Princess of Faerl

Chapter 75. Feeling Heartbreak


The spa day was wonderful, but having to spend that much time with your “ex” is exhausting. I don’t care who you are or how much grace you have within you. I took the day in stride, but I hoped tomorrow would be a better day. Heading out of the spa and back up to my room, I felt the all too familiar presence of the most beautiful woman in the world behind me. “What do you need, Eliza?” I asked without turning around. If I looked at her I might just crumble.

“Need?” She repeated quietly. Her tone was different, somewhat alarming. I felt her still, even though we rejected each other. I wasn’t supposed to be able to feel her, but here we are. Her grief and guilt floods over me. “I’m not sure what I need. I don’t know what to do. Have you ever been so dedicated to someone that their wants always came before your own and you never truly thought about yourself, or your own happiness?” Her question hit a cord with me.

“I hid who I am for far too long so I wouldn’t have to be in that position. It’s one of the crappiest places to be. That being said, if this is some cryptic way for you to excuse what you did to me, it’s not going to work. There isn’t an excuse for ripping my heart out and accusing me of things I would never do.” My heart was breaking all over again, but I had to stay firm.

“I know. I don’t expect your forgiveness. You did nothing wrong. I just wanted you to know how I felt. Truly felt. I never wanted to reject you. Maybe that’s why I still feel you. I’m sorry for the pain I caused and the pain I will yet still cause. My family, they aren’t kind. Except for my mother. They aren’t accepting. The only thing they are is power hungry. They will not let me live my own life, have my own happiness. I’ve been marked since birth with my family crest and as property of my family. I’m not allowed to disobey my father. I love you, Stacie. I love Rane too. I’m sorry.” Her words were like arrows through my heart.

“I love you too. I hope someday you can come home, where your heart belongs. Until then, we will be waiting for you.” I turned around to face her, wrapping her in my arms before she could run away, kissing her softly. There were very few things in this world that felt as right as her in my arms, but I knew she wouldn’t stay there for long. ’I’m not giving up on you, not if this is how you truly feel. Someday you will come back to us.”

She nodded, tears in her eyes, “Yes, someday. I’m not coming tomorrow. If he proposes to you, please say yes. Say yes for both of us. If there is a ring for me, wear it around your neck, until I’m able to come home. Bind me to you both with your love. I will need you both for my soul to find my way back.”

She then let go of me, running back to the foyer, I could hear the sobs stifled in her throat. I wanted to run after her, but I couldn’t. She didn’t want me to. Why was she running from us when she knew she belonged, that we love her? I couldn’t understand.

Mindlessly, I walked back to my room, pushing the door open and falling onto my bed. Then I let my tears flow. Uncontrollable gut wrenching sobs elicited from my body. I had never cried so hard before. I felt the worst overwhelming sadness. I thought I would never be happy again. I couldn’t take this feeling.

“Goddess, if you’ve ever been there for me, please be here for me now. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to help her. I love her. You lead me to her, the first woman I’ve ever loved. How do I help her see she belongs with us? I don’t know what to do.” My tears fell against my pillow. My heart continued to break.

Suddenly, I heard a voice, loud and clear. “Do not fear, my child. It is going to be dark. The darkest you’ve ever seen, but there will be a light at the end of the night. It will seem as if you’ve lost her forever, but I promise you have not. She will return, free of the bond that keeps her from you. Just wait, and see in time.” My heart dropped, knowing for a time I would truly lose her and not be able to feel her.

“Please save her. She doesn’t deserve this. She deserves to be happy, with us. She doesn’t deserve to deny who she is. No one does.” The stress relief that was the spa day disappeared and all the worry lines felt as if they increased, my under eye luggage feeling heavy as well.

“Sleep my child. There is nothing you can do for now. Sleep.” The voice disappeared and my eyelids had a mind of their own and I drifted into a restless sleep. Images of Eliza crying, fleeing, begging for forgiveness flooded my mind. She looked so scared, as if she were facing death.

“Stacie, wake up!” Rane’s voice flooded my ears. I rolled over and clung to him, sobbing again. “Love, what is wrong? Tell me what is going on? Why are you so upset?” His face full of concern.

“She’s in trouble, Rane. She’s in trouble and we can’t save her. She didn’t want to, she was forced, she loves us. She loves me. Oh goddess she’s scared.” I was babbling, I knew, but I couldn’t keep up with forming full sentences and thoughts right now. I had no idea how long I had been asleep for.

“She will be okay. I know it feels bleak, but she will be okay, I promise.” He held me close and kissed my forehead. “We will be okay. “ I leaned into him, believed in him. I had to. I couldn’t let myself be consumed by fear or doubt. I took a deep breath, my eyes went wide as I looked up at him, almost as if seeing him for the first time. My gums, itching oddly.

“Yes, little love. You finally feel it, fully.” His smile consumes me as my mind seems to melt.

“Mate…” I breathed out, inhaling deeply again, taking in his scent. He smelled like a summer breeze through a field of wildflowers. Simply intoxicating. His lips crashed on mine, as he muttered against my lips.


My mind was blank of all issues, my fears cast far away. As if the rest of the world didn’t exist. Happy 18th birthday to me.

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