Prince of Blood and Shadow

I. Chapter 10

The sound of whimpers and a cold nose against his cheek woke him. Inias turning his face away from Styx, who had been nuzzling and licking him. Sunlight streamed in through the window, it couldn’t have been later than nine. To avoid capture, they had to move swiftly with half the kingdom in pursuit. The journey to the firefly bridge would take them at least a day, as the usual roads were not an option. Before long, someone would arrive at the inn to ask about them.

When he pulled the blanket free, he could already feel the cold caressing his skin. “Hey, little blue, get up,” Inias groaned, turning to give Keira’s shoulder a hard shake. She tumbled off the bed growling, “Oops…sorry, too hard?” He teased, swinging his legs around to slip his boots on. “We have-augh!” Something collided with his head, causing him to tumble onto the floor. A black boot lay beside him, with a dagger still tucked into it. “Sorry, was that too hard?” Keira growled as she pulled herself up onto the bed to grab her boot back and slip it on. “Next time I’ll leave the boot.”

Styx yipped, ran to the door, and then they heard it. “They checked in late last night,” a woman said outside their door. “We’re screwed...” Inias muttered when the door opened. Keira was ahead of him now, hurling three darts towards the door. They found their targets in the woman and the armored men next to her, while she grabbed their cloaks from across the room. “Out the window!” She told him as they pulled their cloaks on.

They rushed to the window, Inias scooping Styx up as Keira pushed it open. She had two daggers drawn as she leapt out. The duo had comprised royal guards. They likely had the inn surrounded. With Styx in his arms, he leapt down, landing softly on the snow where he let the fox go. “No one’s here,” Kiera said, confused, scanning the empty forest. They were royal guards, obviously pursuing the two of them. Why hadn’t they brought a larger troop to surround them?

Inias focused his gaze and inhaled, trying to detect any scents in the surrounding air. As the wind blew, the scent of chestnuts permeated the air. Inias swiftly moved forward to catch a single arrow aimed at Styx. “Only one.” From behind a tree, a colossal figure emerged. Sylvis. He caught those emerald eyes full of rage, glaring at them. “You came alone?!” Inias exclaimed in shock as he reached for his sword, pulling it free. The black steel blade had a sparkling diamond edge magically embedded into it.

“Leave your boytoys at home,” Sylvis answered, pulling another arrow to his bowstring. “That was your order, my prince.” He growled as he stepped closer. A blur of purple flashed across his vision as Keira leapt out in front of him, cutting the arrow in half before it reached Inias. “Come to finish me off?” Keira asked, lifting her daggers to guard her chest and face. “He’s here for me. Go ahead,” Inias said to her as he stepped forward. “Take Styx with you.”

Sylvis interrupted before Keira could object. “I’m here for both of you!” He dropped his bow and pulled a large spear from behind another tree, “King’s orders.” Something shimmered over the forest, as if something had faded. A barrier spell anchored by his spear. It always required two men to deliver it to him, and then he would swing it in front of them to display his strength. The pole had a daring emerald, green color, while the blade was a stunning red, rumored to be dipped in dragon’s blood during its creation.

“I know Vayne had a crush, but kidnapping her was a little extreme,” Inias threw Sylvis a smirk, who now looked more confused than angry. “A little?!” Keira snapped her head to Inias, who only went on, “He should’ve talked to her, told her how he felt and when she shot him down, cried and moved on. You know, like a little bitch.” Sylvis swore and hurled the spear straight for Inias, who ducked and rolled beneath it as Styx rushed him. The perfect mix of confusion and anger compelled Sylvis to strike.

Before the trio could rush him, a flash of red caught his attention. When he saw Sylvis wielding his spear and lashing out at them, it shocked him. His flesh crackled as if struck by lightning before the hard trunk of a tree slammed into the back of his body. Styx rolled to his feet, whimpering as Inias pulled himself up. Keira had rolled beneath the lightning strike and held the spear back with both of her daggers.

Inias sprinted towards the two, scooping up his sword as Sylvis broke through Keira’s blades, forcing her to leap back. He turned and slammed his spear against Inias’ sword, forcing him aside. Styx hurried towards him next, snapping at his leg. Sylvis fumbled as he stepped back, swinging at the fox, who ducked away from it. The trio struck from every side. When Sylvis knocked one away, the others strike at him.

If Sylvis had found them, no doubt more would come. He may have been cocky enough to fight them outnumbered, but Ivaran wasn’t so reckless. No doubt the king had sent several parties to track them. They had to put Sylvis down fast and get to the bridge before dark. Inias wasn’t striking to kill, unlike the other two. He’d remembered what Vayne had said in the closet before he’d thrown the door open. “Sylvis has no idea.” The anger from the yard was gone after all that had happened yesterday, and he couldn’t justify cutting him down like this.

With that spear, getting close enough to strike him was difficult. It was his family’s pride and joy, Devilsbane they called it. Inias had never seen it wielded, but there was no shortage of stories about its destructive power in the centuries since its forging. Sylvis swung it around with such ease that Inias couldn’t help but be impressed. He had not once witnessed his rival fight so fiercely, but still every fumble cost him and eventually Keira could get a strike into his thigh with one of her daggers. Inias blocked the weapon before he could swing it again.

Before Styx could rise and aid them, Sylvis let out a mighty cry, sending another massive wave of lighting from his weapon. The three flew across the forest while Sylvis clutched his leg and stood up. “You’re all going to die,” He ground out through heavy breaths, as the trio struggled to stand. That blast had rippled through Inias, and it only shot through him again as he moved. “Vayne kidnapped Keira,” Inias attempted to reason while Sylvis struggled towards him.

“You’re full of shit, Nightfang,” Sylvis snarled, raising his spear before something caused him to pause. He swung it to the side, blocking a blast of purple energy coming for him. “You’re on the list too, old man!” Sylvis grinned at whoever had fired at him. Inias thrust his sword out, forcing Sylvis to leap back. A purple bolt struck the boy on his shoulder and stomach. He cried out and stumbled. Inias, Keira, and Styx had regained their strength and Sylvis growled. In a bolt of red lightning, he was gone.

“Thanks for the hel- Hey!” Inias leapt back as a man jumped down from the tree to stop him. Seven others emerged as well in swirls of lavender smoke. The eight figures surrounded the trio clad in black cloaks with a stag’s head sewn into their hoods. Another approached in a similar cloak with the hood removed. His silver eyes looked from Keira to Styx, then to Inias with a glare. There were many markings of lavender paint all over his robe, glowing with power as he approached. His hair held the same mixture of violet and blue as Keira’s, falling like silk over his large shoulders. “Hey dad,” Keira threw her father a nervous smile as he approached.

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