Professor Astor (Off-Limits)

Professor Astor: Chapter 61

Thor stares at Dean Ferguson with a chilling smile on his face. I know he has already picked the woman who will replace the dean if he doesn’t ensure that I walk away unscathed.

What neither of us counted on was the amount of people who would attempt to go against us just because of Adrian’s surname. It’s almost as though they tried to turn him into an example, to prove that they’re independent from the name the school bears.

In the last few weeks, Thor has shown me what being an Astor at Astor college truly means. He’s had several board members who were likely to vote against me replaced outright, and we’re now left with what I expect to be a unilateral decision to dismiss my case.

I worked myself to the bone for my PhD, and by the time he became my advisor, I’d already done most of my research. My prototype was already built, and the design didn’t change much. All I did was integrate some more hardware. I’d actually already written most of my dissertation, too. I definitely earned my PhD — or I will, as soon as they let me defend my dissertation.

“Professor Astor.”

“Mr. Astor,” he corrects them. It’s still surreal to me that he gave up his job for me. It makes me feel bitter and resentful. It’s such a high price to pay when no one was harmed because of the choices we made. I received no unjust benefits from my relationship with him. All he’s ever done is protect me, but he’s never overstepped his role as my advisor, not when it came to my dissertation. I never received help I didn’t ask for, and I never asked him for more than I’d ask my previous advisor.

I fully understand that we’re to blame for being in this situation, but to know that Thor lost his job because of me fills me with irrational anger and a feeling of overwhelming helplessness.

The dean turns toward me and smiles. “Our investigation was thorough, involving conversations with every party connected to your dissertation. They all confirmed what we already suspected: that you finalized the major elements of your dissertation before Professor Astor joined as faculty staff. As such, we will allow you to defend your dissertation and finish your PhD. You may also resume teaching your classes. Your suspension is lifted as of now.”

The relief I feel at his words has me feeling faint, and I inhale shakily. This is about more than just my dissertation. Had they said no, that would’ve also meant that we’d lose our chance to convince my father that Thor and I can handle the consequences of our actions. He’d never give us his blessing if the result today had been unfavorable.

“Thank you,” I tell him, smiling politely. I have no doubt they’re going to give me a hard time when it comes to defending my dissertation, but that’s okay. All I need is a chance.

The dean looks at Thor and smiles tightly, as though he wants to apologize but knows he shouldn’t. Thor ignores him and rises to his feet, but I see the bittersweet look in his eyes. He’s happy for me, but it can’t be easy for him to be here today, knowing he’ll never teach another class.

We’re both quiet as we walk out of the building, and Thor grabs my hand. I look at him, startled, and he smiles. “You know how fast gossip travels. There’s no way no one knows about us. Besides, there’s no need to hide it anymore.”

He entwines his fingers with mine, and I smile as we walk through the square in front of our campus. “You know,” he says. “My mother was a teacher. She was a university lecturer, and she was my hero.”

I look up at him, surprised. “You never told me that.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t speak of her often, because each time I do, it still hurts. We lost her five years ago, and I’m convinced my dad followed her a year later due to heartbreak. Most days I’m fine, but then I think of her, and the pain just comes rushing back.”

I pause and turn toward him, raising our joined hands to my chest. “So you followed in her footsteps career-wise?”

I nod. “Yeah. I tried to, at least. My mother was the perfect teacher in all aspects of life. She always had advice for me, no matter what was going on in my life, and she always had an endless amount of patience. I didn’t just want to follow in her footsteps as a teacher, I also want to follow her lead as a parent.” He pauses and raises his free hand to my face to push my hair behind my ear. “She would have loved you.”

I look into his eyes, my heart breaking for him. It’s clear he’s missing her more than usual today, and I wonder if he’s worried that he let her down by losing his job. “I’m sorry,” I tell him, my voice soft. “It’s because of me that you lost your job.”

He shakes his head and cups my face, his thumb tracing over my bottom lip. “Don’t be sorry, baby. What I’m trying to say, albeit badly, is that I know she’d be proud today. She loved being a teacher, and even if I can’t follow in her footsteps, knowing that you are… I think she’d have loved that. Besides, what my mother wanted for me, above all else, is true happiness. If she could see me today, she’d understand.”

I rise to my tiptoes and wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. “I love you, Thor.”

He lifts me off my feet and hugs me back just as tightly. “I love you too, baby,” he says, putting me down, his eyes on mine. “Now we just need to convince your family. Your father’s requirement was that there’d be no consequences of our actions, and today, at last, we’ve fulfilled that.”

I nod, instantly nervous. Dad and I have barely spoken since we fell out. It’s clear to me that he doesn’t accept us being together, no matter what he may have told Thor. If anything, he may have said it because he didn’t think we’d be able to walk away unscathed from the mess we made.

“Hey,” he says, tilting my face up to look at him. “Don’t worry, baby. Leave this to me. I won’t let you down.”

I’m not worried he’ll let me down. I’m worried my father will.

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