PREQUEL: Royal Ancestors

Chapter 6

Days had passed since Beatrice first arrived at the palace and progress between her and the king was moving slowly. It didn’t help matters that she wasn’t yet 18 and couldn’t completely sense the king as her mate. He had the patience of the Goddess himself and wasn’t afraid of the challenge that his stubborn mate was proving to be.

Every morning Helena helped Beatrice get dressed in a new expensive gown and escorted her down to the dining room where Arlo was waiting to have breakfast with her. Afterwards, they would go for walks that got longer and longer as her wounds began to heal. In the afternoon, Beatrice would rest in her room while Arlo completed work for the realm. They would meet again for dinner and enjoy an after dinner drink beside the fireplace in the parlor room.

Today was different, however. After their walk, Arlo asked BEatrice to accompany him to his office and she obliged. She never argued or disagreed with the king, she never spoke to him plainly, and she never said his Goddess given name; no matter how often Arlo asked her to. He was desperate to hear his name, and only his name without the company of the word king, from his mate’s lips.

“What is wrong, your grace?” Beatrice asked as Arlo led her through the corridors of the castle and towards his office.

“Nothing is wrong, my dear. I have a surprise for you.” His smile, as usual, was devilishly handsome. Beatrice brushed in response, ducking her head and tucking a straw piece of hair behind her ear.

Arlo pushed open the door to his office and Beatrice was momentarily stunned. She stared at the occupants of the room with wide eyes and parted lips. Someone shrieked and then she was wrapped up in a group hug.

“Bea!” Steffy smiled, pulling her back to examine her, “Are you okay?”

Maddy started nudging Steffy in the arm, her wide eyes locked on the man who had escorted Beatrice into the room. The women released a collective gasp before they collected themselves and curtsied for the king.

“It’s okay, ladies, you may relax.” Arlo waved his hand, dismissing their formalities. The women relaxed and eyed Beatrice in confusion.

“What’s going on, your highness?” Mabel asked, her eyes looking between Beatrice and the king.

“Miss. Beatrice is my mate,” He began but Beatrice interrupted him,

“He thinks. We will not know until I turn 18 next week.” Beatrice corrected the king and was met with four very shocked expressions. Arlo chuckled,

“Beatrice is still unsure, but I am quite convinced that she is my mate. She told me about the horrors you all have endured under the care of Madam Grace. I’ve had her orphanage shut down and she is paying for her crimes against the realms people. I wanted to bring Beatrice’s friends to her, hoping that you all may feel more comfortable together.” Arlo explained.

“You….the King….Beatrice…..” Roxie stammered, not having one intelligent thing to say.

“I have had the staff prepare four guest suites for you, ladies. They are right next to Beatrice’s room, of course.” Arlo flashed Beatrice his crooked smile.

“Thank you, your grace.” Maddy composed herself and bowed to the king.

“Beatrice, my dear, their rooms are the two to the left and the right of yours. Would you like to show them the way?” He was solely addressing Beatrice now.

“Yes, your grace.” She mumbled and Arlo sighed at her obedience. He stepped up to her and touched her arm,

“Shall I accompany you?” He asked, ducking his gaze to meet hers.

“N…no,” She stammered, “I can manage, thank you.” She blushed, offering him a small smile. Satisfied with her reaction, he released her arm and opened the door for her escape.

Beatrice left the room without bowing to the king, to the great shock of the other ladies in the room. They curtsied and waited to be dismissed.

“You are all free to go. Please, you are the guests of my mate and future Queen.” Arlo laughed at their formality and shooed them out the door.

Mabel, Maddy, Steffy, and Roxie followed after their friend as she moved expertly through the halls of the castle and towards the spiral staircase. They were shocked when she went unbothered by the household staff. No one batted an eye at the five women moving about the royal palace unescorted.

“What is going on, Bea?” Roxie hurried to her friend’s side and gripped her arm.

“You heard the king, he thinks I’m his mate.” Beatrice sighed.

Steffy appeared on her other side and hooked their elbows together,

“I have several questions.”

Beatrice smirked as she opened the door to her bedroom, welcoming the girls inside. They gasped as they saw the grand furnishings and fancy bed. They froze in the doorway, their mouths a gap.

“Is this real life?” Mabel squeaked.

“I do not know yet. I am not accepting anything until I turn 18 and can confirm that he is my mate.” Beatrice replied.

“Fake it.” Maddy said,

“Excuse me?” Beatrice cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

“Regardless if he is your mate or not, you best fake the connection. You’re living the life of luxury here, Bea, and he’s clearly smitten with you. You convince him that you feel the matebond as well and you live out your life as his mate and the realm’s Queen.” Maddy grabbed Beatrice’s arm and whispered to her frantically.

“I am not lying to him about being his mate, Maddy.” Beatrice sighed, detangling herself from Maddy’s grip.

