Prime Slime

Chapter 20: P.S., I Love You

By defeating Prime Slime, Evan and Burrstone were exonerated from legal responsibility. Dr. Lucian was elevated to national hero, and came to symbolize scientific integrity throughout the world. He appeared on talk shows and front pages of magazines and newspapers. His lectures and writings were translated into every major language. He was Burrstone’s shining star.

Evan’s charge was to convey the broader meaning and purpose of slime. “Slime is not the disease, but the result of disease. The real disease is the thoughtless exploitation that has eroded civility. It is the lack of integrity that attracts slime.”

The broken world needed a leader. In a global shift, people began to take back their health and demand accountability. Farmers shelved pesticides, and sought organic certification. Organic food started populating grocery shelves. Shoppers looked for the organic label and bought local whenever possible. Community-sponsored agriculture (CSA) was growing nationwide. People were buying directly from farmers, who were connected to, and accountable for, the food they sold. Evan was the voice behind these changes, along with others who shaped his thinking.

Food shortages and high prices lingered for a bit. But organic food gradually became the choice for most Americans, and prices dropped accordingly. It would take years for the land to detoxify, but growers were subsidized to promote organic growth. Organic companies in the West were way ahead of the curve. Quality produce also trickled in from overseas, especially from Europe and Japan, which had adopted sustainable practices years earlier. Organic imports from South America also increased steadily.

With George’s guidance, Evan championed the organic approach. Soil bacteria and earthworms became part of the common dialogue. With Nan’s help, Evan drew parallels between healthy, live soil and good food. He stressed the role of essential minerals for soil and human health. He even advocated vitamin and mineral supplements, and challenged physicians to place health first.

Meanwhile a storm was brewing in Washington. Congress was investigating why Plan B was not initiated earlier. Had they used MIFF to start, billions of dollars would have been saved, and much suffering avoided. Dr. Lucian was summoned to Washington to testify at Senate hearings. He was witness to the wheeling and dealing that thwarted his efforts to employ MIFF early on. He was also to confer with US policy makers on the future of agriculture, which was to be televised worldwide.

Before leaving New York, Evan was called to Ms. Hardash’s office to discuss the DC trip and other recent events. Were it not for his heroic efforts, Dr. Lucian might have lost his job and faced prison time. Burrstone had little choice but to praise their scientist publicly. Privately, however, Hospital Administration was disturb over the turn of events. They were particularly upset that their MIFF technology was used without compensation, and feared that their secret recipe might have been disclosed.

All the usual suspects had gathered in Ms. Hardash’s office, including the big chief, Dr. Honcho, and Evan’s immediate supervisor, Dr. Wally.

“Let me get this straight”, Minnie Hardash said, as Evan entered. “First you nearly destroy the country, then you violate our commercial interests, and draw negative attention to our hospital.” She turned to the physicians: “What kind of super hero is this?”

Evan was hardly offended. He’d seen it all before. Frankly, he felt sorry for Minnie. She had become a nuisance.

“For one, Hardash, we are heroes, not villains. For two, we are in a position to make beaucoup money on MIFF. I have meetings in Washington with companies to commercialize MIFF for multiple applications, mostly for the wrong reasons I may add. But I refuse to let MIFF be just another toxic pesticide.”

“It’s not your place to decide anything, Lucian!” Hardash shouted, as she warmed to the sound of money. “You will remove yourself completely from the decision making!”

“We can not give in to the worst elements!” Evan stated, as he turned to the doctors. “I say we control the use of MIFF, and not cater to the conglomerates. They will not use it wisely.”

“You’re the one who can’t be trusted!” Hardash shrieked. “We will explore all avenues! Give us those contacts immediately!”

The medical chiefs had already been apprized of both sides of the argument and the possibilities for commercial development. They had also been paying close attention to the news and national debate. Despite his shortcomings, Dr. Lucian had captured the admiration of the medical staff at Burrstone. They had come to see him as a man of honor and conviction. Behind the facade, they secretly rooted for their crazy scientist. In his time at Burrstone, Evan had evolved from an outsider to the biggest man on campus.

Dr. Wally witnessed the transformation more closely than anyone. For years, Wally did his best to keep a lid on his reckless scientist, and uphold the status quo. Protecting his scientist, and giving him room to play, enabled the discovery of MIFF.

During the same period, Dr. Wally also witnessed the fall of medicine and Big Pharma from its once lofty perch. Once considered the most trusted of professions, medicine had become a slave to industry, and people were beginning to see them for what they were. With the tides turning, Wally seized the opportunity to follow his heart.

“In my estimation, Dr. Lucian’s MIFF saved the world from ruin, and his successes have vastly improved our business interests. For that, he should be applauded.”

In a swell of passion, Wally continued: “Regarding commercialization, we should consider the ethical consequences seriously. Do we really want to tarnish medicine’s reputation any further? Did we not swear to do no harm?

“Let’s place the future of MIFF in the hands of its champion. Dr. Lucian will do right by us, both financially and ethically.”

