Princess of Faerl

Chapter 81. Waited so Long


She didn’t know it, but she hasn’t been using any of my powers for months. Everything she has accomplished has been under her own strength and goddess powers. She had no idea how strong she had become in such a short time. It made me proud. All of my children were born with their powers, so it wasn’t much of a learning curve for them. But Elentari started from scratch and was thrown into a world of peril, expected to perform flawlessly.

She had been asleep for a couple of days. I suspected she would be for a few more days. Bringing someone out of a god induced sleep without direct permission was unheard of. Zeus didn’t fight us, waking him, but he didn’t aid us either.

It was the most amazing feeling to be in my lovers arms again. It had been so long. The dream state was nothing compared to the real thing. His kisses made me melt. Our children came to visit, a couple at a time. They hadn’t seen him since he had been placed into his sleep state, so they were naturally taken aback by his appearance. Once the visitors were gone we could relax and relearn each other. He had so many questions about the world and everything that had transpired. Technology confused him but also intrigued him greatly.

“So you’re telling me this tiny thing can connect people all over the world? And publications can happen instantly through a box?” He was bewildered. He poked at the keys, almost like a small child would tentatively play with a new toy. His laughter was music to my ears. “So much to learn! I’m now a god, but I know nothing of the current state of things. Thank you for being patient with me, my love.” He kissed my forehead.

My cheeks flushed, happy with the affection. “I am more than happy to teach you. It has been too long. I know the descriptions are nothing compared to seeing it and being able to interact with the world. There are so many small nuances that can’t be communicated with words in the dream state.” A small smile appeared on his lips. “Are you happy being awake?” I asked him. I never thought of the toll this would take on him.

“Of course I’m happy. Physically drained, which I haven’t felt in so many years, but it’s all worth it. Once my strength has returned, it will be much easier.” He hugged me and yawned. “For one who slept for thousands of years I can’t understand why I don’t feel rested.” He joked. I smiled back, supporting him.

“Are you in need of a nap, my love?” I asked him. The last couple days he seemed to try and tough out the tired. “You don’t have to power through it.”

He nodded softly, “I hope one day to be strong enough that you can lean on me, instead of me always leaning on you.” His voice sounded sad about that.

“I will always support you. And you have always been a source of strength for me. The chance of getting you back has kept me going for so long. You are irreplaceable in my life. Never think of yourself as lesser, please.” He had been my strength and rock, even in his sleep state.

He smiled softly, “Thank you, my dear. A rest for now.” He walked back into the cabin to sleep for a bit. I watched after him lovingly. He held my heart like no one else could. I went to check on Elentari and helped her in her healing. Chaos tried hard to get a hold of her and break her will.

I walked into her room and felt her presence. It had grown during the night. We were obviously stronger at night. Her hair was starting to turn white. She was going to be so disappointed. She loved her multicolored hair. Eventually she would be able to learn to control her appearance and change it to what she desired at the time.

“Hello, lovely girl. You’re growing exponentially. I’m so proud of you and all you have accomplished. You have no idea how strong you are and how strong you will be. Soon you will not need me by your side, but you will forge your own path. You will soon be the Goddess of the Night and I will assist you, instead of you assisting me. The Lunar Guardian will be reassigned to another family line as you have ascended. Thank you for your family’s service. For your many lifetimes of dedication to me. I know I chose correctly when I chose you for my most experienced Lunar Guardian. There are so many things to accomplish. I will no longer be the target of Chaos, but instead he will be looking directly at you. He values power. You have more power than I do now. I only hope that you can continue to resist him as you have so far. You are so important. Sleep now as you will awake a new being.” I then called forth the spirits of all original night creatures. “Please give part of your essence to this goddess. She will be taking my place as the protector of all of night. She will need to communicate with your descendants. I thank you in advance for your support of this amazing being. She will be just and lead with love and firmness.”

The spirits of the night creatures nodded. These most ancient beings were considered the gods of the various species. Werefolk of all species, shape shifters that could mimic other forms, vampires, fae, dragons. They all came together. For the four currently within her, this replenished their missing pieces and allowed them to return to their individual forms. They would probably be the closest advisors to Elentari as they knew her innermost workings. But while she slept, they would stretch their legs and visit with their families. To my surprise, there were beings from other realities that came to me when I called.

They had similar features to our dragons and werefolk but held different magics. These were all individuals she had contact with in other life times. They lent her their strength as well, to make her ready for any and everything she may encounter. She now had a skill set different from any god or goddess of this reality or any other. The only thing that could make her stronger was a piece of Adalith themselves.

Elentari gasped in her sleep. This all happened in a matter of seconds, as the space and time continuum froze for the combination of realities. She now had a glow about her. A radiance that no other being would ever have, not even Adalith. I practically raised her through many many life times. She had met my children and had been raised as part of my family. She was the one child I did not birth but was still my child. Not a creation, that claims me as a mother.

I placed my hand on her forehead to ease the shock to the system. Her energy was beyond my wildest dreams. Yes, I chose the family line, but Adalith took what I thought was my plan and made me realize it was there was theirs and I was following through on their plan. It was never my own. This made me smile a bit. Excitement filled me to see what would come for this beautiful child and all of those around her.

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