Pregnant And Rejected Omega

Chapter The Call


I dial the number and wait. Each ring worries me. If Father answers, which he has a few times, I have to hang up quickly so he doesn’t know it’s me.

“Harlyn!” Samuel’s voice comes through the phone, instantly making me smile, but at the same time, tears begin to fill my eyes.

“Samuel, it’s good to hear from you,” I reply. “I wanted to do our usual check-in,” I explain. Our phone calls are rare, and they are the only way I know that everyone is alive and well at home. We have agreed on no big updates; if less, they are life-and-death situations, it’s for the best.

“Harlyn, I need you to come home, please,” Samuel says, and I notice the worry in his tone.

“Samuel, that’s not possible. I was exiled, remember?” I remind him. My heart is craving to go home and see them, but it’s not possible.

“Please, Mother wishes to see you, Harlyn,” he pleads. I wish he could understand this.

It isn’t easy to refuse, but going back is going against my father’s orders, and that won’t be good for anyone, especially not me. I do miss them, however, and I want to agree, but there’s no way that I can. Father wouldn’t let me, and if I did show up and he found out Samuel had told me to go, I knew things would get worse.

“Father won’t allow it, Samuel; I’m sorry. I would love to, but there is no way Father will agree,” my words are whispered, and I fight back the tears. “He won’t allow Mother to talk to me on the phone, Samuel. There is no way he will let me see her in person.”

We tried, but Father won’t let me speak to Mother, and my phone calls to Samuel are hidden; he doesn’t know that we speak.

“Harlyn, please; Mother hates it. You’re her little girl,” his voice is full of pain. “I’m marrying Harlyn, and she hates that you’re not here, so she’s begun to starve herself. When that didn’t work to get Father to agree, she stopped drinking.”

My heart shatters. I would love to see Samuel marry, but it’s not possible. If Mother starving herself didn’t convince Father to let me return, nothing would. “If I return, I’ll only make things worse, Samuel. Father will shout at her for it. He won’t allow me back,” I argue, not enjoying that I am refusing. I have to, though; he’s not considered the consequences of this.

“Father agreed. He agreed you could come back for the wedding. If Mother stops her nonsense, he will let you come back for the wedding, please, Harlyn,” he begs.

I feel my head nodding as I give in. “Okay, I will come straight away,” I reply. I want to smile, but I am worried that this will cause more problems. Father will still hate me.

“Thank you Harlyn, will you bring the pups as well?” Samuel asks, and I glance through to where they are playing with Wayne. I would rather not, but this could be the only chance they get to meet.

“Yes, I will,” I reply.

“Great, I will tell Mother, then she might at least drink something; see you soon, Harlyn.”

“See you soon, Samuel,” I reply and hang up. Fear begins to cripple me as I consider the consequences of this. I know he said my Father agreed, but he still hates me. That worries me, and I don’t want the pups to hear his abuse.

I turn and look at Wayne as he plays with the pups. I hadn’t considered how this would work.

“I’m going home,” I whisper. I watch as Wayne’s eyes widen in disbelief. He stands and walks to me, clearly confused by my news. “Why, Harlyn?” he asks.

Meeting his gaze, I try to smile. “Samuel is getting married, and Mother has made herself ill to force my Father to let me return for it,” I explain, and I can see his worry already. He moves and pulls me into a hug. I didn’t even know that Samuel had found a mate, let alone that he was marrying. Then again, we agreed there would be no updates, and him telling me he had found a mate is an update.

“I’m not sure that I can cope without you. I’m not sure I can handle not knowing if you’re okay,” he murmurs. I can hear the fear in his words, and guilt rises within me. I have to go home though, at least to stop Mother and her stupid behaviour.

“You will be fine. It’s three or four days, not long at all,” I explain, hoping to ease his worries. I can see it barely helps.

“I will come with you,” he announces. My eyes widen at his words.

Standing, I shake my head at him. He can’t leave the pack. “Wayne, you have the pack to look after. There are ongoing attacks. It wouldn’t be wise of you to leave the pack right now—not for that long,” I explain. I know that we left today, but that was for a day. The betas will need him here if anything bad happens. I can’t take him away from here.

“Harlyn. Every day, they hurt you. You told me how bad it was, remember? I can’t just sit here and let you go alone. What if they hurt you again?” he asks. I want to tell him that’s not possible, that I’m not the weak girl I was. I want to tell him I will stand up for myself, but that doesn’t guarantee they won’t hurt me.

I feel someone move between us and look down to see Thorin.

“I will go and not let them hurt Mummy,” Thorin says. He stands looking at Wayne.

“That’s not possible, Thorin. You can’t protect her,” Wayne explains, and Thorin glares at him. I bite my lip to stop the laughter.

“We all can,” Isaac says as he and Lotta join Thorin. They can, but I won’t let them protect me. They are pups and shouldn’t hold that responsibility. I smile, though, because these three pups are everything to me. I’m happy that the Moon Goddess didn’t give me a wolf if instead, I got the pups. They are fierce and resilient, and I know they will protect me.

Wayne nods, clearly giving in. “I will every day. Harlyn, I mean this. If I sense you’re hurt or upset, I’m coming,” he declares. I nod quickly. “Beta Jane and Paula,” Wayne calls out. The pups and I look at him, confused, and watch as they walk in.

“Yes, Alpha Wayne?” They stand waiting for his orders.

“You will accompany Harlyn to her family kingdom and protect her,” Wayne states. “You know who the problem is, so if he’s close by, you stay close,” Wayne explains. I know he means my Father. If my Father is close, then they will be.

“I already said I will protect Mummy,” Thorin says as he stares at Wayne in shock.

“I know you will Thorin, but you might get busy, you’re meeting your Uncle Samuel, remember?” Wayne explains.

“I’m not leaving, Mummy,” Thorin argues, and I laugh slightly. He will. I won’t keep him with me; I will make sure he enjoys this break.

“Fine. The Beta’s are coming as backup, happy?” Wayne asks, looking at Thorin. I watch as Thorin nods and smiles. He isn’t protecting me, the Beta’s are.

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