Pretty Boy D: A Best Friends to Lovers Standalone (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 4)

Pretty Boy D: Chapter 30


Bass thumps low from the speakers Dane purchased online this week, just for tonight. They got here quickly, which is more than we can say for his special-order bed. I pointed this out and he didn’t find it all that funny.

I focus on those speakers and the music pumping through them, because they help keep me from looking at the two smiling and laughing in the kitchen.

I was nice, but it took a lot out of me, draining my social battery like you wouldn’t believe. The first indicator that this was going to be a shitty night was her grabbing his hand within seconds of her ass walking through the door.

She’s familiar with him.

Really fucking familiar.

“You okay?”

I tear my eyes away from Dane and meet Blue’s gaze when she asks. “Peachy,” I say, sounding like the bitch I feel raising her ugly little head in my soul.

Seeing him with her in pics was one thing, but having her in our loft, breathing the same air as her, is another. Knowing she either touched, sucked, or fucked him in that hotel room.

“Easy killer,” Lexi says in that calm way she has, easing an arm around my shoulders as she takes the glass from my hand.

It isn’t until she touches me that I realize I’m shaking, completely enraged.

“She’s got a pretty nice ride from what I’ve seen in pics. It’d be easy to spot it in the parking garage. Say the word and I’ll grab a bat from my trunk and fuck her shit up,” Lexi offers, drawing a laugh out of me despite my mood.

“You know, Blue made a similar offer, but I’ll pass. This time,” I add.

My gaze is set on Dane again, remembering that the whole reason he started giving Shawna the time of day in the first place is because of me. It’s this thought that keeps my emotions in check, keeps me from throwing a bitch-fit I’m not entitled to throw.

A knock hits the door and I breathe deep.

“I should grab that.”

I push off from the brick beside the fire escape, headed toward the door. Passing Dane and Shawna, I can’t help but glance over. She’s running her mouth about something, but instead of giving her his attention, Dane’s eyes are glued to me. He’s watching with this mean-ass look on his face as I snatch the door open and, the next second, my eyes lock with Carlos’.

Letting my gaze settle on him, I breathe in and release it slowly. Time apart had distorted my memory, so his staggering height catches me by surprise. With the breadth of his shoulders, he carries almost the same presence about him as Dane.


A wickedly intense smile touches his mouth when I invite him in and re-lock the door.

“You’re even more beautiful in person,” he says in a low voice. It’s deep and mellow just like over the phone, but more so now that we’re face-to-face. He doesn’t bother with discretion when his eyes sweep over me with a look.

Before I have a chance to even register what’s happening, I’m drawn into a slow, gentle hug that ends with Carlos’ hand settling at the small of my back.

“I’m… glad you made it. How was your flight?”

“Long,” he answers with a laugh. “I had time to drop my bags at the hotel and catch a nap before heading over.”

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t pick you up from the airport. I had a ton of last-minute shit to do to get ready for tonight.”

“Please, don’t apologize. I’ll take what I can get.”

He locks me into his gaze, wetting his lips.

“We, uh… would you like to meet everyone? Or are you hungry? We have food and—”

“Relax,” he croons, cutting me off when I start rambling. “You seem nervous.”

I fight the urge to glance toward Dane again, because I shouldn’t care if he’s watching.

“Sorry. Just a little tightly wound with everything that’s going on.”

“What’d I say about apologizing?”


He hits me with that half-smile again, and I’m certain it’s melted the panties off a few dozen women. Hell, maybe more.

“My girls are anxious to meet you,” I say, tearing my eyes away from him.

“Lead the way.”

I breathe deep as we walk back to where Blue and the others are waiting. When I walk up towing Carlos behind me, all four seem to forget what they were saying, staring up at his killer smile and dark features. He laughs quietly, maybe used to getting this response from women.

“Evening, ladies,” he says, his smooth accent wooing the crew even more.

“Well, damn!” is Dez’s less-than-subtle greeting.

“Damn is right,” Jules says under her breath, but not so quiet that Carlos doesn’t hear it.

He takes each of their hands and places a kiss on the back, near their wrists. The only one who has any kind of chill is Blue, and I’m willing to bet that’s only because she’s completely whipped and only has eyes for West.

But these other three?

Sloppy, swooning messes.

I hold in a laugh and get on with the introduction.

“Carlos, I’d like for you to meet Blue, Jules, Dez, and Lexi. My friends.”

“Pleasure meeting you all,” he greets them.

“No, the pleasure is all ours,” Lexi adds, shamelessly eye-banging the shit out of him right now.

“Gonna be here long?” Blue asks, only making small talk. She already knows all the details of his visit, including what hotel he’s staying in.

