Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Bastien Arrives in Tartarus
Selene’s POV
Lila is crying again when I get home, and as soon as I enter the apartment my mother-in-law shoots me a look of abject relief. My
pup is running towards me before I can even close the door behind me, her tiny feet drumming a rapid pitter patter across the
wood floors.
“Hello sweet pup.” I croon, gathering her in my arms and rocking her gently from left to right. “What’s the matter?”
“Gamma wouldn’ let me have cookie!” She cries pitifully.
“I said not before you eat your lunch,” Odette reminds her kindly, dropping a kiss to my cheek and whispering in my ear, “You’ve
definitely got your hands full. I’m sorry I dismissed you earlier.”
“Don’t be silly, I didn’t take it that way.” I assure her, turning to Lila. “I’ll tell you what, little bean. I’m starving, why don’t we have
lunch together and then afterwards we’ll go share a big cookie from the bakery?”
Lila’s tears slow, but she sniffles when she looks up at me. “I don’ wanna share.”
“Well I hate to break it to you angel, but you’re going to have to get used to it.” i inform her, instantly sensing a fresh wave of
defiance and continuing, “but the fun part of sharing is that it means we’re together. When you share something, you’re never
My daughter doesn’t look convinced, but she’s placated enough to hug Odette goodbye and sit down for lunch. We spend the
rest of the afternoon together, playing and talking about all the big changes happening in our lives. I wish I could say it was
enough, but there’s no way to explain to a three year old why their entire world has turned upside down.
Tomorrow she’ll have the same questions, the same fears, and we’ll do it all over again.
“Lila’s having a really hard time.” I tell Bastien over the phone that night, “I’ve never known her to act out so much. Some of it is
just age but...”
“But it’s also the move, and the new baby, and me being gone.” He sighs.

“Yes.” I confess, not wanting to make him feel guilty, yet needing to share my feelings with my mate. Part of me wonders if that’s
selfish. With everything Bastien is risking for our family, is it fair of me to further burden him with my troubles? After all, I’m well
equipped to handle Lila’s tantrums, I’ve been their sole manager all these years.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll try to talk to her.” He promises.
She’s not the only one who wants you home. I think, stopping myself from speaking the words aloud. “Thank you.” I say instead.
“She misses you. We both do.”
“I know baby, I miss you too.” He professes, his deep voice low and gravelly. “How was your appointment with Dr Chase?”
“Not great,” I admit, “he yelled at me for being too thin and called me dramatic when I told him I have a nausea condition.”
“He what?” My mate snarls.
“Don’t worry, I told him I was going to make sure no other she-wolves went to his practice and walked out.” I share with a grin.
“Good girl.” He praises, sending a warm shiver down my spine, “It would serve the bastard right to lose his business.”
“Agreed.” I laugh, “needless to say I’ll be looking for a different doctor.”
This afternoon I thought long and hard about telling Bastien I’ve gone back Dr. Kane, and in the end I decided I simply couldn’t. I
know my husband will only worry if I tell him now, and I don’t want to distract him even further than he is already.
I’ll tell him when he gets back to Elysium. I might get in trouble for the lie, but I have to do what’s best for the baby and that
means having the best doctor for us both.
“Hopefully you can find someone fast.” He replies, full of sympathy, “How are you feeling?”
He asks me this every day, and every day I tell him the same lie. “I’m hanging in there.” In reality I want to curl up in a little ball
and die. My first pregnancy could afford to simply sulk and feel sorry for myself, this time is very different. I have too much
“When will you arrive in Tartarus?” I ask, needing to change the subject.
“Tonight.” Bastien answers, sounding tense.

