Princess in the Rough

Chapter 19


Two hours later

“Hey, Zavana?” I asked the sorcerer who was bent over a mixing bowl.

“Yes, dear?”

“Don’t you think Amber would be back by now? It’s been two hours.” In those two hours Zavana and I had studied our storybooks and have come to the conclusion they were magically linked somehow, plus, everytime we need it, a new story would appear to guide us. Zavana’s storybook must have had a previous owner, that’s why most of the pages are filled. Now we were making a potion that would separate the werewolf and the father wolf from the Night Walker clan.

“You’re right. I’ll call some guards immediately, meanwhile, you should change as well.” Out of the two hours we’ve been here, I still hadn’t gotten to change out of my clothes.

Zavana took out another dress from her dresser and gave it to me. It was identical to Amber’s, but with slightly different colors, which only made me miss her more. With a wave, she left to gather more guards, saying the matter was too serious to be using the bell.

I placed the dress on, admiring the colors. The top dress was winter blue, while the bottom was light gray and the bands were silver instead of gold.

“It’s a little big.” I muttered to myself, pulling up the neckline a bit.

“I can fix that.” Zavana had come in without me noticing. I jumped a little and turned to face her. “Sorry, dear. Didn’t mean to scare you. Here you go.”

Zavana muttered under her breath and touched the dress I was wearing, making it magically shrink into my size.

“Thank you. Where are the guards?” I asked, noticing she was alone.

“Waiting outside. Here’re some sandals.” She handed me simple leather sandals that were painted silver and had little cloud shapes carved into the thick parts of the leather. I slipped them on quickly and followed Zavana out the door.

“Zavana!” The same man who had been holding the sorceress’ hand in the carriage during the parade was outside the door with a bunch of men in armor behind him.

“Prince Chance.” Zavana curtsied and I followed her example, but mine was a little wobbly. There was a prince right in front of me. I think I might have freaked out a little.

“Why have you called the guards? Has something happened?” The prince placed his hand on his sword protectively and slid the other one in hers.

“Someone has gone missing. I’m sure she is of great importance; I can feel it. She went on a walk two hours ago and has not returned.” Zavana said worriedly. The prince raised his hand, the one holding Zavana’s and kissed it gently.

“Everything will be alright.” He cooed. “My guards and I will handle it. What does this maiden look like and what is her name?”

“Amber. She has amber colored hair, blue eyes and she has freckles. ” I said, speaking up for the first time.

“Last name?” The prince asked and averted his gaze to me. The pressure was on; don’t stutter, don’t stutter!

“I-I don’t know. She never told me, but I never asked. I don’t think she has one.” Ugh! Stupid stutter!

“That’s alright. Do you know where she was going?” He asked again.

“To the South Gate. We had left some friends there and she had said she was going to visit them.” I was really worried now. What if something happened to her, Green Paw and Night Cry! The wolves are going to murder me, rip out my throat and murder me.

“Very well. Come men, to the South Gate!” The prince shouted at the guards. Then, quietly to Zavana and I, “Don’t worry, we will find her. Just stay here.”

He quickly left with his men, leaving me and Zavana alone.

“Are we really going to let them do all the work?” I asked.

“Of course not. Come along.” She started walking briskly in the opposite direction of the men. I gave one last glance at my storybook on the coffee table and swiftly followed.

“Shouldn’t we head in the same way as the men?” I asked.

“We will later. We need to get you a weapon, in case something really did happen to Amber, we wouldn’t want you to get hurt. We’re going to a blacksmith’s shop.” She answered. At the moment, I noticed she didn’t have a weapon on her either.

“Why don’t you have a weapon?”

“I’ve got magic dear, that’s the greatest weapon you can have.”

“Oh.” I wish I had magic, then I probably wouldn’t have gotten stuck in this world.

After leaving the castle, we walked for another five minutes down a street filled with an assortment of shops. Where there were no shops, there was homes, and in front of those homes were stalls filled with things from far away. One stall had multiple birds of paradise, and another even had a monkey!

The shops closer to the palace seemed to have more expensive objects in them. As I was walking by, a ring in a jewelry store caught my eye. It was a black iron ring with a silver moon in the center with small dots of a silver colored gem, one I didn’t recognize.

“Those gems there is moonreye, very beautiful, just like you, young lady. Would you be interested in purchasing the ring?” The jeweler asked me, standing at his open door, waiting for customers.

“No, thank you.” I hurried after Zavana, who was well ahead of me. Along the way, I stared at the shops in amazement. Some of the shops held beautiful dresses in a wide assortment of colors, others held practical, impractical, and down right crazy shoes in their displays.

Finally, we arrived at the blackshop. Outside there was an anvil and a large stone oven. Hanging on the walls were multiple swords, maces, axes, bows, and many other weapons I could not name.

“Duter?” Zavana called into the empty shop. An extremely short man came out of hiding behind a tall chest most likely filled with more weapons.

“Zavana! It’s good to see you again! Who’ve you got with you this time?” The short man marched up to the sorceress. His voice was thickly accented, like someone’s from Scotland mixed with Ireland.

The man was short, but very wide, like he spent his freetime eating. His arms were big and thickly muscled, probably a good thing to have when you’re a blacksmith.

“Hello, Duter. This is Echo, Echo this is Duter Hillheart, he’s a good friend of mine.”

“Hello, lass. What can I do for you?” The short man asked. He looked like a dwarf, with a big red beard, and a bald head topped with an iron helmet.

“I was thinking a dagger for her.” Zavana nodded and observed the wall of weapons.

“Good idea, Zee.” Duter turned around and began rummaging through the chest I had assumed was filled with weapons, which I was right. “Here we go!” Duter pulled out a dagger in its sheath which was attached to a leather belt.

It was beautiful! Menacing and majestic, the perfect combo. Duter unsheathed it, revealing the steel double bladed masterpiece underneath. The grip was made of leather and looked as though it had never been used. The leather belt it came with had clips all over it, probably so I could clip more weapons onto the belt.

“Do you like it Echo?”

“Very much!”

“Then it’s yours.”

He handed me the dagger. It felt light in my hands, like I was meant to use it. “Let’s go find Amber.” I said, feeling courage like I could take on the world, and win.

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