Pregnant And Rejected Omega

Chapter Our Lives


“Harlyn,” I hear Samuel call out my name. I turn to look at him. He moves and sits next to me.

“Are they okay?” I ask, my eyes glancing towards the manor.

“Colton is entertaining them. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me you were engaged?” He asks.

My mind goes back to that call and I explain it to him.

“Harlyn, please tell me that you have settled. I worry that you’re still alone.” Samuel’s voice quakes with worry. That will only increase if I tell him I have no fixed home and I’m still trying to find a pack to accept me.

“Samuel, how is Mother doing?” I ask, wanting to know how she is dealing with the situation.

“Would you want to know the answer if it hurts you, Harlyn?” He asks, and my heart shatters knowing I don’t.

“Would you, Samuel?” I reply, and the call goes quiet. “We can’t do this, Samuel; updates cause more pain. They remind me of what I’m missing.” I fight back the tears.

The last time we spoke, he told me he had taken over and become Prince Stefan’s first man and guard. I missed the whole event where they bestowed him the power of it.

“So, what do we talk about on these calls?” He asks, and I don’t know. “I agree, it hurts. When you told me you felt like you were having more than one pup, I hated that I wasn’t there to see,” he says solemnly.

“So we agree. We call every few months and ask if we’re all fine?” I speak and know it’s for the best.

“What about big events, like when you have the pups, if you pick a name? What about if I find a partner and get engaged or have a pup myself?” he asks. His words bring tears to my eyes, as I can’t know, it will only hurt me more..

I know that him calling about his life will only torment me more. I won’t get to see it, and I won’t get to meet his wife or his pups.

“Samuel, I will tell you their names once the pups arrive. I can’t have updates. They are reminders of what I am missing,” I admit. I feel my heart crumble in my chest.

“You’re right, Harlyn, every time you tell me about the babies, it hurts. So a call, we say we’re fine, and that’s all?” His voice sounds distant, like he’s moved the phone away from him, when in reality, even I know he’s holding back the sobs.

“It’s for the best, Samuel. Please take care of Mother and Colton,” I ask. I know I can’t, and I hate that reality.

“And you take care of those pups. Your family,” he says and the call ends. I fall to my knees and cry.

“Miss.” The words have me raise my head. The man stands before me, his eyes widening as he takes me in. “Come in, get a drink, and rest. I’m Alpha Wayne. Welcome to the pack.” At the moment, I had accepted I couldn’t use my family for support anymore. I finally found a pack that accepted me.

The memory fades, and I look at Samuel. “We agreed on no updates; they only caused more pain, Samuel. I knew you would want to know about him. Then you would want to meet him.” I sigh, and he nods.

“I also knew you would hate knowing I was getting married without you there. I know that you hurt every birthday of the pups or mine because you weren’t there to celebrate. We agreed that we would not speak of any major updates.” I remind him once more.

“We agreed, yes. It would have eased many worries if I knew you had found a strong Alpha who wanted to marry you.” His hand grips mine. “Every day, I asked myself if you would tell me if you were struggling, alone, or hurt. I hated it, Harlyn,” he admits. His eyes show a range of emotions right now.

“All you need to know is I’m fine, Samuel. Me and the pups—we’re fine. We have a pack, a family, and a life. I am doing far better away from here than I ever did here.” I admit, knowing that this place only added to my problems.

“I know you are. I just wish you had told me you were dating an Alpha. I would have known you would be protected,” he admits, and I nod. He’s forgetting we agreed not to do any updates.

“Explain, Mother, why she stopped eating and when?” I ask.

“Months ago, Harlyn. Father forced the medical team to give her drips. I found my mate Harlyn and proposed. I didn’t want to marry without you here. Mother didn’t want to watch me marry without you here.” His words shocked me.

“So when is this wedding, and where is your mate?” I ask.

“I’ll get it sorted while you’re back. I want you there, and so does mother. She has eaten now. I just hope she doesn’t use this to keep you here, as father won’t allow it. You will meet me mate, don’t worry,” he reassures me.

“I will ensure she knows not to. What if I send you pictures, and you show her, ensuring that father doesn’t know? Then, when I leave, she gets some updates?” I ask. I don’t know if it will work. I know that getting updates hurt me and made it worse.

Would it make things worse for mother?

“I’ll get back in and spend time with them. Maybe go see Lucy? She knows you’re back and is waiting for you,” he says. I nod and watch as he hugs me before walking away. I understood his worry, but we had agreed not to give significant updates unless it was life or death. My head fell forward, and I pushed the emotions away.

I will at least get to see him marry his Luna. I need to ask about her later when we get time. Right now, however, I should fine Lucy.

Standing, I walk through the gardens towards the palace. As I reach the door, the guard looks at me.

“I’m Harlyn, the Earl's daughter, a friend of Princess Lucy,” I explain.

I watch him nod and step back before opening the door for me to enter. I walk in and make my way through the entrance hall

“Harlyn?” The voice comes from behind me, and I smile. I will never forget it. She was my best friend, and while her brother, the prince, rejected me, hated me, and ridiculed me, she was terrific.

I took a deep breath, knowing that she would be hurt by the fact that I left and never told her. I couldn’t, though; there was no way my father would allow me to.

“Your Highness,” I say while smiling. I turn and rush to her. Hugging her, I smile. I missed her a lot. She is still my best friend, even after all these years.

“I can’t believe it’s your Harlyn!” Lucy hugs me back.

“Your Highness, how have you been, I ask?” I’m unable to stop the smile that spreads across my face at seeing how much she has changed.

“A lot has happened, and I have so much to tell you. So, we need to find somewhere to sit and speak, I have news, a lot of news Harlyn!” Lucy says, and I smile.

“Harlyn?” The female voice has me turn. I stop when I see her, her arm is linked through Stefan’s. I push away the emotions that try to push up. He’s nothing, not to me anymore. I notice the crown, and I wish Samuel had given me this update.

“Your Majesty,” I say. I curtsey to Stefan, since when did he come king? No one had told me that.

“We need to speak, Harlyn, straight away,” Lucy insists.

“You returned?” The woman with Stefan looks at me.

“Harlyn, this is Princess Diandra from Wicklore Pack.” Lucy introduced her, Stefan's future wife.

“Oh, I apologise, Your Highness, I didn’t know.” I curtsey her.

“Are you planning to stay?” Diandra asks. Who is this woman?

“I am not staying, no,” I explain, and both Lucy and Stefan look at me, shocked.

“Why? You just got back.” Lucy complains.

“I’ve nothing here worth staying for, and I have a life away from here,” I explain.

“Is there Nothing here worth staying for?” Lucy cries. Her pain hurts me, but I can't stay. “What about your family, the pack, me!” Lucy asks. Does she not remember I was exiled?

“Lucy, only werewolves belong in the pack. I am not a werewolf, merely a human. I have accepted this, but in case you have forgotten, my father exiled me from the family and the pack and threw me out because I was wolfless, and he saw me as unworthy.” I explain to her. I wish I could ignore that I was exiled, but I can't.

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