Princess of Faerl

Chapter 33. The Princess Has Arrived!


The emcee started the ceremony and the valedictorian made their speech. Next, all the names started being called. Our line stood up and faced to the right, moving in a single file line to the bottom of the stage steps. There were five students in front of Eliza and I grinned. It was almost time to shock the world. “Eliza Bronzetail, graduating with an Associates Degree in Education and accepted at, and will be attending, Princeton.” Claps could be heard as the smug girl walked across the stage, shaking our principal’s hand and waving as if she were a celebrity. I rolled my eyes. I was up.

The emcee looked at the paper and stammered. Through the microphone, you could hear him ask if the name was correct. They looked over at me and I raised a single brow at them. It seemed they were doubting what they saw. Eliza was snickering as she walked back to her seat. The emcee took a deep breath. “Her Royal Highness, Princess Elentari ‘Silk’ Tirisil. Princess of Faerl and Lunar Guardian. Graduating with honors, an Associates Degree in Computer Sciences and Communications. Minors in English Literature and Fine Arts. Accepted at Princeton, Yale, Berkeley, NYU, and UIC. Will be attending Berkeley.” The room went shockingly quiet as I approached the stage, each step felt heavier than the last.

I hadn’t anticipated the anxiety of having all eyes on me. At that point, my family stood and started cheering for me. I smiled, thankful for the interruption in the silence. I shook my principal’s hand and she beamed at me. While we shook hands, she leaned over and whispered to me, “Why didn’t you tell me?” I leaned my head back, shaking it, telling her I didn’t know myself, so I wouldn’t have been able to tell her. Eliza had the sourest look on her face as if she had been slapped, thousands of times. Then it seemed to dawn on her that she had insulted a Princess, and she wanted to melt into her seat. She had wished that she had simply kept her mouth shut. I returned to my seat but listened for the information given about Lily.

“Lily Clearwater, Future Duchess of Fairykind. Graduating with honors, an Associates Degree in Fine Arts and Economics. Minors in Earth Science and Communications. Accepted and will be attending Berkeley.” My heart felt proud of the girl I had just met. Those were some incredible accolades. And we had planned on attending the same university. Once I sat down, Eliza kept her eyes on the floor, not daring to look at me, but I had no problem boring holes through her with my eyes. If she had any smarts at all she would apologize for what she had done, but she stayed silent. Once Lily sat back down, I grabbed her hand and smiled.

“So… Berkeley, huh?” I was formulating a plan in my head. She nodded with the biggest grin on her face. “So, since we’re going to the same school, wanna be my roomie?” Her eyes were big as saucers and she looked as if she were gonna faint.

“Me? You want me for a roommate?” She was stammering. It was so cute and I couldn’t help but giggle a bit. I nodded to her. “But you don’t really know me, I mean, you would not be able to stand the way I talk after a while, or how I dress, or my bookworm ways, or my environmental activism..” Her voice was starting to trail off as she realized my smile hadn’t disappeared.

“Selene saw fit to bless you and your family. That’s all I need to know.” I patted her hand reassuringly. “You can think about it and talk to your family about it. Rooming with me might be a pain for you since I have all sorts of extra security and people that watch me constantly. There will be little to no privacy, not to mention the opportunities for dating may be few and far between, as most guys will be intimidated by the security detail.” I laughed as I said this. I was realizing for the first time how different college life was going to be from what I had dreamt it to be just days ago. I looked forward, watching the rest of our class getting their diplomas and degrees. “Lily, could you get your family and meet me over with my parents? I’ll let them know you’re coming. How many do you guys have in your group?”

Now Lily blushed, looking down. “Uhm… there’s a lot. Like a horribly high number. Most are small children. I’m the oldest but Fairies tend to have a lot of children…” She rambled off a bit and I raised my brow. “There are 34 of us, including my parents and myself.” My jaw dropped. That was absolutely insane to have 32 children in 18 years. That was… two kids a year most years. I put a hand on my stomach thinking about what that would do to a woman’s body. “My mom is just fine, there are a lot of twins. Very few of us were born singlets. I’m one of the singlets.”

