Pretty Boy D: A Best Friends to Lovers Standalone (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 4)

Pretty Boy D: Chapter 9


Well, I definitely didn’t see this coming. Not from a mile away.

If Joss wanted me to see she’s hellbent on keeping me in the friendzone forever, message received.

Nothing screams ‘it’s never happening’ louder than the girl you want appointing herself as your wingman.

Point taken.

Shawna’s late and I’m half a second from leaving when a light touch squeezes my shoulder.


I turn and we lock eyes, recognizing her from her profile. I honestly hadn’t glanced at it before tonight. Figured I’d need to know what she looks like, so I don’t end up approaching a stranger by accident.

“I was just starting to think you wouldn’t show,” I say, lightheartedly enough that she knows I’m not upset.

“Yeah, sorry about that. My cat, GG, slipped out of my apartment when I was leaving. Which means I had to chase after her for like ten minutes before finally wrangling her in. It was just… a whole thing,” she adds, sighing as she relives the stress of it.

When she looks up, she finds me smiling.


“Your excuse is that you had to go chase your cat?”

She shrugs, grinning. “Well, what excuse would you accept? That I was washing my hair and lost track of time?”

A laugh slips and we’re moving now, taking slow steps down the sidewalk. Meeting up downtown—not too far from my place—seemed like the best idea.

Glancing over, I actually look at her now, instead of just scanning her features through the barrage of selfies on her IG.

She’s good-looking, definitely fuckable, and bears no physical resemblance to her mother. Thank God for small favors. Long hair stretches almost to her waist, the dark color contrasting her stark-blue eyes. I’m six-foot-three and, with the yellow heels she’s wearing, she nearly matches my height. Tight jeans hug the length of her legs and she’s curvier than expected. Another plus. Her hips and ass complement the nice rack her crop top’s showing off.

All-in-all, I’m not disappointed.

“Your messages were a little vague. I kind of thought the same thing you did, that you might not show.”

I push a hand through my hair, preparing to confess something. “Actually, I’m not the one who hit you up, so I’m not really sure how the conversation went.”

She grabs her chest, feigning offense. “I’m gutted! You mean to tell me I had a whole conversation thread with your secretary or some shit? That burns,” she adds with a laugh.

Okay, so she’s chill. Another plus.

“It wasn’t like that. Your mom suggested that I hire someone I trust to manage my accounts, so I tend to not do much on them myself anymore. You know, aside from posting pics and updates.”

“Ah, Rose,” she sighs. “She’s just the right amount of pushy to make me resent her, but good enough at her job that I don’t fire her ass. Blood or not.”

“I see you’re on a first-name basis with one of your parents, too.”

Shawna shrugs. “It was her idea, not mine. I turned ten, and she said being called Mom gave people the impression that she’s old, so she’s been Rose to me ever since.”

I flash Shawna a look, weighing my words carefully. “She’s… different.”

“Are you kidding me? The woman’s batshit crazy. I grew up with her, so I should know! Not to mention all the pressure to uphold this damn picture-perfect image she expects us to adhere to. Plus, on top of all the social pressure, she wants us physically perfect, too. I got so fed up with her last month, telling me I needed to find my way into the gym one extra day a week, I bought a double fudge sundae and vegged out on the couch in protest. It was the only way I could steal back that last bit of my soul she tried to take from me. Thank God I have my own place and can shut her out when I need to.”

Shaking my head, I have an epiphany. “You’re officially the only person who understands this side of my life. My brothers think I’m in the gym so much because I’m vain, and my friend, Joss, thinks it’s to stave off depression, but the truth of it is, I’d rather not have your mom rip me a new one if I don’t go.”

“Exactly! The woman either needs a stiff drink, or a stiff cock. I’m betting either one would chill her the fuck out. It becomes clearer every day why my dad bailed.”

On that note, it’s time to change the subject. I know better than to involve myself in other people’s family drama.

“Ice cream?”

Shawna’s gaze follows when I point across the street to the shop on the corner.

“You teasing me because of the story I just told you?”

I laugh a bit. “Total coincidence. This was part of the plan even before you shared.”

“We can go, but if you tell Rose I ate this, I’ll hunt you down.”

I raise my hands in surrender. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

She eyes me playfully, then nods.

I lead the way, stretching my arm in front of her when some asshole on a motorcycle runs a light and almost hits us. Once we finally make it to the window to order, I get yet another shock tonight.

“Hey, Shawna. The usual?”

Shawna glances at me and I hold in a laugh. “The usual?”

“Ok, so maybe I come here a lot. Sue me,” she whispers, and then gives her order to the cashier. I tell them to make it a double, then we stand off to the side while we wait.

“If you’re a regular, I take it you live close.”

Her gaze meets mine when she points. “Just up the street, actually. You far?”

I point in the opposite direction. “A few blocks and a couple turns that way.”

“That’s right. You just moved into a loft, didn’t you?”

My brow quirks. “You stalking me?”

Laughing, she shrugs. “Only on days Rose doesn’t have me busting my ass in the gym. But in my defense, social media makes it super easy to unearth shit about, well… anyone.

Our order comes up before I can respond, but I don’t disagree with her.

We’re on the move again, both with fudge sundaes.

“I know your mom’s been here a few years, but what about you?”

“Just moved to CP about six months ago, actually. Speaking of, how the hell do you guys deal with Pandora? Thank God I’m not on her radar. That bitch is relentless!”

I shoot her a look when we near the front of the theater. The plan is to catch a movie, but first I need to burst her fucking bubble. When I smirk, she seems confused.

“You mean you weren’t on her radar. Because after tonight, she’ll definitely know who you are.”

Shawna’s steps halt with the realization. “Shit.”

“Yep, welcome to the dark side.”

“Gee, thanks.”

We finish the sundaes, take a few obligatory photos in front of the fountain so Rose stays off our backs. Then, once those are posted, we get in line to buy tickets.

“Ok, I have a confession,” Shawna pipes up.

“I’m listening.”

“So, we both know Rose makes a lot of overbearing, over-the-top suggestions, but… hanging out with you is one I wasn’t opposed to.”

She flashes me a blue stare and I don’t hate that I’m here with her either. The night could definitely be going worse.

“Who knows? That woman might have actually gotten something right this time.”

I feel when she glances at me again and I meet her stare.

“Yeah. Maybe she did.”

@QweenPandora: Well, what have we here, lovelies? PrettyBoyD’s been spotted with a brunette beauty on his arm and the two look cozy AF if you ask me. Eating ice cream. Turning the sidewalks of Downtown Cypress into their runway.

We all know our boy gets around, which is why I’ve come to think of him as the king of random hookups, but a date? Not quite his style, is it? Until now, the only girl he’s seen with in public, actually enjoying her company, is VirginVixen.

Could it be we jumped the gun thinking the roomies would make a quick love connection?

I’ll put a pin in this post until we get confirmation, but we’ve got our eyes on you PrettyBoyD and… let’s just call this busty babe NotJoss for now. Yeah, I think I like that.

Later, Peeps.


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