Power Awakens

Chapter 23

Back in the oval room the King addressed Petrek, Osakee and Eddick.

“This is Olef, he is my most trusted friend and confident, what Olef is about to tell you is of the utmost importance to this Kingdom, the whole of Cromus, and possibly all three Nexii worlds. I will let Olef explain, please just let him talk there is a lot to explain and hopefully you will have some knowledge that we don’t to help piece the picture together.”

“Three Nexii worlds, your Majesty, I thought that travel through a Gateway was impossible for humans” said Petrek as he glanced at his brother, then at Olef.

“No Petrek,” responded Olef, “That is a common misconception, that many people believe. The three Nexii worlds are well known and well documented. These worlds were once very well travelled, it was not until the War of Attrition that the Gatekeepers, closed down travel between the worlds. Once humans travelled freely across the three worlds without any hindrance, the Gatekeepers helped those without power, and those with power could travel at will. About five hundred years ago the third Nexii world was invaded by the Morfesuc, better known as the Life Suckers, these are creatures from the lower realm that are an anathema to life itself and they totally destroyed the third Nexii world of Mortuum, sucking every last shred of life from the planet. The Gatekeepers somehow stopped all travel to and from Mortuum but continued to allow free travel between Cromus and Xanom.

Following the War of Attrition the Gatekeepers, for reasons known only to them, closed the Gateways to all human travel. It was rumoured that they feared a breakthrough of the Morfesuc, into the remaining two uninfected Nexii Worlds. What is not commonly known is that the Gatekeepers, who are incredibly powerful manipulators of Majee, were not afraid of a further breakthrough into the remaining Nexii worlds, they were terrified, again for reasons unknown to us. For beings that powerful to be terrified is frightening indeed. There are some ancient texts in the Temple of Light near the borders of Naj, which describe the history of what has happened in great detail including the Nexii worlds. We think there is a connection to what I am about to tell you and the actions of the Gatekeepers, but it is still unclear what that connection is.

You may be wondering why you are being told about any of this and why we took so long to speak to you since you arrived, I would be too if I was in your place. The reason it has taken us so long to speak to you both is that we had to be certain of your affiliation. It seems that you have checked out much better than expected and you appear to be unknown to our enemies, which is an added bonus.

What you may not know is there are many factions both in Bruk, Naj and the Kingdoms of Isles, that want to totally destabilise this part of Cromus. Again, why is unknown or at least not yet confirmed, but our intelligence has led us to believe that there is another concerted effort by the Necro’s to take over Cromus. The Necro’s totally conquered their home world Xanom over six hundred years ago. Shortly after this the Gatekeepers stopped travel to and from Xanom to Cromus. It took the Necro’s a further fifty years to breakthrough the Gate Lock that the Gatekeepers imposed on their Gateway, but they managed it. We understand that the way they did this was by using Necro Majee. Over thirty Death Priests had somehow connected together the life-energy of over ten thousand Necrolytes, fanatical followers of Elvan and Gia.

Olef shook his head as he recalled what history had shown, “This power allowed them to open the Gateway for nearly two hours. In this time over thirty thousand warriors and dozens of other nightmare creatures came through the gate including one of the Life Suckers, hence the closure of all travel between the Nexii worlds. The Necrolytes freely gave their life just to open the gate, they are totally fanatical and believe that Gia will provide them with paradise everlasting and Elvan their loving Father will provide them with Slaves and Servants for their every need. Crazy but that is their belief.

The Necro’s then teamed up with the Morrs and the Bhagwatis and on their rampage across Rodina, they managed to totally wipe out the whole Nedite Nation, complete Genocide. The Nedite were a small nation totally dedicated to Rudjitsow and were very similar to the denizens of the greater Empire of Naj. Because of their prowess in battle the Necro’s, Morrs and Bhagwatis needed to kill them on their way to their goal. They could not engage in battle, as they would suffer horrendous losses so they decided to destroy the Nedite by Majee and poison, poisoning the Nedite entire water supply and hiding the effects with Majee.

