PREQUEL: Royal Ancestors

Chapter 10

It was a gorgeous dress with a full, bell shaped skirt. The sweetheart bodice had long sleeves and a traditional corset back. The gown featured various shades of gold and intricate embroidery. Under the large skirt was a glittering sheer layer that caught the light just right. Beatrice looked stunning in the gown and stood confidently, especially with the added height provided by the gold high heel slippers. Steffy curled Beatrice’s hair and braided half of it so it was pulled away from her face.

“You look truly regal, your grace.” Helena smiled.

“Please, don’t start with that.” Beatrice scoffed and the girls started laughing at her discomfort.

“Come on, you’re already late.” Mabel shook her head.

“The Queen is never late.” Helena reminded them.

“Oh please, don’t fill her head with that nonsense. It’ll never return to normal size.” Roxie said,

“You all are very rude.” Beatrice pouted, moving away from the mirror and towards the door, “Helena, I’ll be moving onto the royal wing after today but I’d like for you to continue being my handmaiden.”

“Of course, my lady.” Helena smiled.

“Where are you going?” Beatrice asked when Helena began to move away from the ballroom.

“My lady?” Helena looked at her in confusion.

“It’s my birthday, you are coming to the party.” Beatrice instructed, grabbing Helena’s hand.

Helena’s eyes widened in shock at the kindness of her Queen.

“You are too kind, my lady.” Helena said,

The girls, all dressed in elegant ball gowns, entered the ballroom from the upper balcony. Arlo grinned when he saw his mate and stood from his throne to greet her.

“Your highness.” Maddy said, bowing to the king. Mabel, Roxie, and Steffy followed suit.

“Relax, ladies, you are guests of the Queen.” Arlo smiled, holding up his hand. The girls rose from their curtsies,

“Please, go join the celebrations. The court will be introducing Beatrice and I in a moment and then we will join.” Arlo said, gesturing towards the grand staircase that led to the ballroom.

“Thank you.” Roxie bowed her head again before walking off towards the staircase.

There were guards waiting at the staircase to help unescorted women from the balcony. They offered Mabel, Roxie, Maddy, and Steffy their arms and escorted them down the long staircase. Beatrice was startled when four familiar faces joined them on the balcony.

“Queen Luna.” The first one spoke, bowing his head to her.

“Beatrice, do you remember the members of my royal guard? Alaric, Forrest, Killian, and Neil?” Arlo asked, his hand on Beatrice’s back as he gestured towards the four men in front of them.

“Of course, yes.” Beatrice nodded, smiling politely.

“These are their mates.” Arlo added as four women walked up beside the royal guard, “Joanna Hayes, Elisa Landry, Marybelle Oxford, and Noelle Greystone.”

“My Queen.” The women curtsied.

“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” Beatrice bowed her head in response, showing respect to the women.

“Are you ready?” Arlo asked, motioning towards the terrace’s railing which overlooked the people in attendance.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Beatrice said, taking a deep breath as she gathered her strength.

Arlo looked towards Alaric and nodded. The four royal guardsmen stepped up to the edge of the balcony and Alaric cleared his throat. A silence settled over the people and all of their eyes turned towards the terrace.

“People of the realm, thank you for attending this momentous occasion,” Alaric began, “Your King Alpha has met his mate and, on this day, her 18th birthday, they have marked and accepted each other. The realm finally has its Queen Luna!” Alaric declared the room erupted into cheers.

Alaric and Forrest stepped to one side, Neil and Killian stepped to the other, and Arlo and Beatrice walked between them.

“I give you your Queen Luna, Beatrice Maison!” Alaric announced, motioning towards Beatrice.

Arlo raised his hand and the room was silent once more.

“Thank you all for coming and for showing such gratitude for your Queen. Lady Beatrice will be officially crowned as the Queen Luna of the realm on this day next week. All are welcome to attend. For tonight, we will celebrate my mate’s birthday.” Arlo said to his people, earning another round of applause.

“I told you that they would love you.” Arlo said, kissing Beatrice’s temple. The crowd below awed at the gesture. Arlo chuckled and pulled Beatrice away from the ledge.

“They don’t know where I come from or what I’m missing.” Beatrice mumbled.

“And they do not need to know unless you wish them to. I assure you, my dear, they will love and follow you either way.” Arlo said, cupping her face, “Shall we join your friends?” He smirked, nodding his head towards the ballroom.

Beatrice put aside her nerves and smiled. She wanted to enjoy herself today, something that didn’t come so easily to the young orphaned girl. Arlo took his mate’s hand and guided her down the steps. Mabel, Maddy, Roxie, and Steffy were waiting for them at the bottom of the steps.

“You look like you belong here, Bea.” Steffy smiled, taking Beatrice’s hand and giving it a squeeze.

“That’s because she does.” Arlo said, proudly looking at his mate.

