Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 151

Chapter 151 Frederic Puts His Plan into Motion
Selene’s POV
I’m amazed at the difference one little pill can make.
I feel like a completely different person now that I’ve thrown out Dr. Kane’s (if that’s truly his name) placebos. Dr. Lee’s medicines
have reduced my morning sickness so much that the condition actually lives up to its name and only strikes in the morning. I’ve
even put on a pound!
It’s only been three days since leaving the hospital, and I couldn’t be happier to be home, even though everything else in my life
is a bloody disaster. I keep trying to call Bastien every morning, but he never picks up, the line never even rings. It goes straight
to voicemail.
In addition to my mate’s absence and my pup’s continuous questions about where her Daddy is, the pack is all in an uproar.
Apparently while I was stuck in the hospital Aiden and Donovan captured Odile, then immediately lost her. The worst part is that I
think Frederic leaked the story himself, because almost no one knew she’s been caught. Her escape included a black out and
riot at the enforcement headquarters, and as much as I’d like to explain this away the same way I handled Bastien’s absence,
the truth is that we did fail.
Whether it’s sabotage or not, we’re failing to protect the pack and keep the peace. Frederic is winning, and I can’t stand it. Still,
today I’m going to try and forget all the drama and sadness. Sophie and I are going to take Lila to the zoo for a much needed day
out. My poor pup has been such a trooper throughout all these crises and changes, and she desperately deserves a reward.
“Mommy I wanna walk!” She informs me as we walk towards the zoo entrance.
“But I want to carry you!” I reply, snuggling her close and kissing her cheek half a dozen times, “I haven’t had any time with my
Lila bean lately. I’ve missed you.”
“But Mommy, i’s the zoo.” She replies, as if I’m completely missing the point. “I wanna run round!”
“Fine.” I sigh dramatically, “You can walk, but don’t run too far ahead, okay?” I instruct.
“Okay.” She agrees.
“Lila, I mean it, stay within sight.” I say, more stern now.

“I pwomise.” She vows, already squirming to escape the comforting safety of my arms. I set her little paws on the ground and
she immediately races ahead.
Rolling my eyes, I link arms with Sophie. “This is how it begins.” I sigh. “First she doesn’t want to be carried, next she’s going to
be too embarrassed to be seen with me in public.”
Sophie laughs, “I think that’s still a few years away. Besides, when that day does come, you’ll still have the new baby to comfort
“Until it grows up too.” I complain, only half joking. Damned pregnancy hormones, I haven’t even given birth yet and I’m already
in a snit that my baby will grow up too fast.
“So just keep having babies.” Sophie suggests. “That way there will always be a young pup to cuddle.”
“Spoken like a woman who’s never been pregnant.” I snort, instantly regretting my words when I see the look on the other
woman’s face. “Oh Sophie, I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking that’s such an assumption, and such a cruel thing.”
“Relax Selene.” She interrupts me. “It’s alright. You’re exactly right. I’ve never been pregnant – until a few weeks ago I was a
“Really?” I inquire, undeniably curious while simultaneously reluctant to think about Drake in that capacity. “And?”
Sophie giggles and flushes, “It’s been amazing.” She intones shyly, “But I think Drake is ready for a family and babies and all the
rest, and I’m just trying to get my feet under me, you know?”
“Typical Alpha.” I sigh, “I swear, mean would never be so eager to become fathers if they had to do the hard part.”
“It’s not even that he’s pressuring me.” Sophie admits. “I can just sense that he’s holding back that side of himself.”
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing.” I tell her. “I know it probably doesn’t feel great, but you said yourself that you aren’t ready.
It’s better he understands and gives you time than forces you into it.”
“I know, but he’s pretending he’s totally satisfied and I know he isn’t.” She shares. “I mean it’s his instinct to father pups now that
he’s marked me, I hate that he’s hurting for my sake.”
“Have you talked to him about this?” I prod gently, knowing full well my shy friend hasn’t.
“No,” She confesses, “I’m not good with conflict.”