“I’ve cleared the woods around the city’s entire perimeter and checked my point of entry three times today alone. Either word of
his failure hasn’t gotten back to Frederic yet, or his replacement team is too far behind me to pick up my trail.”
“Thank the Goddess.” I breathe. “You’re going to be careful, aren’t you?”
“Of course.” He vows. “My days of running in and playing the hero are long gone. I would never risk my life now that I have a
family to care for not unless have no other choice.”
“Just make sure you don’t land in a situation where you lose those choices, Bastien.” I plead. “If it comes down to returning home
to us or killing Blaise, just come home.”
Silence stretches between us, and I can already sense his refusal. “I can’t make that promise, little wolf.”
“Yes you can.” I argue.
“I will take every precaution,” He promises instead. “I won’t risk anything I do not have to, but I can’t make any guarantees,
Selene. You know I can’t.”
The horrible thing is that I do know, we talked about this extensively before he left, but apparently it wasn’t enough. I’m beginning
to feel as moody as Lila. I want my mate and I don’t care what has to happen for him to come back to me, as long as he does.
Another man might lie to me for the sake of my hormones and feelings, but not Bastien. “I’ll never forgive you if you die.” I inform
him petulantly.
My mate’s reply leaves no room for argument, he’s as ruthless as he is stern. “And I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t do everything
in my power to protect you and our children.”
Sophie’s POV
“Do we really have to?” I ask Drake, feeling about as mature as a five year old. I know I’m being silly, I know we came to Elysium
because Selene and Lila are in danger, but I can’t help but feel some lingering envy for the glamorous she wolf.
“We’re already here, sweetheart.” Drake replies, pressing his lips to my throat.
“Let’s just make the most of it.”
“Fine.” I grumble sullenly.
Drake chuckles and pulls me closer, “There’s no need to be jealous, little lamb. Don’t you know I only have eyes for you?”

My mate it’s still so strange to think of Drake that way has certainly gone above and beyond lavishing his affection on me. In fact,
since my heat began I’ve been so overwhelmed with pleasures I never knew existed that it’s difficult to even string two thoughts
together. Still, every time I do regain the cognizance to ponder my situation, I can’t believe it’s real.
Every time I have to wonder why such an incredible man would want me, and every time Martin’s voice sounds in my head to tell
me he doesn’t. Drake can I want me, I’m not worth it.
“Whatever you’re thinking.” Drake warns in an ominous tone, his warm breath fluttering over my ear, “stop it right now.”
Glancing up at him from beneath my lashes, I say. “What if I was thinking about how much I love you?”
You weren’t.” He rumbles affectionately, capturing my mouth in a kiss. “You were thinking something bad about yourself, and
that’s not allowed.”
“Only an Alpha would think he can dictate someone else’s thoughts.” I complain.
“Maybe an Alpha can’t, but your mate certainly can.” He teases, squeezing me close.
Tilting my chin up for another kiss, I melt into the powerful shifter when he obliges, only to have our intimate moment cut short by
the sound of a gleeful squeal,
“Uncle Rake!ll
“Lila bean!” Drake exclaims, releasing me and kneeling to meet Lila. The toddler flies into his arms, and I look beyond her to find
Selene standing at the end of the hallway with wide eyes.
“Drake? Sophie Selene gapes, “What are you doing here?”
“Bastien called me.” Drake explains, extending an arm to give Selene a half-hug. “It sounded like you could use some backup.”
Hugging and kissing me hello, Selene looks as if she’s unsure how to feel. “I admit having another familiar face around for this
little monster will probably be a goddess-send.” She reasons, squeezing her daughter’s foot. “But you didn’t have to come all this
Drake and I both know her husband disagrees, but my mate simply says, “nonsense, we wanted to come!”

“Thank you.” Selene murmurs, tears suddenly shining in her eyes. I’m just starting to feel concerned when she stomps her foot
and swipes at her cheeks, “I’m sorry, I’m not upset, it’s just the baby. Yesterday I cried because we ran out of pickles.”
Lila leans forward conspiratorially, whispering to Drake. “Mommy ate da pickles.”
“Tattle tale!” Selene hiccups a laugh, and extracts her pup from Drake’s arms, “Come on, I’ll have some rooms made up for you.”
Drake tucks me under his arm as we set off up the stairs. “Well I hate to say it, Selene. But it’s obvious you’re breeding. You look
“Drake!” I exclaim, smacking his chest.
“It’s okay Sophie, I know it’s true.” Selene sighs.
Even I have to admit that the stunning Volana looks worse for wear. In fact, for the first time since we met, I don’t feel inadequate
standing beside her.

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