Princess of Faerl

Chapter 11. New Arrangements


“Scottie and Stacie, you will need a full blood test done for us to find out your genetic composition. That way you can be prepared. Scott, I’d like for you to get one done as well. That way we can find out your full connection to the Fae world. We couldn’t do it sooner for Elentari’s safety, but I feel like there is more here than meets the eye. You weren’t chosen by random.” The gears in my head are turning and cranking quickly. We lead them up the cobblestone drive to the front of the buildings. The guards standing at attention open the gates for us. Their eyes were the only part of them that could be seen, but they were wide with surprise. The Kingdom knew my wife disappeared at some point and we almost lost our bond. The rumor of pregnancy went around but we refuted it using the living registry as proof. There was no child on record, so the rumor was put down. The castle knew, though. A room had appeared that none could enter. Her name was written in a beautiful, flowing script. The elders were convinced this meant we would have a child and we allowed them to believe their assumption.

Elentari was the perfect combination of her mother and me. There was no denying she was ours. The kids oohed and aahed as they entered the grand foyer. Large, curved staircases went up the sides to the second floor. A five-tiered chandelier hung from the twenty-foot-tall ceiling. It was made out of brilliant crystals. It used to hold candles but since we updated the castle to accommodate electricity it was now faux candles.

“This… is where you live?” Scott blinked. “I never realized it was an actual castle. I mean I know you used words like castle and kingdom when we were kids at school, but I always thought you were likening it to one, not an actual castle or actual royalty.” He studied everything in front of him curiously. My fated looked over at him as well, but her eyes were following something I couldn’t see. Elentari was doing it as well. I linked my fated and asked her what was going on.

‘All the years I had known him, Scott had not had a fated bond. Now all of a sudden, a thick blue rope-like image appeared. He has a fated…’ She responded to my question through our link.

“I thought you said he didn’t, that’s why he was a good human to pick.” I was just as confused as she was.

“Maybe Lyssandra got to him well before we thought, knowing he was my childhood friend. I didn’t think anyone knew about him.” I replied. Elentari seemed to see the same thing I did, but I don’t think she knows what it is.

“Elentari,” Belle called her name softly to get her attention. It took her a moment to realize Belle was talking to her. “What are you seeing?” I know she will want to know, and Belle wants to be the one to finally guide her. She had told me many times she felt she failed as a mother. She felt that she made the wrong choices. I know it was for her safety, but the guilt still holds us both hostage. Belle has the harder end of the deal; her nightmares having lasted for years longer than my own. Twisted nightmares for years that something horrible would happen to her and I would never see her again.

She blinked slowly and rubbed her eyes. “What are the blue lines?” Her innocence and curiosity were too cute. I give her a cheeky grin when she speaks up again. “And why are some thicker than others?”

“Those are fate bonds. The thicker the ‘rope’ or ‘chain’ the closer the person’s fated is. That’s the person, or sometimes people, Selene has bonded you to that will complete you in all ways.” Belle reached for my hand, smiling brightly, “Your father is my fated. We were bonded without knowing it at birth and fit in each other’s lives completely. But, a word of caution. We do not tell others about this unless they express they want to know.” Her eyes dim a bit, but not completely.

“Do you see them? Is it rare?” She wanted to know a lot of things. I hope we will always be able to answer her questions easily.

“No, not everyone can see them. I don’t see them. I’m sure you inherited this from your mother.” I winked at her. “Different species have different physical, mental, and magical abilities. So, depending on what souls you have within you depends on what your abilities and affinities will be.” Being able to talk so freely soothes my anxiety. Markus feels Cassandra settle down, satisfied as well. Avery refuses to talk to Belle, still mad about how things went down. I can’t say I blame her.

I lead them all up the stairs. A pixie flies up and starts chattering at me, updating me with all the news of the day and things that need our approval. Suddenly, she realizes we have guests. “Oh, dear me, forgive me Your Highnesses. I didn’t realize we had company.” The little creature nodded to them respectfully. She was about a foot tall with blue skin, hair, and eyes. Her wings looked like they would belong to a dragonfly.

“Tanz, this is our new Duke, Sir Scott MaComb, and his two children, Scott and Stacey.” Then Belle turns to our daughter, her eyes beaming, “This is Princess Elentari Amia Tirisil.” She holds a finger to her lips, “But this is a secret no one can know until we announce her to the Kingdom as a whole. You will be the only one allowed to attend to them while they are in their quarters. Until she is announced you may refer to her as Miss Silk MaComb.” Her instructions were absolute.

“Yes, my queen, of course, my queen.” The poor pixie was having such a hard time containing her excitement. “Are they staying...” Her words trail off. I immediately understood her question.

“Yes. It has all been arranged.” The castle knew more people would be here and three doors appeared yesterday, adjacent to the Princess’s room.

“Right away. Your Graces, please follow me. I’m sure you all need rest.” I watched her wings start to flutter away, the small group following her. Belle and I send an illusion around them so no one would see, hear, or smell them. A tear leaves my eye from needing to depart from her so soon. I link Tanz, “Have her stay with Stacie for now, we don’t know if opening that door will have unintended consequences or not.”

“Understood, my king.” She replies quickly. I turn and take my fated’s hand. The emotions flow between us. We know the truly difficult and dangerous part has just begun. There were soft and quick footsteps below us. Downstairs Belle’s closest friend was sniffing the air as if she were following the scent of freshly baked goods. She came up the stairs and sniffed the air around us. My brow furrowed as the realization came over my features and Belle tried to play it off as best she could.

“Where are you hiding him?” She demands, snapping at us.

“Hiding?” I ask innocently, “Who would I be hiding from you, our friend?”

“My fated. I smelled him. It disappears here.” She looks me up and down, “And is all over both of you.” Her eyes tell me she is miffed. I know she’s been waiting way too many years to find him. My eyes twinkle with happiness.

“Oh my.” Belle chooses now to speak. “Get yourself dressed up for dinner to meet him. But be kind. He is mostly human.”

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