I nodded, still shocked at the number. “Well, gather your bunch. My home can host you all. I would like my parents to meet you and learn about you.” I then turned to Eliza, putting on my charms, “Eliza, would you gather your family and join us?” I batted my eyes, but she knew I wasn’t actually being nice. She had no choice though and nodded. “How many of you are there?” I asked.

“There’s just five of us. I’m the oldest child in my family. My mum has two on the way through.” She spoke sadly, knowing I was going to call her out for her rudeness. I nodded to her and gestured to where my parents were, instructing both of them to bring their groups. Returning to my parents, Audra and Manic were there already. They didn’t walk as this would be their fourth or fifth time graduating from high school. It was amusing to me that they had done this so many times.

I informed my parents of the extra guests and they sent a messenger back home to let the staff know to prepare a larger meal. I explained the situation as well, what had happened, and asked for advice on how to handle it. I didn’t want Eliza in trouble, I simply wanted her to stop being so damn snooty. I mean, as least snooty as a dragon could be. There is a bit of a superiority complex there.

Belle said she and Alisee would come up with something and smiled at me. I felt pretty reassured. At that moment, a large group of flying children came in our direction. Two adults and a couple of older children were trying to get them to stop before they bowled through us. I had to laugh at the sight. “Fairy stampede, huh? That’s a new one.” I couldn’t help but make a joke out of it. Aranelda seemed to agree with me, laughing a bit. Once we knew we weren’t in any danger of being knocked down by a flock of fairy terrors, we all laughed. Lily came to the front with her mom and dad. The three bowed and the rest of the children followed suit.

“Your Majesties.” They all greeted us in unison.

“Our humble thanks, your majesties, for your recognition of our beloved Lily. I am Lisianthus Clearwater, and this is my wife, Lilac Clearwater. We are the Duchies family of the Fairy folk.” His bow was deep and I couldn’t help but blush again.

“My daughter speaks highly of yours, even after a simple interaction. You have raised an incredible child, you should be proud.” Alaric stated with a warm tone. “It would be our honor if you joined us at the Castle of Faerl for a celebratory dinner tonight.” The humble man looked up with disbelief, “All of you, children as well. I’m sure we have more than enough space for them to play and you, as some very busy parents, to be able to relax as well and enjoy some conversation with adults.” A wink was given to the fairy couple and they couldn’t help but laugh a bit.

“We would be delighted to accept your gracious invitation, my King.” Lilac was all smiles, beaming, proud of her daughter, and all her children really. She felt they must have all truly made an impression on the entire family to receive an invitation. “You do realize there are 34 of us, though?” She posed as if that would make a huge change in the meal planning.

“Elentari has already informed us. Everything will be set to go, as well as guest rooms if you wish. I do not know how far your home is from the Castle or if you like portal transport. Not everyone does and some prefer to keep it to a minimum.” Belle smoothed her dress and put an arm around me. At this point Eliza came up with her parents, bowing to our little group.

“Good evening your Majesties. Congratulations on the newfound addition to your family.” An imposing man with blazing golden eyes bowed to my parents, almost completely ignoring me. This must be where Eliza got her attitude from. I rolled my eyes a bit. Eliza elbowed her dad, and he grimaced, looking towards me, “Thank you for inviting us over to meet you and your parents. It is an honor. I am Apophis Bronzetail and this is my fated, Vyara Bronzetail.” They both bowed as he continued, “This is our beloved Eliza.” At this point, she bowed low. My parents already knew what had happened while waiting for diplomas.

“You should be grateful our daughter has a kind heart. Though I can see where Eliza gets it from now. You will be joining us for dinner tonight.” Belle informed them, not asking. Apophis feigned a look of shock, although he clearly knew what had happened before he got there.

“Whatever my darling has done, I will be sure to set her on the right track. I apologize deeply…” His words were cut off by a gesture from Alaric.

“Let us go.” He opened up two portals so everyone could step through easily. Off to the celebration. Belle moved to go through when Alaric looked over his shoulder, “You go, I’ll be there momentarily. I want to make this an amazing night Elentari and Aranelda will never forget.” A nod confirmed it while Belle stepped through. Alaric had more than a few things to do and only a few minutes to do them in.

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