This was the start of the War of Attrition, when Zeetek wiped out over a million Morrs, Necro’s, and Bhagwatis, in response to the death of his family in a small village near the Nedite, which shared the same water supply. Zeetek was supported by the Armies of Light lead by the best Naj General that ever lived, General Makawuro. The Greater Empire of Naj were close Allies of the Nedites and sent over half of their army to war in reaction to the Nedite genocide. The last battle led to terrible carnage to the land in the North of Bruk, with thousands of leagues of land totally devastated, leading to the term the Northern Wastes.

Shortly before the invasion, there was a massive effort across all the nations on Rodina to destabilise the governments. This almost succeeded as four of the previous nations of Bruk commenced a campaign of hostilities, which stopped at outright war only by the brilliance of Zeetek who not only stopped a major war, but also managed to unite the disparate nations into the Kingdom of Bruk you see today.

Records at the time describe a series of events that are almost identical to what is happening now. A number of key powerful people were subverted by a Master Level Deathpriest to followers of Elvan, they didn’t even know they were under his spell, but combined they almost managed to totally destabilise the whole region. This would have left the northern border of Naj being exposed for what we now know was their objective. They had planned to attack the Temple of Light, for what, we are still unsure? We all know the myths that surround that hallowed place and no one apart from Xeng Hu San himself knows the full extent of the mysteries housed there.

The network they established was immense, it crisscrossed the whole of the continent. We have established clear evidence that the same is happening again, across all the nations around the Sea Lake. However, we cannot yet act on this evidence because the people we suspect are very well connected, powerful Lords and Heads of houses.

Again, you may be asking yourself why we are telling you this. Well that is the easy part, we want you to join a very small team who are collating the evidence we need to act and who are fighting the unseen battle against the evil of the followers of Elvan and Gia.

Also, there is a connection to your own family, the Marcel Scriptures, a true copy of which is contained inside the mountain at the Tongsai Monastery, clearly indicates the importance of the Nexii, it says a number of things which have clearly come to pass over the centuries, almost exactly as written, at least it was clear after the event occurred, as the prophecy is quite cryptic in parts.

One thing that is clear is the impact a Nexii has on the world around them. Zeetek was believed to be a powerful Nexii and his whole life can be correlated to events in the Nexii Prophecy, Marcel Scriptures and Kistor Cycle but almost all translations agree that Zeetek wasn’t The Nexii saviour that the Prophecy talks about. We have reason to believe that The Nexii is your son, Jaac. Zeetek managed to change the course of history as a very powerful Nexii, we can only imagine what will happen with a Nexii as powerful as your son may become.

There are many different translations of Prophecy, only a clean copy of the Kistor Cycle would show a single person more detail. The Kistor Cycle is a strange book that exists on a different plane to our world and so cannot be moved, plus it is a difficult book to handle as no one person can read all the knowledge it contains. There is a number which has to be entered on the codex dials which is unique to each persons birth date and then the book will open and show only the parts of the prophesy that the individual can influence and usually its so obscure, that trying to work out the meaning can take another lifetime.

The Kistor Cycle is kept at the Temple of Light, you may be able to petition Xeng Hu San the head priest there to let you read the book but the artefacts kept there are a closely guarded secret to all but the Inner Council. Your best to read the parts of the Marcel Scriptures that relate directly to you and your son Petrek, then you will know true understanding. If you travel to the Tongsai Monastery there is a Priest named Cespar who is tasked with reading and documenting his understanding of the scripture, it has been his life’s work.

There are many more prophecies, which turn out to be very accurate, they originate in the LifeMatrix, which only the extremely rare and incredibly powerful Sorcerers can accurately read, but these are small snippets of knowledge and never clear until the event they have pertained to has been then it is easy to see their meaning laid before you.” Olaf wiped his brow with a handkerchief and Arem passed him a glass of water.

Its thirsty work” Olaf said with a smile, “I have been tasked with trying to piece together all the prophesies for years to gain a level of understanding for the Kingdom of Bruk. Events will happen here in the future which will shape the Nexii Worlds.”

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