Pregnant And Rejected Omega

Chapter Forgiving


My last few hours were spent with Lucy and Lotta getting ready for this ball, where Stefan will announce the pups. Lotta is in her element. She has on a dress. One that has taken hours for her pick.

I blamed Lucy for that. The ideal thing to do was bring a few dresses, no more than six, for Lotta to pick from. Instead, she had almost an entire room, and that meant she wanted to wear them all.

In the end, she gave up on the giant princess dresses and went for a more simple one. It didn’t have the big petticoat skirt under it, either.

Lucy helped me pick a dress, and it matched Lotta’s in a way; I didn’t see why I needed a dress. As I told her, no one noticed me yesterday; they pushed in front of me to get to Stefan.

Apparently, however, once it’s announced the pups are Stefan’s, people might approach them while they are with me. I still think my dress is a bit too much, but I won’t argue with Lucy.

I’m glad the boys have Stefan and Samuel to help them. While Thorin would be dressed half decently, I know Isaac would be a lost cause.

Walking towards the hall, I stop and laugh when I see Thorin and Isaac. They are in royal blue suits, but that isn’t why I’m laughing. They are currently fighting to mess up each other’s hair.

Walking to them, I pull them apart. “Really?” I look down at them.

“He started it, Mummy.” Thorin glares at Isaac.

“Well, now it’s finished,” I state and watch them nod; turning, I go to grab Lotta’s hand and see Thorin move and mess up Isaac’s hair while laughing.

“I quit,” my words are whispered, and I hear Stefan laughing.

“Messy hair is fine,” he walks past and messes up Thorin’s, who glares at him. “We will go out, and in a short while, I will introduce them to everyone.”

I nod and watch as they run to my mother. Stefan turns and laughs. “She used to do that with us,” he says. He’s not wrong, my mother did bring home made cookies to these things and sneak me, Lucy and Stefan them. Why, when there is always food at these things anyway, I don’t know.

“You can keep my company for a bit,” Stefan’s arm wraps around my back, his hand settled on my hip as we walk into the giant hall.

“Your Majesty, when will you be making your announcement? Many are speculating what it is about,” a man smiles at him but doesn’t even notice me.

His hand is outstretched, and Stefan releases me to shake his hand.

“Does it have something to do with the Earl’s daughter, Your Majesty? We heard you left to save her?” Another man pushes between me, and Stefan and I step back.

I’m used to being invisible, but hell, the guy doesn’t even realise I’m Harlyn. I turn to leave, and a hand grabs mine, and I see Stefan holding me.

“Please be considerate when you push between people. I did have company,” Stefan says and moves to pull me forward.

“Your Majesty, it’s fine. I need to speak with my mother anyway,” I say, although I don’t, I just feel awkward and out of place stood next to him.

“Harl,” Stefan looks at me.

Smiling I step back, and curtsey. “I will speak with you later, Your Majesty,” I say, not giving him a chance to argue before I rush away. The crowd around him was getting bigger and that made me feel worse as not one person realised I was there.

“Harlyn,” Mother says from behind me turning I hug her. I glance around and see the pups with Samuel and Lucy.

“Where is Father?” I would have thought he would be here, but I can’t see him.

“Keeping his distance, like he was told to. Don’t worry about that,” she smiles but it’s wrong. My father wouldn’t have left her alone, he always ensured someone else was keeping her company. Not to mention this is about the pups so he should be here.

“Is it at the manor?” I ask, and she nods. I turn to leave, and she stops me.

“Harlyn, it’s okay. He’s happy to stay away until you’re ready,” she says, and I nod.

“I’m fine with it, Mother; I will be back soon,” I say and walk away. Getting outside, I walk to the manor. The guard on the door opens it, and I step into the manor and walk through. Going into my father’s office. He is sitting at the desk, peering down at some papers.

“Father,” I say and watch as he jumps to stand up. “You should be at the celebration as well, for mother, Samuel, Colton and the pups.”

I wait, and he stands quietly while staring at me. “I’m fine with being around you, Father. Please join the celebration for Mother.” I don’t like that she is alone.

He nods, and I walk out with him following; his silence, however, is unnerving.

“Harlyn,” he whispers, and I stop at the palace doors. Turning, I look at him. “I hope you don’t think I’m not sorry because I haven’t apologised, I am. I just know an apology isn’t worth a lot, and I won’t say it until I am sure you can see I mean it,” he says quietly.

I know if he apologised now, he would mean it. “Father, I already know that you’re sorry. I forgive you,” I said, instantly feeling better.

“You were my little girl. It was you who kept me going when your mother was ill. She was so close to death. I had Samuel, but it was you being so small and fragile that kept me fighting. I never hated you Harlyn, just that you didn’t have a wolf.” His head falls.

“But I wasn’t your daughter,” I remind him. Knowing that, he will no doubt hate that.

“You were! Do you think I ever thought that you weren’t mine because you didn’t come from me? You were as much mine as Samuel was and then Colton after. I know it looks like I hated you for not being my daughter, but you were. You were my princess, my only daughter,” he admits.

Sighing, I stop closer to him, my arms wrapping around him. I feel his body shaking against mine as he cries. “Guilt will kill the strongest of men, Father; you told Samuel that; I’m sure the former king told Stefan that. You need to take your own advice.” I kiss his cheek and smile at him.

“Harl, you left?” I turn and see Stefan by the door, confused.

“I was ensuring the entire family was here,” I say while smiling. Walking in, he follows and glances down at me. “I’ve not entirely forgiven him, Your Majesty, but he needs some forgiveness to be able to survive this,” I say.

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