Preparing The Twins For War: Book 3: His Woman To C;aim Series

Chapter 19: One Week Before The BBQ

I was finally free from the post but I have scars on my back. They will never go away and they are ugly to look at. I was woken up by an omega and she handed me an ugly dress and shoes. I was told to get dressed.

I followed the omega to the fields where I was handed a hole and shown what to do. My back was hurting so bad I had tears flowing down my face. Four hours later we were given a lunch break.

We walked to the tree and handed a paper bag. Inside was a sandwich, apple, and chips. We were handed a bottle of water and told to go sit in the shade. An hour later we were told lunch break was over and we walked back to work in the gardens again.

I was 5:00 when we handed our tools in and we were walked to the pack house. I was taken to the dining room where the Omega's ate. I looked at the food we were given. It was mashed potatoes, corn, and pork chops along with water and bread. For dessert we got ice cream and cake.

The food was good but not what I was used to eating. I had more food in the main kitchen. After we ate I was walked to my cottage as I call it. I was handed a clean dress and the door was shut and locked.

I walked into the bathroom and took a shower and dressed in clean underwear, shorts, and a tee shirt. I had no cell phone, no visitors, and no TV or radio. I saw boxes along the wall and decided to see what was in them.

I opened the first box and saw books. I decided to put them on the shelfs along the wall. I turned on the light and picked out a book to read. I sat down in the chair provided. It was not comfortable. At least not like what I had in my bedroom in the pack house.

I was thinking about the BBQ in one week. At least I will get to have some really good food. Thinking about previous BBQ's and the food we had I could not wait. We would have steak, baked potato, salad, burgers, hotdogs, potato salad, pop, milk, water, and other good desserts.

I am looking forward to all the good food. This is the best times for Omega's as they get to attend the BBQ. I will get to see Brandon. I miss him so much. He is not permitted to talk to me or be near me.

I have worked hard in the gardens and watching the cabbages, pea's, beans and other vegetables grow is wonderful. We all took for granted the food we ate. We never noticed how hard the Omega's work to make sure that the higher up wolfs lived a comfortable life.

I not only worked in the gardens but I had to do the laundry for all the pack members. I worked in the laundry building from 6:00 at night to 11:00 at night. I get up at 5:00 in the morning and work in the gardens until 5:00 pm which is supper time.

I don't get visitors and have not seen my parents or siblings since my punishment. I have made some friends with a few omega's. I do not get to leave the territory or get to go shopping, out to eat, get my hair done or nails.

I do not have time for that. I had one of the Omega's cut my hair to my shoulders. I wear it in a ponytail or on my head. It is much easier to take care of.

I have seen Luna Rain and Beta Dorothea walk around the grounds talking to some of the omega's and other pack members. The girls that I thought were my friends stay away from me now. They don't talk to me anymore.

I have been permitted to have a fan out in my ceiling and an air-conditioned in the back wall of my cottage. It has been so hot that when the Luna did stop by my cottage she was shocked.

"Linda, I do not want you to get sick so I will have some of the men put in a ceiling fan and a wall air conditioner."

I thanked her for that privilege and she left.

That night while I worked in the laundry two male wolves put in the air conditioner and ceiling fan and left. I was so thankful to have a cool cottage now.

I slept better then I had in two weeks. I know that Luna Rain could have just walked out of the cottage and left but she showed me some kindness which I am very grateful for.

I like my little cottage but I am still aware that the Luna hates me. I don't blame her. Not really. I had sex with her mate and tried to act like I was the Luna. I knew better then that and I knew I would be punished.

I just didn't think that Luna Rain had it in her but she proved me and Alpha Brandon wrong. In the end he had no say in what Luna Rain set as the punishment. I know that right now he loves me. He as to. He said he would make me his Luna. But that would have to wait until after the war.

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