“Not nearly long enough. If it weren’t for work, I would’ve arranged to have more time,” he answers, casting a look my way that’s fleeting, but I didn’t miss it. I’m guessing my girls didn’t either.

“What do you do for a living?”

He smiles at Blue before answering. “Well, by trade, I’m a personal trainer, but my passion is art.”

“The watercolor on my bedroom wall is one of his,” I interject.

“It’s not my best work, but Josslyn inspires me,” Carlos adds with a smile.

Jules’ brow quirks. “Well, lucky Joss,” she teases.

“On that note, you sure I can’t get you a drink?” I look up at him to ask, needing a break.

“Actually, I think I’ll take you up on that. Water, please.”

I nod, then leave him with the wolves. Heading toward the kitchen, I remember why I should’ve avoided it. Dane and Shawna are still chatting near the fruit tray. That glare is still set in his eyes and I roll mine at him.

“Excuse me,” I say as nicely as I possibly can when I need to step past them to get to the fridge. I grab out a bottle of water with plans to just leave them to it, but Dane’s voice halts me when he cuts Shawna off mid-sentence. Like she hadn’t even been speaking.

“You planning to let me meet your friend?” Dane asks, eyeing me with that same evil-ass look he gave when I went to let Carlos in.

Taking a breath, I face him. “You’re more than welcome to come speak if you’d like to.”

I flash a friendly smile and don’t miss how uncomfortable this exchange is making Shawna.

He sets down the cup in his hand and doesn’t hesitate to trudge toward Carlos, leaving me and Shawna to trail behind him. His shoulders are squared and there’s an angriness to his slow, cocky stride. He walks up on Carlos and the two are eye-to-eye.

I get there just in time to do the talking myself, so Dane doesn’t come across like the rude asshole I know he can be when left to his own devices.

“Carlos, there’s someone else I’d like you to meet,” I say, stepping between them. “This is Dane and his friend Shawna. Dane, Shawna, I’d like you both to meet Carlos.”

You could cut the tension between us all with a knife. The silence coming from Lexi, Blue, and the other girls isn’t helping.

“Nice to finally put a face with the name,” Dane speaks up, offering Carlos his hand, but nothing more. Not a smile. Not an ounce of friendliness.

“Same,” Carlos says, echoing an identically flat, unfeeling tone.

I’m stuck, unsure what to say to lighten the mood.

“Your accent, are you from Cuba?” Shawna chimes in, rescuing the conversation from the brink of death.

“I am. Have you ever been?” Carlos asks, only now losing whatever that vibe was between him and Dane.

“Once, but it was a quick trip for a photoshoot,” she answers. “I keep saying I’ll get back there one day, but you know how that goes. ‘One day’ never seems to come.”

Carlos nods. “I know exactly what you mean. I’ve said the same about New Zealand. I’ve been twice and keep planning to get back there eventually.”

“Well, you made it here, so maybe all you need is a beautiful girl like Joss here to make the trip worthwhile.”

Shawna’s comment has me snapping a look her way, not missing her subtle attempt at playing wingman. She wouldn’t be the first of Dane’s girls to try pawning me off on another guy to put distance between him and me. Usually, though, it’s one of her ugly brothers or cousins I get stuck with.

“I suppose you’re right,” Carlos replies, hitting me with a warm look that has Dane’s eyes narrowing with frustration.

“Well, I’m gonna go grab a plate,” Shawna announces. “You coming with?”

Her eyes land on Dane and he takes a moment to meet her gaze. All because he’s so focused on me, on Carlos when his hand settles on my back again.

The centers of Dane’s eyes gleam with darkness, with anger, when his stare meets mine again.

“Sure. Let’s go,” he finally answers.

Shawna does that thing again, where she reaches for his hand like he belongs to her. Only, this time, he seems to reciprocate her interest, clinging to her like she’s clinging to him.

I’ve gone back and forth wondering what tonight would bring, what it would prove, and as I watch the pair walk off hand-in-hand, I think I’ve figured it out.

It was meant to help me realize just how wrong we are for each other.

So very, very wrong.

@QweenPandora: It’s official. The newbie by the name of Dez Roby has popped up on the scene again, so do you lovelies know what that means?

We’re one step closer to bringing this mysterious beauty into the fold.

I’ve got a bit more research to do before branding her with a moniker, but just know it’s in the works.

But while on the subject of beautiful mysteries, someone from inside the party shared a very interesting pic. It’s this image of VirginVixen with her arms wrapped around the neck of a tall heartbreaker we’ve never seen before.

Shame on you, GoldenCrew! Have you been keeping secrets?

Later, Peeps.


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