Princess of Faerl

Chapter 35. An Interlude of Fate and Destiny


I had watched and waited for countless centuries. Creation, living and dying, progressing and failing. It was a never-ending cycle that played on relentlessly. I wanted to change it. I wanted to turn it upon its head. Tired of dealing with countless failures, praying for salvation and redemption. So many pray to God. Just God. They don’t even give him a name. Some would argue Yahweh is a name. But it still just means God. We’re all gods. There are so many of us, we’re more numerous than stars in the sky. Fucking God Almighty can kiss my ass. They don’t even realize I’m the being they are praying to. They think I’m a ball of love and light and all things good and gracious.

Pathetic humans. Weak spineless beings made to be playthings for my creations. They’ll never learn. Every once in an eon one will grab my attention with their beauty or strength, or a bit of both. Everyone thought David created the Sistine Chapel’s artwork for this unnamed god of bullshit, but he created a masterpiece for me. What he saw was me. I don’t have one specific shape, one body I take on. Most of the time, I feel more comfortable being formless. I don’t have urges like humans, nor do I feel the need to conquer or own individuals. I had already created them all and could make them all drop dead and return to a void of nothing if I wished. Does that fool Chaos think they are the God of Gods? Please. I am the everliving. The true beginning. I created the ones the pathetic humans call gods as my children. They have forgotten I exist. They think they rule the tide, the ebb, and flow of the fabric of time. They are about to have a very rude awakening.

Only one of my children has not disappointed me. She remains true to her task even to this day. She found a pure human to bless and try to save this world. Now my eyes are on that human. My children have interfered too much in the life of this child and family. I will continue to watch. I will continue to record the flow of time.

No one can escape fate and destiny. What am I? I am two sides of the same coin. I am the Original. I am Fate and I am Destiny. If you want to put it in simple terms. Spear of Destiny, Hand of Fate, any of these ring a bell? All are me. Beginning and End, Alpha and Omega, all these things they stupidly assign to one who has no name. All are me.

I reach out and touch the child’s mind. I want to know what they are thinking. I want to see their hearts for myself. If I am going to intercede, I need a damn good reason. It would be easier for me to start over. But that child of mine is a heartstring puller. She has been the reason I haven’t ended this world time and time again.

This being had gone through a good bit. Many of my children seem to care about this human. I’m not sure why. Too many souls in one small being. I know what Chaos wants. He’s a twisted abomination at this point. He wasn’t always like that. He was my prized child that created this world. I have other children that have created other worlds. That’s why they are called primordials. They gave birth to the mothers and fathers of the creation of those worlds. The creations are always known as the Titans. The Titans are what the inhabitants normally refer to as gods. Anyway, I’m getting off track.

This particular family has never strayed from my favorite child in this world. They have sacrificed greatly for her service. I will help them. I might break Chaos’s neck in the process, but I do not feel that would be much of a great loss. If I cannot repair this world, I will take all of the faithful to a new world, leaving the idiots to rot in a corrupt hell of their own making.

Fate and Destiny, Destiny and Fate. The yin and yang of all that has been, is and will be.

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