Prince Of Lust (Princes Of Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins series Book 1)

Prince Of Lust: Chapter 17

She was gone.

Ezequiel had woken up before me and searched every room for any sight of Dabria, but we both knew she was no longer on this plane. We could feel that she was no longer tangible.

We knew the time would come. One way or another, we were always going to be separated from her. There was no changing who and what we were. She had her place in the universe and so did Ezequiel and I. I just hadn’t expected that she would leave me in utter despair. Not only did I lose her, but I would never get to thank her for sifting through the ashes and bringing me back to the demon I had been before I’d allowed someone to burn me.

“Don’t worry about work tonight,” I said, grabbing my keys to head downstairs.

“You’re seriously going to open the club?” Fire blazed in Ezequiel’s watery eyes.

“There’s nothing we can do. You knew this was the desired result when she was placed on our shoulders.”

I knew he was hurt, but I was hardly holding myself together around the giant hole in my chest. Staying locked away and allowing dread and sorrow to take hold of me wasn’t going to fill me with anything but more regret.

“We have to find her. Bring her home,” he said, his voice strained.

His pain was suffocating. As much as I loved Ezequiel, I always knew he had a breaking point, and I feared that he’d finally found it. I opened my mouth to speak, hoping some kind of comfort would form on my tongue, when someone knocked on the door.

“Sitri,” called a familiar voice. Then a familiar face appeared when I opened it.

“Ipos,” I greeted. “This isn’t the best time. I’ve had my fill of family reunions for the millennium and have my own worries to attend to. So whatever it is you’ve come to ask for, I am not in the position to grant it.”

“I came to speak with Ezequiel,” Ipos said, glancing at the weeping angel at the kitchen island.

“He isn’t available either,” I said, placing myself in his line of sight to shield them both.

“I saw that when I met your Reaper downstairs,” Ipos said, likely speaking of a vision he had.

“What are you saying? You know where she is?” Ezequiel said, getting to his feet.

“The price of being all-knowing is that I was an intruder in the fate of her third charge. She needed help, and I saw the outcome if the likes of you two had gone with her.” Ipos shot an accusatory look at us both as if what he saw was not the reality he thought he’d prevented. “I did what needed to be done. What you wouldn’t have allowed to happen.”

Ezequiel took in what the Prince of Pride was saying. He knew that Ipos was too often the word of wisdom and took the brunt of fate’s fickle forces on his broad shoulders. I had to assume that since Ipos was also a prince, he was able to assist Dabria without Lucifer being alerted. The job was done by her hands alone, and something like envy or elation bubbled through my dejection.

“Now. I’ve saved your asses, and in return, I need information about a small copper ring that has gone missing from around Lucifer’s neck.”

He narrowed his eyes at me.

“I don’t know where it ended up,” I answered truthfully. I’d been the hand, but the true thief hadn’t shared where they planned to take it.

“Fine. What was its purpose?” Ipos directed this question to Ezequiel.

“I’m assuming you’re asking me because you’re assuming it’s angelic?” he retorted.

“Something like that.” Ipos shrugged.

“Depending on which of our siblings it belonged to, it could be used to heal wounds, cure illnesses, or even revive those in a deep sleep. Or it could simply be tacky jewelry.”

Ipos was quiet a moment, then he nodded. “Thank you. I’ll assume our debts are equal.”

I gave an agreeable dip of my chin. “Yes, but I also know another debt needs to be settled. Gaap is in room 406.”

“Is that so?” Ipos’ deep growl of an answer sent a shiver down my spine. I would hate to have been Gaap at that moment.

“It is. And he’s vulnerable. There’s a Hunter on his trail.”

After another moment of silence, Ipos seemed to come to a conclusion about his next course of action.

“Good luck, Sitri. I hope you all find what you’re looking for,” he said before turning down the hall to the elevator.

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