“I think she might be right, Bea.” Steffy said, moving further into the room.

“Yes, logically, she’s probably right. Morally, I refuse. If he is not my mate, he has promised to buy my freedom regardless. I will not fake the bond with him when we both have Goddess given mates out there.” Beatrice replied stubbornly.

“Damn you and your morals, Beatrice.” Roxie scoffed, “You could give us all a better life.”

“Roxanne.” Beatrice looked at her in shock.

“I’m sorry, Bea. I just cannot imagine being in your position and not taking advantage of it.” Roxie sighed in defeat.

“Bea,” Mabel walked up to her and took Beatrice’s hand, “Don’t give up hope if he’s not your mate.”

“I won’t, Mabel, but, you should all know that the Moon Goddess herself visited me in a dream and confirmed that the king was my mate. So this conversation is probably a mute point anyway.”

“Oh, well, you could have led with that bit.” Roxie said and the ladies began to laugh.

“I can’t believe he took down Madam Grace for you.” Maddy said as the girls all sat in Beatrice’s bedroom catching up.

“I think he used it as a diversion to keep from killing Lord Bates.” Beatrice said playfully.

“You told him about Lord Bates?” Steffy asked in surprise.

“He saw my wounds and I didn’t have a choice. I had to tell him about all the masters.” Beatrice sighed.

“And how exactly did he see your wounds?” Maddy asked with a smug expression.

“I bled through my dress.” Beatrice replied with a dry expression, wiping the smile right off of Maddy’s face.

“Oh.” She muttered.

“Come on, it’s time for dinner.” Beatrice laughed, standing up from her bed just as Helena knocked on the door.

“Hello, miss.” Helena gasped when she saw that Beatrice wasn’t alone, “Oh, and my ladies.” She bowed her head towards the group.

“This is Helena. Helena, these are my friends.” Beatrice said, waving off her formalities. The women looked confused at being addressed so politely. None of them were used to being treated as anything other than a servant, a slave.

“In that case, perhaps a formal dinner dress for each of your friends?” Helena offered, motioning towards Beatrice’s closet.

“Oh, that’s a fantastic idea, Helena!” Beatrice smiled and threw open her closet door, “Ladies, take your pick.”

The five women moved elegantly through the house, all dressed in candy colored dresses; the most expensive and finely handcrafted item any of them had ever worn. Helena escorted them to the dining hall where, as usual, Arlo was sitting at the head of the table. He stood when he saw the women enter but his eyes fell to only one, his gorgeous mate.

He held out his hand for her and she accepted it, allowing him to press his lips to the top of her hand before pulling out her chair and helping her to sit. Arlo motioned to the chairs on the opposite side of the table and Mabel, Maddy, Roxie, and Steffy all took their seats.

“I would like you to stay here for as long as you’d like. I can provide you with homes in the village or you can move permanently into the castle to be with Beatrice, whichever you prefer. I will help you get exposure to the realm once you come of age so you can search for your mates, if you wish.” Arlo offered the ladies as they all ate the deliciously prepared dinner.

“That’s awfully kind of you, your grace.” Steffy smiled, “I think I can speak for all of us when we say that we’d be honored to accept our offer and to be there for Bea in any way that we can.”

Beatrice smiled at her friends and felt a sense of relief knowing that they would be by her side through all of this.

“It’s important that my mate feels as comfortable as possible here, in our home.” Arlo said,

“You grace, if we may make a suggestion.” Maddy said bravely.

“Of course, Miss. Madison, is it?” Arlo confirmed and Maddy nodded.

“We all know how important Beatrice’s birthday is to each of you, but it’s also an important day for Bea and she’s never had a real birthday celebration.” Maddy said, shooting a wink towards Beatrice.

“That’s not….” Beatrice started to argue.

“That is an excellent suggestion, Lady Madison. I will have the staff on it right away and I will have them refer to each of you for suggestions.” Arlo smiled, “It will be a day of great celebration and, at the end of it, I will officially accept you as my mate and Queen.”

“You will do what?” Beatrice gasped, gawking at him in a very unladylike sort of way. Arlo snickered at her expression,

“Oh, I believe that you heard me, my dear.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” She began to argue but he was already shaking her head.

“It is completely necessary and, on that day, I expect that my Queen will stop addressing me as anything other than Arlo or perhaps some sweet little pet name,” He teased her, “Am I clear, my dear?”

Beatrice let out a mighty sigh.

If I am your fated mate.” Beatrice clarified.

“Yes, my dear.” Arlo said,

“I understand, your grace.” Beatrice finally agreed. Arlo leaned across the space between them to whisper in her ear,

“Perhaps even if you were not my fated mate, I would still insist.” His warm breath blew across her face, igniting a hot blush across her cheeks and down her neck. She felt herself involuntarily shiver and she gulped, unable to respond.

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