Prince Of Lust (Princes Of Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins series Book 1)

Prince Of Lust: Chapter 10

Sitri and I watched helplessly as Bria’s face fell and her charge was whisked away to safety.

I wrapped my arms around Bria’s shoulders and led her toward the front of the house. “Let’s get back to the penthouse and wait for the next vision to come. It won’t be long.”

My anger for Sitri’s thoughtlessness bubbled up in my gut as we left the garden.

The party hadn’t missed a beat, and why would it? After all, no tragedy had befallen one of the guests to pull them from their drinking and carousing.

We had to find a more secluded place to disappear into the night, but there were humans lingering around the many vehicles that lined the hillside road. We were almost in the clear when the sounds of screaming and chaos caught our attention.

A group of people came filing out to line up along the path, each one pointing out into the darkness of the night and holding out their cellphones to record what had caused the commotion.

Sitri turned around and walked back up the hill to get a better look. Bria pulled out from under my arm and ran after him with me close behind. When I reached them, I saw what had everyone gasping. Out on the glassy black ocean, lit by the moon and what seemed to be several searchlights, were what seemed to be several coast guard boats surrounding a large passenger vessel sinking into the inky fathoms.

“I can’t believe it!” a sloshed voice came over the hum of onlookers. “I never get to see crazy shit like this.”

Bria yanked on my hand, her eyes bulging. It didn’t take long for me to realize why.

The charge that had gotten away was standing right in front of us.

My spine stiffened. Bria couldn’t be responsible for her charge’s death, but maybe I could be. There wasn’t anything in the rules about another angel causing the demise of a human being as a form of interference. His fate had already been knocked off course; a slight alteration in the location of the fall couldn’t be that awful.

I took a deep breath and adjusted my weight. One swift push and we could go home successful. But Bria stopped me.

“What are you doing!” she scolded in a harsh whisper. “We can’t!”


A scream rang through the night, followed by renewed gasps and sounds of horror from all around us. Sitri stepped closer and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the crowd and back toward the street.

I searched for Bria but didn’t see her. Bodies flooded the space where we had just been standing.

Sitri faced me, his cell phone illuminating his face. He read an incoming message then held it up for me to read.


“You won’t get away with that again. Consider this your first and last warning.”

My mouth fell open.

He smirked and pocketed his phone. “She should be back in a second, then we’ll use this distraction to leave without being noticed.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Don’t act as if you weren’t about to do it yourself before Dabria stopped you. Her pussy must be magical if she already has you wrapped around her finger.”

His words hit exactly where he intended.

She had stopped me. There was a chance we would have met our punishments if her charge had lived to see another sunrise, but at her request, I’d folded instantly. But it wasn’t what was between her legs that had me bending to her will. Not that I could form the words that described why her being called to mine.

There was no more time to evaluate my madness. She reappeared from between the folds of time and space at our sides. Her smile was bright and thankful.

“That was incredible.” She grinned from ear to ear, beaming to the point that I could have sworn she was actually glowing from the inside out.

The weight of her first charge had been lifted.

“Time to go, little Reaper,” Sitri said, giving me a nod to take her with me through the void back to the penthouse.

Bria lunged into my arms, peppering my cheek with kisses and squealing with happiness.

She truly was made for her job. As mad as it sounded and felt, I was jealous that Sitri had been able to give her this much joy. It could have been me if she hadn’t stopped me.

I looked around one more time before departing.

Red and blue lights now lit the road and sea. With Bria still wiggling in my arms, I stepped into the void.

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