he might join them later in the week, but for next Monday the tenth he would be back at the institute to re tackle the dilemma. An answer will come, he reflected, it just needs more time.

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