Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 274

The boys stayed with Rafe, of course, in the lobby of the jail, waiting for us. As much as I wanted them to experience the realities
of their world, I didn’t want it to go that far. They look curiously at their grandfather, though, as he walks wordlessly to the second
car that will take him home, Rafe at his side.
After Rafe closes the door behind my father, he looks to us, expectant, but Victor simply shakes his head, standing by me. “You
take him, Rafe,” Victor orders, his hands in his pockets. “I have to go home with Evelyn.”
“What?” Rafe asks in disbelief. “You seriously want me to – without – why –“
Victor gives him an even look. “Don’t push it, Rafe. I have...things to do. Can you handle it or not?”
Rafe sighs, still not getting it, and I give him a little smile, putting a hand on each of my sons’ shoulders. “Yeah, I can handle it,”
Rafe says, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “I don’t get it, but I can handle it.”
“It will all make sense later,” Victor says, turning back to our car, which I help the boys climb into, buckling them in. Then, as I
climb into the passenger’s seat myself, I turn to Victor as well.
“Are we not going?” I ask, curious.
Quickly, he shakes his head. “Nope,” he says, looking at me. “We’re going home. I have a doctor coming to check on the
“What?” I ask, shocked. “How did you get someone so fast – and is that necessary –“
Victor turns to me, giving me a serious look. “As much as I respect the medical analysis of our six-year-old kids,” he says, deeply
sarcastic, “Yeah. I want a doctor to look you over as well, Evelyn.”
“Six-year-old genius kids,” Ian corrects from the back seat, but we both ignore him.
I laugh a little, realizing that Victor’s right, and then I lean back in my seat, a little exhausted by the events of the day. “All right,
captain. Whatever you say. Let’s stop for cheeseburgers on the way, though.”
Victor opens his mouth to object but I give him puppy-dog eyes. “I’m pregnant, Victor,” I whine, hiding my smirk. “You can’t say
no. It’s for the babiesss.”
Sighing, he briskly nods, giving in. The boys let out a big cheer in the back seat and I grin, knowing that I’m going to use the hell
out of that line for the next eight-or-so months, and that he’s powerless to stop me.

The doctor is quite friendly, traveling to the house and coming with us quickly upstairs to the bedroom. I see Burton give me a
knowing nod on the way up, though Beta Stephen looks at me with worried eyes. I give Stephen a wink, though, letting him know
that all is well –
But still, as I lay back on the bed and lift my shirt up so that the doctor can feel my stomach, I realize that we’re going to have to
let more people in on the secret than I’d like, especially this early. Otherwise, people like Rafe and Stephen are going to know
something is up. And I don’t really want them worried for me.
“How far along do you think you are?” the doctor asks, giving me a warm smile.
“Um, about a month?” I answer, looking up at her, Victor standing curiously on the other side of the bed, leaning over so he can
watch everything.
“That’s very early for this kind of check,” she says, raising her eyebrows. “Wolf pregnancies develop more quickly than human
ones, in the early months, so it’s possible that we’ll see something on an ultrasound,’s also possible that we won’t. Have
you done a traditional pregnancy test?” she asks, reaching out to softly but firmly press against my stomach, checking for
“Um, no?” I say, looking up at her, realizing that...well, that she’s going to think that we’re crazy when we tell her how we know.
“Then how...” she wonders aloud, standing up straight and looking between us.
“Um...our kids told us?” I respond awkwardly, blushing. I don’t add that my first hint was when a magical forest sent me an
apricot about a month ago, a couple of hours after I probably conceived.
“Your...six-year-old twins? Told you?”
“And her scent changed,” Victor quickly supplies. “And we heard a heartbeat. On...their toy stethoscope...” Realizing how crazy
he sounds, Victor sighs, putting a hand against his cheek and looking at the doctor with apology in his eyes.
“Oooookay,” the doctor says, with a laugh and a little shrug. “Well, let’s check you out and see if your baby doctors are right!”
Victor moves to close the shades in the room, darkening it so we can better see the screen of her computer, which is connected
to the ultrasound equipment. Then, as Victor climbs on the bed next to me so that he can get a look, the doctor puts a little bit of
jelly on my stomach and begins the ultrasound, moving the wand low against my stomach.

“Here is your uterus...” she says passively, pointing to the screen as we get a little tour of my anatomy. “And...” she takes a
moment to position the machine, leaning close to the screen to see. “Yes, here is...”
She points to a little black dot in the static. “Wow,” she says, looking at me, genuinely surprised. “Honestly, Luna, I thought that I
was going to give you news of a false alarm but...yes, you’re pregnant! This little dot is your fetus!”
“Oh my god,” I say, a little thrill running through me from my head to my toes. I mean, I knew – I think I’ve known for a while but –
Wow, it’s really real.
“Where’s the other one,” Victor whispers, leaning forward to peer at the screen.
“The other one?” the doctor asks, looking at us funny.
“Yeah,” I say, giving her a shrug and a little wry smile. “’s twins. Please don’t ask us how we know.”
Confused, she looks back to the screen and then does a double take. “Oh...oh my god,” she murmurs, leaning closer and
shifting the wand. As she does, a second dot comes into sight. She spins her head to me, “how did you know that?”
“Two heartbeats,” I say, smiling and holding up two fingers, just as Alvin did.
“That’s...that should be impossible...”
“Our kids are...gifted,” Victor murmurs, still staring at the screen.
“Your kids detected two heartbeats?!”
I just smile and, again, shrug.
“Well,” she says, laughing a little and pressing a button on the screen to print the image. “If they’re ever looking for a job in the
medical field, send them my way.”
I happily watch the image print from the tiny printer that the doctor brought as she looks more closely at the screen of the
computer. Then, when it’s finished, she moves the wand away and wipes my belly clean. “Well, Evelyn,” she says, giving me a
bright smile. “From everything I can see, you have a healthy early pregnancy. I’d suggest following the standard rules – limited
alcohol and caffeine, lots of sleep, reduced stress – but otherwise, unless something changes, there’s no real reason for you to
change your routines. Do you have any questions for me?”

I shake my head, smiling at her. “Not now. But if I do, can I call you?”
“Of course,” she says, smiling at me and then Victor. “Alpha Kensington has arranged for me to be on-call for you, so please
don’t hesitate to reach out.”
I look at my mate, surprised. “Do you think that’s necessary?” I ask.
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