Evan smiled affectionately at his old friend and mentor. The final decision was Honcho’s, but Dr. Wally’s opinion meant a lot.

Once Wally’s words set in fully, Evan turned to the man who ran the show at Burrstone. He did not often speak directly to the big chief, normally abiding by the chain of command, and gaining influence through Dr. Wally. But, at this defining moment, he looked directly into Honcho’s eyes, and spoke confidently.

“Chief, I have been in the business of medicine for twenty-five years, mostly under your directorship. I’ve witnessed the influence of drug companies and pill pushers. I’ve controlled my resentment toward privileged physicians. I’ve watched sadly as medicine lost its perspective for the sake of profit. Granted, not all physicians are corrupt, or blind to the truth. Most are increasingly aware of the toxicity in our food, drugs, and environment.

“Many young physicians are now recommending organic food and vitamins, and talking to their patients about health and prevention. It’s wonderful to see them taking charge.” He paused to gather his thoughts.

“Chief, it’s not wealth or privilege that I resent. It’s lack of responsibility. I am angry at the failure of our leaders to do what’s right. That’s what’s so damned frustrating about physicians! They, more than anyone, have the power to lead us back to health!”

“You’re a jealous wannabe, Lucian, not a real doctor!” Hardash blurted. “You just want power. What companies and physicians do is no concern of yours. If they want to smother disease with MIFF, we would be fools to interfere. Royalties from those sales could elevate this institution far above our competitors.” There was no mistaking which god she worshipped.

“There is a connection between food and medicine that many physicians ignore,” Dr. Wally countered. “We are exposed daily to hundreds of toxic chemicals. Cancer is now the third leading cause of death among children. That’s just plain wrong!”

“There is no evidence MIFF is toxic,” Hardash said defiantly. “In fact, our so-called expert claims they’re perfectly safe.”

“Yes, if used wisely, they will cause no harm,” Evan exhorted. “But since when has big business ever done that? The big money is in overkill. Big agribusiness and the pharmaceutical industry know this. Ours will be no different. MIFF will be misused and abused!”

“So, someone’s loss is our gain. Such is life,” Hardash responded unabashedly. “Burrstone depends heavily on pharmaceutical funding to run our clinical program. It is mandatory we take full advantage of our fortune. Our competitors would do exactly the same.”

“Sadly, we have learned this lesson already with antibiotics,” Wally responded. “We feed them liberally to livestock to promote growth. We dole them out to patients with impunity. As a result, resistance has emerged, and most of our drugs are now ineffective. If used prudently, we might have extended their usefulness. For the same reasons, we need to find intelligent ways to use MIFF.”

“That is not how business works,” Hardash argued.

Until then, Dr. Honcho had kept quiet, as he weighed the arguments. His decision would be perhaps his most important in 40 years of practice. The Board of Trustees would likely abide by his verdict. With one word he could change the course of history.

Honcho turned to Evan and spoke softly. “Has Prime Slime been destroyed yet?”

“Yes sir, it is history.”

“There is an opportunity here to do right, and be seen as a healing institution,” Honcho concluded. “We can direct the development of MIFF without selling out.” The Chief smiled warmly at Evan. “You need to get to Washington and let them know our intentions.”

“Thank you, sir. I will do Burrstone proud.” Evan stood tall as Hardash became the incredible shrinking woman. Dr. Wally patted Evan on the back, as he got up to go.

“Kick some serious butt, my man!”

“Thanks for going to bat for me one more time, sir.”

“You’re the big home run hitter now, Dr. Evan Lucian.”

Evan already had one foot out the door. He was anxious to get moving, and his finest hour had yet to come.

And so, Evan’s story had come full circle. The disquieting summer had presented an awesome challenge. But, by transforming himself and his invention, he stood up to the task. Now he was poised to embrace a new vocation. As the most visible of scientists, Evan yielded bench work to the young and eager, and heeded a higher calling.

It was a lofty task indeed, to help steer the world back to health, but Evan was not alone. Experts from all areas of allied health were renouncing the drug culture: physicians, naturopaths, nutritionists, nurses, pharmacists, chiropractors, physical trainers, dietitians, scientists and health educators alike. Professionals also called for tighter regulations on industry, better manufacturing practices, and more eco-friendly products. Socially responsible physicians were showing up to lead the preventive approach. Meanwhile, organic farmers would guide the transformation of the land. There was a mandate for change.

Leaders and shakers in academia, government and industry had gathered at the capitol building in Washington for this momentous occasion. The President, his cabinet members, the general chiefs of staff, members of Congress, and other dignitaries were present. Biotechnology giants representing agriculture and medicine were also present. Greenpeace and other grassroots environmental groups came as well. Evan was to present to the world before the highest authorities.

