Princess in the Rough

Chapter 2


“Push your limits!” Night Cry barked at me as she loped by my side.

“Expand your capabilities!” Green paw bayed as he too ran alongside me.

“That’s what I just said!” Night Cry growled.

“I said it better.” Green Paw growled back.

“Guys! Aren’t we out here to help me practice to become faster? I need to be able to keep up with the pack when we go hunting!” I weakly shouted at the two, not able to shout properly because I was panting from running about, 6 miles non stop. They were acting like complete pups! I got up, dusted off my hands, and walked up to them.

“Amber Fur’s right Green Paw. We need to stop fighting and help her.”

“What! I’m the one fighting? Wha-”

“Yes, you are.” Night Cry said with a wolfish grin and walked up to me.

“You ready now?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “And you know I like it better when you call me just Amber. I’m fine with you guys calling each other by your full names but I like just plain Amber better.” I sighed.

“Sorry.” Night Cry whined. She was a black wolf with white markings under her eyes so it looked like she was crying white tears.

“You kidding? I was born ready! Night Cry on the other hand, well…” Green paw snickered. He was a muddy brown color with a circle of white around his left eye.

“I swear! One more yip from you and I will rip your throat out!” Night Cry howled and bared her teeth.

“Please. Can we just get back to work?” I groaned.

“Fine. That’s fine with me. As long as I don’t hear a yip from Green Paw.” Night Cry huffed. Green Paw glared at her but didn’t say a word. He knew better than to fight with the alpha’s daughter.

“Thank you! Now, how do I run faster when I’ve already pushed the human speed limits? I’m only 15!”

“I thought you were a hundred and five?”

“Well, I am, but I just like human years better. It makes me sound younger.”

“That’s true.”

Green paw whimpered and Night Cry growled at him.

“Let the wolf speak Night Cry. He’s the most talkative wolf in the pack! I’m amazed he’s made it this long!”

“Okay, but for the record, I told him to shut up.”

“Finally! Thank you! I was thinking, what if, I know it’s a little weird, but what if you ran on two legs? You walk on two legs, why not run on two legs?”

I chuckled awkwardly, then facepalmed. “How have I never thought of that? I’m so stupid!” I mumbled.

“Don’t feel bad, you were raised around wolfs!” Green Paw whined.

“I don’t want to make you feel worse, but we’re wolfs, your a human, I don’t think it’s possible for you to run as fast as us.” Night Cry said sympathetically.

“You don’t have to remind me.” I mumbled sadly. Right then my stomach thought it was a good idea to mimic the sound of a lion. “Oh, uh, is it time to eat?” I blushed.

“Probably. Let’s head back.” Green Paw chuckled and together we sprinted back to the den. As we sprinted I realized that I was going the same pace as Green Paw and Night Cry!

It felt a little weird running on two legs but at the same time, it felt like a missing puzzle piece had just clicked into place and unlocked new potential.

I cheered as I leaped over a log and dove between some trees. I don’t know how normal humans can stand not being wild! We’re just as much animals as wolfs or any other animal, except most humans can talk.

When we reached the den I was welcomed by the rest of the ten pack members of the Moon Claw clan. The leader, Crescent Moon, was sitting behind two full grown moose. That once again proved never to doubt the Moon Claw clan. We were the most powerful clan within Hunter’s Arrow Woods.

“Was it successful?” She asked me plainly. She was midnight black, her paws were white, and she had a very unique marking on the middle of her forehead that looked like a crescent moon.

Crescent Moon’s mate died shortly after a battle for territory. He won but was fatally injured. Crescent Moon didn’t eat for a week after he died but the rest of the pack members forced her to eat before she perished as well. She was a great leader and nobody wanted her to go.

“Yes. With the help of your daughter and Green Paw, I think I’ll at least be able to stay within your sight.” I chuckled.

“Good. Wolves of the Moon Claw clan, we have had a successful hunt yet again. May the moon watch over us until and beyond our next hunt.” And with that, she took a deep bite into the moose. As soon she swallowed her first bite, the rest of the pack dug in.

I could name every one of them, I was raised with them since, well, since I could remember!

“Save me some!” I growled playfully and pushed on Ice Water. She was like a mother to me; since I can remember being with the wolfs, she’s been caring for me. She chuckled and moved over so I could get my share of meat.

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