Professor Astor (Off-Limits)

Professor Astor: Chapter 34

“So, when were you going to tell me?” Lex says.

I look up in surprise. Lex and I are seated outside today, our research laid out on one of the picnic tables behind the lab. I tip my face up and bask in the sun, letting it recharge me. The last couple of weeks have been crazy. “Tell you what?” I ask lazily.

“That Adrian Astor, Professor Astor, is Thor.”

My eyes snap open, and I straighten, panic flooding me, followed by regret. Shit. My reaction instantly gave me away, and there’s no way I can play this off now. “Um, what? That’s ridiculous.”

He leans on his elbow and smirks at me. “Is it? You told me Thor reappeared, and it just so happened to be at the same time that Adrian Astor moved back. Every time you two are together, he can’t take his eyes off you. If another man so much as dares to approach you, he makes up some type of excuse to intervene.”

I shake my head. “No, you’re overthinking it. He’s just looking out for me because I’m his cousin’s best friend.”

Lex chuckles. “Adrian Astor doesn’t give a damn about anyone but his kids. He wouldn’t look out for you no matter how nicely Amara asked.”

I cross my arms, my nerves getting the best of me. “He’s my PhD advisor, Lex. It’s his job to look out for me.”

“Are you really telling me that’s all it is?”

I nod, even though my confidence is shaky at best.

“Fine, let’s put that to the test. He’s walking our way right now, and he doesn’t look very happy. I wonder what he’ll do,” he says, wrapping a strand of my hair around his finger as he leans in, “if I kissed your cheek?”

He sits up and leans in. His lips brushes over my cheek, the kiss chaste at best, the same kind I give Colton and Lucy.

“Leia!” Thor snaps.

I freeze and turn toward him, his murderous expression making my heart race. “There we go,” Lex murmurs. “I guess I was right.”

“Keep your fucking hands off her, Windsor,” Thor says, but Lex merely chuckles.

“Or what?”

“Or she’ll be the last thing you’ll ever fucking touch.”

I hold my hands up, aware we’re gathering attention from the few tables surrounding us. “Calm down,” I say, my voice soft and urgent. “Both of you.”

“Leia,” Thor says, keeping his eyes on Lex. “Grab your stuff.”

Lex grins and throws me a look that screams I told you so, and I sigh, pure exasperation coursing through me. I’m tempted to snap at Thor, but doing so would only garner more attention, so I rise from my seat and pack up my documents, low key fuming inside.

“We will talk later,” I tell Lex pointedly, but he just smiles unapologetically.

I’m tense as I follow Thor, his anger palpable. What was he thinking, approaching us like that? He knows how much we’ve got at stake.

The moment his office door closes behind him, I turn to face him, my anger overflowing. “What the hell did you think you were doing just now?” I snap.

“You’re angry at me? Really? Why the fuck was he kissing you like that? Why is he always so fucking close to you? Every fucking time, Leia. Why are you always with him?”

I let my bag slip off my shoulder and lower it to the floor as I hang onto my last thread of patience.

Nope. Too late.

I walk up to him and press my index finger against his chest. “He’s my friend, Thor, and you’re being a total dick about it. I have a low tolerance for controlling behavior, so if you think you can tell me who I can or can’t be friends with, you’re sorely mistaken. You can honestly fuck right off if you think I can’t have male friends.”

He wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me closer. “I couldn’t care less if you have male friends, love. But you’re sorely fucking mistaken if you think I’ll let anyone touch my girl. It isn’t fucking happening. He’d better keep his goddamn distance, because I’ve just about had it with him.”

He tightens his grip on my wrist and threads his free hand through my hair, tipping my head up roughly. “You’re mine,” he says, his voice rough. “No one is touching you but me. Let me be really fucking clear about that, Leia. No. One. Touches. You.”

He lowers his lips to mine, capturing my mouth roughly, his kiss punishing. He turns us around until he’s got me pressed against the door, and I kiss him back with all I’ve got. Both of us are filled with frustration at having to keep our relationship secret, the pressures we face with his ex-wife visiting soon and having to face the kids and my family. It was only a matter of time before either of us snapped.

Thor wraps his hands around my waist and lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around him, and the feel of him has a moan escaping my lips. He pushes my dress up and yanks my underwear aside roughly as he pushes two fingers into me. “Of course you’re already fucking wet. You want my cock, don’t you, Princess?”

I suck down on his lower lip and nod. “Yes. It’s been so long. Every time I get a second alone with you, we’re interrupted, or we just don’t have enough time together. Please, Thor. I just need you.”

He smirks and strokes my clit with his thumb, eliciting a needy groan from me. “Tell me you’ll be a good girl for me. Tell me you won’t let any other man touch you. Tell me you’re mine, and I’ll fuck you right against this door, right now.”

I glare at him, and he circles his thumb over my clit, not quite giving me what I want, but giving me enough to keep me needy and desperate.

“Say it, Leia.”

“I’ll be a good girl, Thor. I’m yours. Only yours. No one will ever touch me but you, I promise.”

He smirks and reaches underneath me to undo his belt. My eyes fall closed when his cock pushes against me, and I moan when he pushes into me.

Thor wraps his hand over my mouth and shakes his head. “Remember where we are, Princess,” he says, and I look around at his office. There are probably so many students walking through the hallway right outside this door, and we really shouldn’t be doing this, but neither of us can help ourselves.

He keeps one hand pressed over my lips while he supports me with the other as he fucks me against the door, his thrusts deep and hard, as needy and impatient as I feel.

He pulls out almost all the way, his eyes on mine as he slams back into me. “Mine,” he growls, and I try my hardest to suppress a moan.

“This pussy,” he says, pulling out again, “is mine.” He thrusts into me hard, and I clench around him. The desire in his eyes, the way he’s touching me, it’s all too much.

“Every inch of you is mine, Leia. One day, I want you wearing nothing but my last name.”

I moan against his hand, and he drops his forehead to mine. “Are you going to be quiet for me?”

I nod and he takes his hand off my mouth and grabs my ass, holding me tightly as he fucks me hard, his lips on mine. I try my hardest to suppress my moans, but I can’t. I kiss him with all I’ve got, taking everything he’s giving me.

I feel a sense of desperation today. My need for him is greater than it’s ever been before, and I can’t get enough. I need him inside me, as close as I can get him, and that still isn’t enough to still the countless insecurities and worries that weigh me down.

He tears his lips off mine to look at me, his expression telling me that he’s close. “I love you, Leia,” he says, moments before coming deep inside me, his final thrust hard and demanding. He drops his forehead to mine and inhales shakily. “I love you,” he repeats.

I tighten my grip on him, hugging him to me tightly as I rest my head on his shoulder, my lips pressed against his neck. “I love you too, Thor.”

I do. Deeply and irrevocably.

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