“I’m not either,” i sympathize, “but being with Bastien helped me learn that not all disagreements are disasters. This is still all very
new to you, and I understand exactly what you’re going through, but promise it gets better.”
“Thanks. Selene.” Sophie smiles, appearing truly relieved.
“Any time.” I promise, keeping my eyes locked on my pup as we pass through the entrance gates. It’s crowded today, and for a
moment a young family moves into my line of sight, blocking Lila from view. I quicken my pace, trying and failing to see through
their bodies to my little girl. They shift back out of the way after a few seconds, and Lila reappears, skipping along happily and
heading straight for the giant anteater exhibit up ahead.
Exhaling. I turn to Sophie. “I’m sorry Soph, but I’m going to lose it if we don’t keep up with her.”
“No problem.” She allows, speeding up beside me.
I only looked away for one second, but this time when I return my attention to the spot where Lila was standing a moment ago –
she’s gone. Pure, undiluted terror fills me so quickly it defies belief.
“Lila?” I call, glancing around in worry, “Sophie, do you see her?”
“I’m sure she’s here somewhere.” The she wolf says calmly, scanning the area. Her brow crinkles in concern when she can’t lay
eyes on the pup either. “She’s probably hiding. Lila!”
I dash through the crowd to the exhibit, my eyes darting over every surface, every shifter present. She’s nowhere to be found.
The shifters around us are pointing and whispering to each other, clearly recognizing me, but I ignore them. I have my baby’s
scent locked into my senses, and I follow it away from the melee.
“Lila!” I call again, tracking her determinedly and praying she’s misbehaving rather than in trouble. “Lila bean where are you?”
My heart sinks when I hear a muffled cry, but my protective instincts take over and I sprint in that direction, Sophie hot on my
heels. We round the corner, finding what appears to be a supply shed, and storm inside without a second thought. The door
shuts behind us, and I clock a hulking bear shifter in my periphery, but I can’t give him a moment of my time. Directly in front of
me, a strange man is holding my pup hostage and pure, maternal rage is pulsing through me like a wildfire.
“Take your hands off my pup, this instant.” I snarl, my hackles raised.
“Calm down sweetheart.” The shifter croons, “No one’s going to hurt you or your pup, we’re just going to take a little field trip.”

“We’re not going anywhere.” i inform him harshly, speaking over Sophie’s whimpers. “You have until the count of three to release
my daughter, or you’ll be sorry.”
The men laugh, “Don’t worry Selene, we’re not going to separate you.” He comes forward and hands Lila to me, “we’re all going
to go. Isn’t that right, Jimmy?”
The man behind us pulls out a length of rope, brandishing it in our direction. “That’s right.” He agrees, offering us a stomach-
curdling smile. Quickly checking over Lila, who looks scared and confused but otherwise unharmed, my worry fades, replace by
“Sophie, get down.” I command, holding Lila close and willing the power I’m drawing up from my internal well not to harm anyone
but the men seeking to abduct us.
“You hear that, Ed?” The man called Jimmy scoffs, “It almost sounds like the little wolf intends to fight.”
“You might be surprised.” I announce, sending out a wave of pure electricity the moment Sophie ducks out of the way. “I’m really
sick of people trying to kidnap me.”
As the would be kidnappers hit the floor, Drake, Donovan and Aiden smash through the door behind us. I don’t know how they
knew we were in trouble, but I’m proud to have dealt with things myself. For once I’m not a damsel in distress, this time I
defended myself and my baby all on my own, and now they know what I’m truly capable of.
“Not good with conflict my ass!” Sophie exclaims, even as Drake is practically strip searching her to ensure she’s not injured.
“That was amazing.”
Shooting a smug look to the betas, I ask, “Still think it’s too dangerous for me to learn to use my powers?”
“We’re getting you a teacher.” Aiden decides. “First thing tomorrow.”

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