Princess of Faerl

Chapter 37. How to Make a God Uncomfortable


In all of my eternity of living, I have never felt so nervous or uncomfortable. The portal opened and I entered into the dining room of the castle with Alke by my side. She understood this wasn’t a regular thing for me. I was feeling compelled to go to this mortal and interact with her. I wanted to pretend it was out of protection for Selene, but I knew it wasn’t. I also knew Selene didn’t give Titans fate bonds with mortals. She gave mortals mate bonds. Only Fate and Destiny could give a bond of Fate that would tie a Titan or child of a Titan to another. We weren’t exactly… faithful beings.

I am not exactly a looker. More specifically, I’m known as the ugliest out of all of the Titan’s children. I have no idea why Aphrodite married me for a time. We weren’t a match in any way, shape or form. She wasn’t faithful to me, I wasn’t faithful to her. Match made in the Underworld, right? I really do think that’s where the tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’ came from.

I bowed as Alke announced us to Their Majesties, apologizing for interrupting their meal. At this point, I looked up, my jaw dropping. There were almost a hundred people bustling around that had stopped to stare at us. I wasn’t used to so many eyes on me at once. I may be a God, but I’m a recluse. I deal with one or two beings at a time, answer the calls of metal workers, and mostly let Ogun handle most of the craftsmen. ‘Deep breaths, Hep… Deep breaths’, I reminded myself over and over again.

My eyes met the young girl’s and the concept of deep breaths got stuck in my throat. She was stunning with innocence in her eyes. She was just like my memories. The ones that tormented me for hundreds of years. Alke elbowed me and raised a brow. I looked back at her helpless, my throat dry and words not coming out. Me, the king of smartassery and sarcasm, couldn’t speak. If any of my family find out about this, I will never hear the end of it. Ever.

“P-princess,” fuck, I was stuttering. I never stutter. “Here are the first items of your request.” I stepped forward, bowing again. She walked around the table quickly. She was obviously very excited.

“My goodness, that was fast. I can’t believe you made anything for me, nonetheless more than one item. We are in your debt.” I knew her words were from Selene as much as from her. I somehow gathered the courage to look up at her while I handed her the first weapons. Our hands ever so barely touched, and again, I gasped. I prayed it wasn’t audible, but she didn’t seem to notice my reaction to her.

Her father stood, looking over us with a stern but curious glance. Her mother looked completely gobsmacked. Her eyes went back and forth between Elentari and I. What her eyes were following, I couldn’t tell. Elentari shook her head, regaining her composure as her fingers touched the leather of the holster for the Sai. The triple moon insignia was outlined in silver, unlike the ones I had made for those that followed Selene. This detail wasn’t lost on the Titan. Her smile showed through Elentari’s eyes.

‘You did good, Hep, waiting until I returned with her to seek her out. I know it wasn’t easy ignoring the pull of her past reincarnations.’ She told him, mentally. ‘Fate has something in mind for you, and Destiny chose this soul for a reason for many of us. Do not be ashamed to love. True love.’ Her words made my ears burn. I wondered if Elentari heard any of that. I took a deep breath, letting the girl look at and touch the weapons. She smiled at me with a warmth I didn’t know was possible. She placed the holster around her waist, fastening it tightly.

I handed her the pouch with the finger claws in it next. “These are a bit different than the Sai. Due to the damage they could cause your loved ones, they should only be worn in battle. You seem to have a love of Elven linguistics, so when you call them, say ‘Beri-nin’ and they will appear on your hands.” I waited in anticipation for her to try it.

“Beri-nin!” She called out clearly. The bracelet formed first, with the delicate chains at the tips of her fingers, the claws extending three inches past her fingers. She moved her hands, smiling. “These are very inventive, Nothing like I had imagined.” She sniffed the air, “Creative indeed. Silver, oleander, wolfsbane, and yew wood. No wonder I don’t want to wear these regularly.”

I nodded. “When you are done with the battle, state ‘ha ni-nia’ and they will return to the pouch. Never touch the inside of the pouch. It is infused with oleander and wolfsbane to keep the edges coated no matter how many times you use them.” I then pulled out the bow and quiver along with the throwing daggers, “To be able to keep you at range when needed, the daggers and arrowheads are created the same as the claws. I did put protection over all of the parts that contain poison that will protect you, and those who have your blood. All others will be susceptible though, so I do not suggest loaning these to anyone.” I bowed my head again, unable to hold eye contact with this young lady. I didn’t want to feel another being, nonetheless, a mortal. I didn’t want attachments. Not after losing her the first time. This was torture. I was trying to wrap my head around the fact this woman is the same woman I claimed so long ago.

“To call this set of weapons, say ‘haered cost’ and the same phrase to return them.” my resolve was getting weaker with every stolen glance. I wanted to pull this girl into my arms and claim her as mine. I kept telling myself this wasn’t the time, this wasn’t the time.

Again she tested out the call words, the weapons coming to her and then being put away. I had one last thing I had made for her. I didn’t know if I should give this to her now. My fingers rubbed the box in my pocket. I think I will wait. Deep breaths, Hep, deep breaths.

I could feel her eyes on me. This was insane. “Would you both like to join us for our meal?” Her voice was like cool satin. I nodded and Alke answered in the affirmative for us. The fairy children made room for us across from the Royals and a young man that looked a heck of a lot like Elentari was staring me down. That must be her brother. I heard about Hades hiding a kid, but I had no idea who he was or who he was related to.

I wasn’t particularly hungry, and my fingers kept running over the box in my pocket. I had never made a ring before. I had not given Aphrodite any tokens of love when we were married, either. ‘Fate, please help me understand what’s going on here. This isn’t what I ever expected. She doesn’t deserve to be tied to me. I’m not a knight in shining armor that a Princess needs.’ The weight was heavy on my head. I had never cared about mortals before. I had also never felt true attraction before. Sex was a thing done to create children and scratch an itch. Nothing more, nothing less. I did not deserve this bond.

My thoughts were broken by the King addressing me. I hoped he couldn’t see right through me. I knew I wasn’t what he would want for his darling girl either. Repeating my mantra, I met his eyes. Yep, he knows what’s up and does not look happy. ‘Can this mortal kill me?’ I wonder. I hope not, but hell hath no fury like a family scorned.

I’m in for the ride of my immortal life. Fate help me.

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