The crowd stood as the President and leaders of Congress were introduced. Evan sat between Nan and George in the front row of the newsroom. Terri sat next to George, with Dexter next to her. It was a black tie affair, in a room full of brass and uniforms. With little fanfare, the Speaker of the House called Dr. Lucian to the microphone. Evan received a standing ovation, as he let go of lingering doubts. When the noise abated, he spoke:

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege to be here this evening, representing the Earth and the good people who mind it. I stand for the citizens of this great nation, who are in need of leadership. This is a dark hour in our history, with farms teetering on the brink, and healthcare that keeps people sick. Our children’s children will suffer for our greed and ignorance. Frankly, the health of this nation is poor.” Evan paused for effect, and to clean his glasses.

“But, we are not defeated. There is much we can do to reverse our fortunes, and reclaim our health. First and foremost, we come from soil, and must learn to respect the connection between soil and health. Humans are at their best on fertile, living soil.”

The room filled with applause. Evan savored the moment, took a deep breath, and went right back to work:

“Prime Slime made it obvious: Humans are produced from soil. We are soil’s most complex and highest manifestation. Organic food is our connection back to that living soil, and aligns us with a healthier planet.” George couldn’t have said it better.

When the crowd allowed, Evan continued. “Science has solved many of our problems, but it has created others. People are more afraid of science and GMOs than ever, and their fears are warranted, in part. For the sake of profit, we’ve sold our souls. We buy stock in corporations that undermine our health. Government has been sold to the highest bidder. Monopolies drive small farmers from their soil, and make us targets for disease and terrorism. This nation can’t be trusted anymore.” Several officials squirmed in their chairs. He was hardly preaching to the choir.

Evan challenged healthcare professionals as well. “Unfortunately, physicians have not taken the lead in matters of health. Do you know what difference they could make?”

A tear rolled down Nan’s cheek as she joined in the applause. Evan looked at her lovingly and continued:

“We need men and women in medicine to stand up for what’s right.” It was no secret physicians had lost their bearings.

Evan acknowledged the integrative physicians in attendance. “Doctors need to start looking at the whole picture.”


“We need to make nutrition a part of medical school training!”


“Heed the wisdom of naturopaths and nutritionists, who have already embraced these ideas. Let’s get the physicians together with these folks and integrate medicine!”

-Standing ovation-

There was a good feeling in the room. George and Nan were optimistic for the first time in a while. And, who better to represent than Evan, with a command to unite the world going forward.

“Microbes should not be taken for granted,” Evan instructed. “They’re everywhere, and a part of us. They’re a part of plants, too. They make life possible.”

From one angle, Prime Slime was a blessing. It made the improbable happen. It destroyed a crop that was not worth eating, and an industry not worth saving. It opened the world to health and prevention. It taught us the value of soil and our connection to it.

Needless to say, big business did not give up so easily. They wanted the rights to MIFF. Once they got it, they would either abuse it, or shelve it to make room for more profitable drugs. But Evan intended to do what was right, though it limited his prospects for material success.

“Knowledge is a double-edged sword: It can be used beneficially or maliciously. I promise that MIFF will be used wisely. Together, undivided, we won’t go back to business as usual. We won’t allow money and politics to rule the day.” The applause brought discomfort to a few dignitaries in the audience.

Our greatest enemy is right here at home; sometimes even in the mirror.” That was a hard pill to swallow for many Americans. “Take a good look at what your money is supporting.

“We also need to appreciate those who make healthy food. Support small farmers and the local marketplace, and demand a living wage for laborers who harvest our crops.”

George could not believe his ears. Intense public pressure had forced radical change. Agriculture was made to honor the organic label in its strictest sense. And, the FDA adopted a host of regulations to limit GMO applications. Stricter oversight would force companies to respect nature and be fully accountable.

Evan ended his presentation by piecing it all together:

“At the end of the day it’s about integrity, in every phase of human existence: in love, friendship, business and health. Integrity is harmony; it’s how we align ourselves with the universe. It’s a choice, an orientation, marked by care and discipline. Slime is the lack thereof.

“Biofilms are agents of decay. Slime’s job is to take down the infirm and vulnerable. We’ll all reckon with it someday.

“Societies also grow old, diseased, and break down. Slime brings them down as well. Lack of integrity is our undoing.

“This is not an ethical issue. Biofilms just do their job, right or wrong. They recycle nutrients, to provide opportunities for new growth. Slime is necessary, and amazing, if you think about it.

“However, slime in our business practices is a huge problem. It corrupts medicine, agriculture, energy, finance and politics. Masking symptoms is not the answer. Maximizing short-term gain leads to long-term damage. Inferior food makes for unhealthy, lazy, stupid people. Dwindling nutrient intake and health education have fueled our rapid decline.

“But, health is a mark of integrity. It’s in the food we eat, and the soil that creates the food. It’s the love of those who work the soil. It’s a state of wholeness. We must honor this wisdom. Thank you.”

With his days in the lab over, and a new life blooming, Evan retired into “the last third” of his life. With his share of the MIFF revenue, Evan bought a small farm adjacent to Nan’s chateau. They raised goats and farmed year-round. George and Terri bought the gardener’s cottage, with a few arable acres, down the road. Together, they lived happily amid the hydroponic beds, compost piles, mineral spreaders, and worm castings on the fertile land.

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