Princess of Faerl

Chapter 23. A Strange Family Dinner


I looked around at all the eyes that were fixed on me. I was trying to understand everything, internally freaking out when Selene sent a wave of calm over me, and Lucinda was jumping around like a pup on crack. She seemed so happy. The auras of these individuals seemed to intimidate everyone in the hall. Everyone except me, that is. I took a sip of my water as the room stayed eerily silent. The customary annoyed tongue click was heard and some eyebrows raised. A couple of the beings cracked a smile. “So no one is going to explain to me what’s going on?” I asked, looking around.

More of them were trying to hide smiles at this point and a couple of them openly laughed. I rolled my eyes. A thought fluttered through my mind, ‘once children, always children.’ It was my turn to laugh. I laughed so hard I squeaked trying to take a breath. This made everyone laugh at me. It was rather embarrassing. I counted the faces I didn’t know. Forty-nine of them. I double checked again. ‘Three are not sitting at the table physically. One is with you, the other two have a different father, so I’m sure they wouldn’t have gotten the memo.’ I nod to myself, taking in this new info. Lifting my head up to look towards any that would make eye contact, “So you are all demigods or Gods then?” The question was rhetorical. I already knew they were all demigods.

“I just want to know if it’s true.” One female stood, speaking. She was elegant and tall. Her beauty was striking. All of them were striking, really. “It has been so long, it’s hard to believe. Especially when we all felt the same thing at the same urges at the same time. Outside of Zeus’s offspring, of course.”

Internally I was fuming. I still couldn’t understand what they felt or why they were here. ‘I didn’t do it, so I don’t know. It must have been that man of mine.’ I nodded slowly thinking over her words. “So your father gave you a message?”

“Correct. He told us all he had hope to be reborn and join us in the living plane, by Mothers side as her equal.” This explanation sent shivers down my spine as the expecting glances felt like a noose around my neck. “He told us the Lunar Guardian had appeared.” Her smile reminded me of the Cheshire cat at this moment. “And that she had some power house backup.” Another tongue click could be heard as I felt completely vexed. No one was supposed to know yet. We trusted him and assumed since he was Selene’s love he would keep his damn mouth shut instead of spreading the news and possibly putting a target on our back.

“Word sure does travel fast.” Lucinda took over to speak. The female looked shocked. “Oh, pick your jaw up off the floor, sister. Or did you not realize the empty chair? Don’t pressure this girl too much. We’re still teaching her and building her strength. You already know if you push a Lunar Guardian to do too much before they can control all the elements it means their demise and the possible demise of ALL souls within her.”

The lady repeated Selene’s annoyed habit. “She’s eighteen already. You’ve had at least ten years to train her up. What is taking so long?” Her impatience was overwhelming. It was obvious she was unhappy. I looked to my parents, all of them, for help. Dad explained my childhood and Belle explained Lyssandra. Alaric explained the fake diagnosis and forced medication. The demigods took in this information. A few nodded along with the descriptions and some growled in displeasure at the idea of the Lunar Guardian being mistreated. Pretty much anything that involved Lyssandra. A room full of angry demigods was horrifically oppressive. Scottie and Stacie looked ready to faint.

“Would you all retract your anger? Your auras are about to make the mortals pass out.” Arashi boomed through me and heads snapped back in my direction. Eyes fell on my siblings and they all started muttering apologies. The twins blinked rapidly, stammering words of acceptance awkwardly.

“So after all this awkwardness, can we eat? I’m starving. Also, if any of you can tell me HOW to wake the breathing corpse, I would be most grateful. I have zero clue and have a hard time believing I’m the key to anything, none the less reviving a Goddess’s lover.” The tension lifts like a fog once the sunlight consumes it. I sighed in relief and squeezed my sister’s hand trying to reassure her. She does the same thing with Scottie and we all feel a bit funny. A white glow surrounds us and the beings look in awe. ‘Great,’ I think to myself. ‘More weird happenings. Just what I needed. More to figure out.’

The twins shook their heads. “Did you just speak out loud?” Scottie asked me. I shook my head no. “Then how did I hear you? You were lamenting about having to figure out more things.”

“I heard it too.” Stacie let go of our hands, visibly shaken. I sighed. It was going to be a long few days till graduation. Even longer to understand all of the changes in our lives. At least one thing was going right. Dad was happier than ever with the woman at his side.

“Your bond seems to override your blood.” one of the men stated to us. “Mind-linking is normally a blood, pack, or Royal trait. It would make sense that Elentari could mind-link the two of you, but can you mind-link each other?” His question made the twins think and they turned their heads to him.

“We are blood, would that not make us able to mind-link one another naturally?” Scottie posed. He sounded so much smarter than he normally acted. I had to smirk. He then looked like smoke was going to come out of his ears when one of the staff came over and handed him a new napkin, taking away his old one. “So, does that make me part of a pack, or some strange Royal?” He was rather proud of himself.

“I think it’s more than that.” The first woman spoke up. “You were never raised as siblings, each of you having witch blood to one extent or another, gave you a bond. The mind-linking isn’t as big of a deal as that light was. Witches are most powerful as a trio, just as the symbol of our mother is the triple moon.” she smirked. “You’re getting answers sooner than you bargained for.”

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