Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 180

Chapter 180 – Wedding Bello
I never thought much about my wedding when I was a boy. I imagined it once or twice, trying to picture my fated mate in my mind
and hoping my love would be as strong as my parents’, but in all my boyhood fantasies, I never dreamed I would be standing at
an altar with so much dread. Even after I reconciled myself to the idea of marry ing Arabella, I didn’t imagine such a bleak future.
Loveless maybe, lacking any true heart – undoubtedly, but not a
tragedy, not the disaster it has clearly become.
Every moment that passes, my wolf urges me to kill the girl-I once vowed to protect with my own life, so furious am I about her
betrayal. Still, I cannot lay a hand on her without also losing my true mate. The more time that passes, the more I remember. I
can now recall learning about Arabella’s schemes, discovering that Lila is my child after all, and even remarrying Selene. I
remember all of our fights, all of our struggles, though I still cannot recall how I was ever con vinced to leave them and come to
this horrible place.
The only thing I can fathom is that I came here after finding out Selene is breeding again, though I can’t imagine ever agreeing to
allow her to come with me. The worst part of all is knowing that she’s been suffering while I’ve been buying into Arabella’s
schemes. I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to her.
Arabella has planned every last detail of this day, from her dress to the flower arrangements and our vows. I didn’t contribute a
single word, but I know this is all a waiting game. I will never claim Arabella as a true wife, and the mo ment I can dissolve this
false union – I gladly will.
However for the time being I’m stuck standing at the end of a long aisle watching her march towards me to the tired old tune they
use in the movies. The affair couldn’t be more different from my weddings to Selene. They had tak en place outdoors in the
forest we both love, under the glow of the moon and stars, with a few close members of our family looking on. They had been
small but full of love and light.
On the other hand, this ceremony is absent of any guests or well wishers, yet so completely overdone it’s laughable. It’s a perfect
reflection of Arabella: gaudy, lone ly, and lacking any and all heart.
When Arabella finally reaches the end of the aisle, she offers me a lethal grin. “Smile Bastien, this is a happy event.”
“The moment we‘re done here, I want Selene released.” | order, not bothering to fake a smile for the officiant.

“Oh I don’t know about that.” Arabella hedges, “If she’s released then I won’t have any more insurance to keep you in line.”
“Our deal was –
*Our deal was that if you were a good boy and walked down the aisle without complaint, I wouldn’t let her die.” She interrupts. “I
never said I’d let her go.”
“So what, you’re just going to keep her prisoner for the rest of your life?” I hiss
“If I have to.” Arabella shrugs, it really depends on you. The way she’s treated will be decided by how well you do your job. Now
stop arguing with me, we only have the oth ciant for another half hour.”
The man in question is looking back and forth between us with confusion and mild horror, but he makes no com ment. I suppose
things in Tartarus are so bleak that even this strange affair cannot phase him. He begins walking Arabella through her vows with
all the passion of a funeral director, and my horrible bride smiles and parrots back his words as looking as thrilled as the cat that
ate the canary
The othciant is turning towards me when I hear a crash from the back of the church.
“Stop!” i’d know that voice anywhere. No matter what Arabella has done to my memory – no matter what has happened between
“Selene!” Whirling around, I see my beautiful mate standing framed in the open doors of the church, a ring of blinding gold light
surrounding her body.
Arabella screeches with rage, “What! How!”
I don’t give her a second look, I’m already running to wards my mate, overflowing with relief. “Are you alright?” || question when I
reach her, looking her over worriedly. Her skin is pale and she has great dark circles beneath her two toned eyes, but she looks
alright otherwise.
“I’m fine.” She promises, looking suddenly very nervous. “Do... do you remember me?”
“I remember you.” | confirm, framing her lovely face be tween my hands. “I don’t know how I could have ever for gotten – I’m so
sorry little wolf.”

I move to kiss her, but she puts one small hand on my chest, “You don’t want to do that – I’ve been puking in a dark cell without a
toothbrush for three days.”
Rage pours out of me in waves as I look down at her belly, taking in the soft curve beneath her dress. Seeing her this way seems
to snap the remaining pieces of my missing memory in place, as all the details of the past few months come flooding back into
my mind. Suddenly I remember exactly why I came here: the assassination attempt, finding Arabella in Tartarus, and falling
under her control. I remem Chapter 180Wedding Redis ber attacking Selene in that alley, almost rejecting her and everything she
revealed to me when she came to visit.
“I don’t care.” | growl, claiming her lips roughly. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” | profess as we part, staring into her in credible eyes.
Realizing she must not have been able to continue using whatever she’d been to conceal her eyes while in captivity, a rush of
urgency slams into me. “But we‘ ve got to get you out of here.”
She lowers her lashes, leaning into my embrace even as an anxious shiver works it’s way down her spine. “Are you angry that I
came after you?”
Feeling a strong pang in my chest, I realize I don’t know how I feel. I’m still very confused and trying to wrap my head around our
surreal situation. She did break her prom ise to me, and she is risking her precious life just standing here in this nightmare city,
but when I think about what might have happened if she hadn’t come here... I’d probably be married to Arabella by now and
getting ready to exile Selene from Elysium.
“No baby, I’m not mad.” I tell her, hugging her tightly to my chest, “I’m so sorry I left you for so long, and I’m so proud of
everything you’ve accomplished while I was away.” I declare, feeling my throat thicken with emotion. “But I still have to finish the
job I came here to do – espe cially now.” Realizing that Arabella has some sort of rela tionship with Blaise is more frightening
than anything else
– my guess is that she doesn’t know about his bounty, or Selene and Lila would already be dead.
“And what did you come here to do, Bastien?” We’d gotten so caught up in each other, I’d almost forgotten about Arabella.
However, it wasn’t Arabella who spoke, nor was it Helene. I don’t recognize the person speaking behind us, but he clearly knows
Turning around, I keep one arm around my back to hold Selene in place – out of sight from the stranger. I in stantly recognize the
man Arabella had taken me to meet in the city underground hovering behind a huge, seething wolf with a scar through his
eyebrow. His dark hair is streaked with gray and slight wrinkles gather at the corner of his eyes, but he exudes strength and

power. My heart sinks as I realize this could only be the Calypso Alpha, and my mind races as I try to decide what to do. If I
attack him now and lose, Selene will be prime for the taking – then again, I don’t know what other choice I have.
Looking down the aisle at Arabella, he glares at the suddenly terror-stricken she-wolf. “Well well, Bella.” His steely voice sounds
again, “You’ve been holding out on me.”
“Blaise-” She tries to explain, wringing her hands but having enough sense not to move forward.
“Don’t bother.” He snarls, “I don’t want to hear it.”
He’s scanning the room, clearly looking for something. Horror filters through my chaotic thoughts as I realize he al ready knows
about Selene. Arabella might not have known about the bounty, but I bet her underworld contact did. He must have been the one
guarding Selene while she was locked up, and the moment her disquise wore off, he went running to collect the reward.
When Blaise’s eyes finally land on Selene. The gray pools instantly begin to glow, and a terrifying grin stretched across his face.
“My Goddess.” He breathes, “I’ve found you at last.”

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