Princess of Faerl

Chapter 78. Blood of the Coven


We arrived at the Bronzetail Manor, but we weren’t in a luxurious room as I expected to be. We were in what looked like cells. Eliza laid on a cot, her hand holding her throat as she propped herself up against a wall. The man I thought was her father held a blood soaked knife in his hand and was hurling insults at her.

“You’re a worthless wretch. No good comes from having female offspring. Blessed of Raza… what foolishness. You couldn’t get the prince to yourself so now all you’re allowed is death. I have to pick up the pieces from your whorish ways. Loving a woman, are you kidding me?? You’re ridiculous. Worthless.” He spat at her.

I raised my hand, freezing his in midair. Hep reached out his hand and retrieved the weapon from his hand. “Mr. Bronzetail.” I spoke aloud, using the full force of my authority. “You are sentenced to death for the attempted murder of Eliza Bronzetail. You will be escorted to the Royal dungeons by Hephaestus. Your act has been witnessed by myself and Hephaestus. It has also been felt by her mates, one of which is in an unconscious state from the pain you inflicted. The other being the Crown Prince of Faerl.” I flicked my wrist and tight vines trapped his wrists.

I then opened a portal for Hep to take the criminal to the dungeons. Quickly I put my hand over Eliza’s neck, slowly healing the gaping wound. Her eyes were glossing over. “Stay with me, Eliza. Stay with me. Let’s get you stable then you can sleep. I promise.” She gave a weak nod.

“Selene, please help me.” I whispered softly. A silver mist filled the room. I knew she was here. “Please take Eliza to your meadow to heal. She is seconds from death. Adalith named her to be a goddess, I can’t imagine it is in the best interest of Faerl for her to die, none the less the known reality. Raza will come to help her recover as well. She marked and mated with her mates somehow. Her death would also mean their’s as he has not obtained the powers of the sun god yet.”

Understanding flooded through my mind. Selene didn’t need to speak. I put Eliza to sleep and off to the meadow she went. I bowed my head and wept. I wept for the pain my brother and sister felt. I wept for all of the pain Eliza felt. Blood stained my hands. I walked out of the cells and up the stairs. There were two guards stationed at each side of the door leading down. They looked at my hands and went to apprehend me. I flicked my wrists and trapped them in vines. The same types of vines that I used on their employer. “Did either of you know what was happening down there? Tell me the truth.” They both nodded, eyes filled with fear. I opened a portal and shoved them in. Since they knew they would be tried as well. I kept walking around the building, listening for voices.

Soon enough, I heard two young men talking with a woman. The boys were much younger than Eliza was, but it was clear they were her younger brothers. “Where’s father? He never misses lunch with us.” The youngest pouted.

“He’s dealing with some work, he’ll be along shortly loves.” She smiled at them. I didn’t get a good feeling about her either. She didn’t look like the woman that came to everything with Eliza. This woman couldn’t have been their mother.

I cocked my head to the side. “Who are you?” The three looked at me with shock. I certainly must have looked a fright. There was blood on my nightgown and hands. “Speak now and speak plainly, woman.” I had no patience.

“I am Krysta Bronzetail, matron of the house.” She didn’t shudder once. “And who might you be? Guards!!!” She called out.

“I am Princess Elentari Tirisil, future Goddess of the Night, sister in law to Eliza Bronzetail, the first daughter of House Bronzetail.” I spoke slowly and clearly. “So tell me, how are you the matron of House Bronzetail when you look as if you are only two or three years older than Eliza?”

She looked terrified, “Who is Eliza?” I could tell she was lying. “I don’t know who you are speaking of. I’m sure my husband will clear this all up.” Her voice was faltering.

“Come now, Eliza is the oldest daughter of this house, mated to the Prince and Duchess of Faerl. Surely you know who she is.” I raised my eyebrow.

“Mommy, why is she asking about Auntie?” The youngest boy asked.

“Hush, you don’t have an auntie.” She quieted the child but the mistake was already made on her part. I waved a hand and silenced her.

I looked to the boys, “Who are you two? I’ve never seen you before. Don’t worry she can’t stop you from talking now.” They both looked at me quite scared. “How about this, can you take me to your auntie’s room?” The nodded. I opened another portal to the dungeon and shoved her through when the boys turned their backs. They lead me up a staircase, long and spiraling. No wonder Eliza wanted to stay at the palace for the last year.

They pointed to a locked door. “Auntie and her mom stay here. Their only visitor is our dad. Mom says she’s not family to us. But she looks just like us.” The older one spoke now. “I’m sorry but I can’t tell you our names. We’re not allowed to tell strangers.”

I nodded in acknowledgement, knocking on the door. Unsurprisingly, Eliza’s mother answered the door. She saw me with the two boys and broke down crying. “Where is my daughter? He promised if I didn’t claim the boys and let him be with that woman, he would leave her alone!” I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I last saw Eliza’s mother, but she was swollen with child at this point.

“So you’re saying your husband forced you to give up your children, stay in a tower, and bear him more children to keep your daughter safe?” I asked her. This was turning into a majorly sordid tale. She nodded, sobbing. She wanted to hug the boys but didn’t want to upset them. “Eliza was in grave danger. Her father is in the royal dungeons. So is Krysta and the two guards that knew what was happening. I got there just in time. She is with Selene now, recovering. Raza will be with her later too.”

The older boy, who had to be about ten, looked very upset. “So wait, YOU’RE my mother? The one dad said was “the crazy old bat” is my mother?” He looked terribly upset. “And Eliza was, or is, my sister? And my dad tried to kill her?” His poor young mind was on overload.

“Let me get you three safely to the castle and we can talk there. A doctor can see to you all as well.” I opened a portal to the infirmary. “One at a time, let’s go. Don’t worry about items, we’ll be back for them.”

Stacie and Aran were in the infirmary when we entered. He was holding her hand as she was still unconscious. “Elena! Are you okay? You’re covered in blood!” Aran almost rushed to me. I held up a hand and stopped him.

“It is not my blood, I am okay. I need a doctor to look over Mrs. Bronzetail and to evaluate these two boys. I need the official birth registries from House Bronzetail as well. Boys, these doctors want to help. You need to tell them what you can, okay?” I patted each one on the shoulder and moved to my sister’s bed.

“How is she?” I asked my brother.

“Stable but we don’t know when she will wake up.” He looked lost and sad.

“She is helping Eliza stay alive.” I lowered my voice and spoke quietly. “Eliza is in the meadow with Selene and Raza. Something tells me they will wake up at the same time.”

He nodded at me, “Who did this?”

“Do you really want to know?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell him. “They are in the dungeon.”

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