The orchestra began to play a waltz and the crowd parted, creating a path for the king and queen. Arlo smiled and stepped away from Beatrice, extending his hand and bowing before his Queen.

“May I have this dance, my love?”

Beatrice blushed and settled her hand in his,

“You may.”

Arlo led Beatrice to the center of the ballroom and guided her into the dancing position. The orchestra’s tempo accelerated and so did the pace of the dance. Beatrice, thankfully, knew how to hold her own on the dance floor. Her father did not offer his family much, but he did teach his daughter to dance. He used to lead her across the small living room of their one bedroom home while she stood on the tops of his feet. It was one of the only joyous memories she had of her father.

Arlo twirled Beatrice for the final time and, when he brought her back to his chest, he tilted her chin up and planted an embarrassingly passionate kiss on her lips in front of everyone. The crowd cheered and Beatrice blushed.

“How easily you blush, my love.” Arlo chuckled, rubbing his thumb across her warm, rosie cheeks.

The orchestra changed the tune and others began to crowd the dance floor. Arlo and Beatrice danced with their people through a few more pieces before retiring to the outskirts of the room and mingling with the other guests. Arlo was talking with his royal guard and their mates circled Beatrice.

“Your grace, we’re so happy that you have finally come home.” Alaric’s mate, Joanna, bowed to the queen.

“Please, you don’t need to bow and you may call me Beatrice.” Beatrice sighed.

“Perhaps in private, my Queen, but in the presence of our people we will show you all the respect that you deserve.” Neil’s mate, Elisa, said,

“I would very much like to meet with all of you in private, then, after today.” Beatrice said, looking at the women.

“It would be our honor, your grace.” Forrest’s mate, Marybelle smiled. Beatrice noticed for the first time that she appeared to be pregnant, very pregnant.

“Your friends seem very kind. We spoke with them during your dance.” Killian’s mate, Noelle, said,

“They were in the orphanage with me. They have known great suffering.” Beatrice frowned.

“As have you, I think, my Queen.” Joanna observed.

“There is no great joy without great pain, no great strength without great trials, and no great power without first knowing great weakness.” Marybelle spoke elegantly.

“Mary is the scholar among us.” Elisa smirked at Beatrice’s reaction.

“I think you all will serve as great friends and allies.” Beatrice grinned and the mates of the royal guard joined in on her joy.

Suddenly, there was a loud growl and a high pitch squeal. Beatrice jumped and Arlo was at her side in an instant, the royal guard surrounding them and their mates.

“Bea!” Steffanie called out and Beatrice wrestled free from her protectors, running towards the sound of her friend.

“Steffy?” Beatrice grabbed her friend’s arm and pulled her behind her body, shielding her from whatever danger she was facing.

“My Queen.” An unfamiliar voice spoke from behind Beatrice.

She turned around, keeping Steffy at her back. Before her was a man who appeared to be much older than her with light brown hair, blue eyes, and a scowl on his face. He was dressed in a dinner jacket, black dress shirt, and slacks. He was bowing at Beatrice but his eyes remained locked on Staffanie.

“What is the meaning of this?” Beatrice asked the man just as Arlo appeared at her side.

“You cannot go running off like that, Beatrice. You are a Queen now and you must remain in the protection of the guard or your king.” Arlo said with a panic stricken expression.

Beatrice sighed but otherwise ignored him.

“Speak, now.” Beatrice said to the stranger.

“Your highness, I am Lord Theodore Roberts and I am this young woman’s mate.” The man, Lord Roberts, said, motioning towards Steffanie.

“You are Steffanie’s mate?” Beatrice asked and Lord Roberts’ eyes lit up.

“Staffnie.” He sighed her name.

“Arlo?” Beatrice looked towards her mate.

“Yes, my Queen?” Arlo gently laid his hand on her back.

“Is Lord Roberts worthy of my friend?”

Not only did Beatrice know that Arlo would be truthful with her, she also knew how important it was to address her concerns in public. She wanted everyone, including Lord Roberts, to know that she would not condone the mistreatment of mates or women any longer.

“Lord Roberts is an honorable man and I believe that he will treat Lady Staffanie well. I trust that he understands the consequences should he not.” Arlo said, cocking an eyebrow at Lord Roberts.

“Of course, King Alpha. My Queen, I would never harm my mate. I have searched for her for twelve years and I have wanted nothing more than to find her so I could love and cherish her as she deserves to be loved and cherished.” Lord Roberts replied sincerely.

“You may rise.” Beatrice said, motioning for him to stand from his arched posture, “I leave the choice to Steffanie.”

Beatrice turned towards her friend and held her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.


Steffanie’s eyes were locked on Lord Roberts and then she was smiling.

“Lord Roberts.” She offered him her hand and he took it, pressing his lips to her knuckles.

“Lady Steffanie.”

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