Power Awakens

Chapter 3

Grakkor, foremost warrior of the Necro’s, acknowledged by many as the second most powerful sorcerer of the two remaining Nexii worlds, and the iron fist absolute ruler of the planet Xanom, was concerned and this was a very unusual feeling.

The last recollection Grakkor had of the same feeling was on the day that he challenged his father and brother for the throne of Kronda, the winner to be the first ever ruler of a united Necro’s. Although Grakkor had the power, the speed and the skill to beat his Father and Brother combined, there was still a small chance that he could have been defeated. Just before the battle, he was mildly concerned of a number of probabilities that could have gone against him. He vaguely recalled how this feeling had been slightly pleasurable, the butterfly feeling in his stomach was the first time in his life that he had felt anything approaching an emotional reaction.

He was concerned, yes, that was it. He had finished his two-day meditation early as the potential futures coalesced into a very definitive Nexii point for his personal future. At over two hundred he had lived four times longer than most human mortals, usually when he meditated his possible futures stretched into the hundreds, sometimes the thousands. This was of course when he had taken the time to meditate on his personal future probabilities matrix. Of all the times he had done this, it was the first time he had seen a Nexii point for his own future coalesce into a clear definitive occurrence.

A Nexii in a single person’s future was almost impossible to detect unless a great deal of life-essence was used or an extremely powerful Master of Majee focused his will. Grakkor knew the aura signatures of every Master Majee on both worlds, but now there was a new and very powerful one, Grakkor knew of only one who was more powerful than him and although they had different end games Grakkor knew where he was. So this was a new point of power and away on Cromus, could that be the Nexii point he saw in his own future?

Grakkor had once seen a low possibility of a personal Nexii occurring just over three years ago, he had immediately sent out hundreds of his Warriors to eliminate the numerous potential threats. He had been explicit with his orders and had naturally assumed they would be ruthlessly carried out, all of his Warriors were well aware of the consequences of failure. He would have to check rigorously with each of the dispatched Warriors, there could be no room for error, it was a pity all of them would have to die, there were some good Warriors with relatively high potential, yes a pity. Even so, some of the Warriors had been given more than one target; this was going to take a long time to unravel and would take many innocents to work it out. Grakkor sacrificed his slaves and warriors only when there was a need and sparingly, they were after all, a finite resource.

For something like this Nexii to manifest itself so clearly, a fork event must have occurred in the last two days. That could only mean that one of the foreseen potential events was very close to actually happening or had just happened. One or more of his Warriors must have failed at their tasks, but who, and what was the task he had failed at?

Another almost forgotten emotion, frustration, he called for his Captain of the Royal Guard. His was frustrated because he knew this would take months to untangle, how long did he have until the chain of events picked up momentum? When did they become inevitable?

Yes, concerned and frustrated, emotions and feelings, it had been a long time since he had experienced anything like this. Fear, is that what this feeling was? Things were moving out of his control not something Grakkor was used to.

Grakkor instantly killed the six slaves joined to him by the hair thin pure gold Drakktar Chains, their life-force was instantly drained from them through the magical connection, causing the bodies to shrivel up like old prunes. Grakkor carefully removed the Drakktar Chain from the base of the slaves brain stem, it was said to be unbearably painful when the Drakktar Chains are inserted into the brain, one in three slaves died of the shock of this pain alone, the remainder died when they where removed. A portion of the slave’s brain became fused to the chains when used, hence it was impossible to take the chain out without killing the slave.

Drakktar Chains were thought to be fictional by most humans in the Nexii Worlds, they where often used in tales to frighten children and some adults, only two sets had ever been made, especially when it was found what they did to the sender. Originally they where designed to link Majees to increase the power of the group to allow extremely difficult rituals to be carried out. The ability to drain the life force of the sender and increase the power of the recipient was found out by accident four hundred years ago, when one member of a group of Majees died in an attempt to foretell the future of the Necro’s continent. These chains therefore, were one of Grakkor’s prized possessions and something only a few people still alive knew he owned.

Grakkor’s Captain entered the chamber gingerly, he did not want to disturb his Master, which could prove fatal at best, and at worst well he didn’t want to think about it. At seven and a half foot tall and nearly four foot across, the captain was a very imposing figure, he was heavily muscled, but walked with a dancers balance, a very formidable Warrior, unusual in fighters he was also extremely intelligent. He knew Grakkor had finished his meditation early, and he didn’t want to be on the end of any retribution. He had too often seen what could happen when Grakkor was displeased.

The Captain was relieved when he was just given instructions. Of course he felt pity for those who were to feel Grakkor’s wrath, but he was a professional, and his Master had given him a command. The Captain left the chamber with a purposeful stride and Grakkor readied himself for the task of finding the answer to his dilemma.

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