Princess in the Rough

Chapter 5


“Crescent Moon! Ice Water! I found a human!” I cheered when I entered the den. I immediately got the attention of every wolf in the pack.

“A human? What’s a human doing in hunter’s arrow woods?” Crescent Moon growled.

“She’s lost. Says a book brought her here.”

“A girl?” Autumn Coat asked for clarification.

“How old is she?” Asked Crystal Breath.

“What did she look like?” Ice Water asked.

“Yes, a human girl. She’s fourteen and she has wavy brown hair the color of chestnuts, gray eyes the color of stone, sorta tan, but not as much as me, and she was wearing odd clothes.”

“You think all clothes are odd! You make yours out of plants!” Wind Runner laughed.

“Never mind that. I was wondering if I could take Green Paw and Night Cry with me when I go with the girl. I’ll only be gone a couple days; I just really want to get out of this forest and see the world! Meet other humans! Maybe find my parents?” I said hopefully. Ice Water walked up to me.

“Amber Fur. I love you like you were my own child. What your asking, will be dangerous and crazy. If you choose to do this I fully support you but please, be careful. Walk under the moons light.”

“Thank you Ice Water. Crescent Moon, do I have your permission?” I asked, almost begged.

“I must meet this foreign newcomer first before I allow it to take three of my pack members away. You know how to fight, run, and track like a real moon wolf now?”

“Yes. I have been practicing and I’m sure I am ready.”

“Then let me meet her, what is her name?”

“I think, I think it was something like, uh, Echo Kaya Jones? I don’t know. Her first name was Echo, that’s what I know for sure.”

“Then let’s go and meet, Echo Kaya. Silver Light, and River Fall, your in charge until I get back.”

“Yes, Crescent Moon.” They said obediently and everything went back to normal as Ice Water, Crescent Moon, Night Cry, and I left. I knew, as I walked deeper into the forest, leading three moon wolves behind me, from this day on, everything was going to change.

“She should be right around, here! There she is! Hey Echo!” I waved and ran over to her. A wave of terror washed over her face.

“So you are Echo Kaya. I have to say, I’m a little disappointed and relieved at the same time.” Crescent Moon sighed.

“Why did you bring the whole pack?” Green Paw asked jokingly.

“They came on their own will. You okay with this?”

“For sure! I’m glad to finally get out of this forest! Though, how will the people react when they see a messy human, wearing dead plants, walking with two moon wolfs and a mysterious person who says a book put them in the forest.”

“Hopefully they won’t care?”

“Echo Kaya, speak, and tell me why you want to run off with three of my pack members?” Crescent Moon barked.

“To be honest, I was going to go on my own, then Amber offered, so I said sure. I’d probably die on my own, ’cause I don’t know the territories for the the other moon wolves clans, and there’s dangerous animals, plus, I don’t know my way around.” Echo summed up, counting on her fingers. Her knees were shaking, and you could see the brave face she put on was fake, the fear in her eyes starting to show.

“Where do you plan on going?” Ice Water Asked calmly.

“Probably to that kingdom in the North, what was it called? I think it was Forest Majesty or something.”

“Forest Majesty is an unknown area to us moon wolves and we are very good trackers. You bring them back to me, alive. A week from now at most.” Crescent Moon ordered strictly. There was no room for error.

“If you bring them back late, dead, or not at all, I will personally track you down and rip your throat out.” Ice Water warned.

“You have my daughter, Ice Water’s daughter, and one of my pack members. You have been warned of what will happen if anything happens to any of them. Do you understand, Echo Kaya?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Echo squeaked.

“Good. Let us say our goodbyes and may the moon watch over your journey and protect you from harm until you return to us again.” Crescent Moon said somberly.

After a couple minutes of goodbyes and whines and promises to come back, Amber, Echo, Night Cry, and Green Paw set out on their journey.

“I’m sure you’re just bursting with questions, so am I! So ask away and I will answer.” I said playfully, hoping she was as curious as me. We followed Green Paw and Night Cry as they lead us between the territory’s and though the forest.

“How long have you been living with wolves?” She asked first.

“As long as I can remember. Almost. I have this foggy memory that’s on the verge of disappearing but, the earliest thing I remember is fire, smoke, ash, a burning house, screams. Just random things; the most defined part of that memory is three blurry faces, saying something to me. The rest of my life I’ve been with the moon wolves.” I explained, my voice full of sorrow.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was a touchy subject.” She apologized, staring at her feet with the storybook tucked under her arm.

“Oh, it’s okay. I’m glad I could finally talk to somebody about it. I couldn’t imagine my life without the moon wolves.”

“So, what kind of animals do you have in this forest?” She asked, changing the subject. At that question, Amber threw up her head and laughed.

“You couldn’t have picked a worse forest to appear in except, maybe Thistle Wood. That place is pure evil and I’ve only heard rumors. Anyway, about the animals. There are a few varieties. The smallest being moose, aside from that, there’s moon wolves, Ents, corrupt unicorns, some dragons, what am I missing? Uh, hippogriffs, chimera, and sphinx. I think that’s all!”

“Corrupt unicorns? That’s a thing?” She asked in disbelief.

“Heck yeah they’re real! They’re one of the biggest threats and evolving species! They have black scales, not fur, their gnarled, twisted horns are midnight blue, their eyes are glowing red, and they don’t even have hooves! They have black smoke or something made from pure evil energy making them untrackable unless you follow the wake of destruction they leave in their path.” I said grimly. I hope I didn’t scare her. As if it’s name summoned it, they stumbled upon a clear meadow that would’ve been beautiful if every blade of grass was ether disintegrated or a sickly black. There, grazing on the horrid grass was a corrupted unicorn.

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