Power and Wealth

Chapter 1442: Enjoyment

Chapter 1442: Enjoyment

8 o'clock.

Inside the room.

The moon hung high, and starlight spilled onto the floor through the transparent French windows. A delightful ambiance prevailed. Dong Xuebing sat on the sofa, smoking, squinting his eyes in enjoyment.

"Xuebing, dinner is ready."

"Oh, is everything prepared?"

"Yes, let's eat."

"Alright, let me help you bring the dishes. Thank you for your hard work."

"No need. Hehe, wash your hands first. I'll serve."

Dong Xuebing didn't hesitate and washed his hands in the bathroom. Coming out, he instinctively looked toward the small dining area separated by a transparent partition. However, he didn't see anyone or any dishes. Turning his head to the sofa where he had been sitting just now, he found that Chang Juan was already sitting on the black leather sofa, playing with the three steaming dishes on the table, all home-cooked stir-fries.

"Let's eat, Xuebing."

"Why not in the dining area?"

"The chairs there are hard. I'm afraid we won't be comfortable sitting together."

"True, after a long day, the sofa is softer. Let's do that."

"Come on, try how I did. If you can't eat it, just tell me, I'll order a few dishes."

"How could that be? It looks delicious."

"I haven't cooked in a long time. I'm not sure."

"No worries, let me taste." Dong Xuebing also sat beside her. Picking up the chopsticks, he took a bite and said, "Hmm, not bad, quite delicious."


"Yeah, you should eat too."

"Okay, let me touch up my makeup first."

Chang Juan picked up a small mirror and some makeup to retouch. She was meticulous about looking good. Dong Xuebing, hungry, ignored her, enjoying his meal. The taste of the food was average. Nothing extraordinary, but having a beautiful lady nearby with a faint scent of perfume drifting over made the meal enjoyable. The dishes might not be great, but instead of saying Dong Xuebing was eating the food, it was more accurate to say he was savoring Chang Juan's beauty as the main course.

One minute

Three minutes

Five minutes

The two of them ate and chatted together.

Dong Xuebing looked at her and said, "The dishes today are really good. Thank you for cooking for me; it's been quite a while since I had a home-cooked meal."

Chang Juan smiled, "It's not just you eating; I'm hungry too."

Dong Xuebing put down his chopsticks when he was full. "Phew, I'm stuffed, I can't eat anymore."

"I am full too," Chang Juan stopped eating, "What time are you resting? You must be tired today."

Dong Xuebing checked the time, "Just after eight. It's early; I'm tired, but we'll have a meeting when Old Zheng returns. After that, we can rest."

"Why don't you take a nap first?"

"It's okay; I can manage."

Dong Xuebing rubbed his shoulders. He was indeed tired. Although he didn't directly participate in today's investment promotion activities, he had been running around a lot. Also, with the poor results of the county's investment promotion today and the deliberate obstacles from the City Investment Promotion Bureau, he not only felt physical fatigue but also mental exhaustion. While others saw the benefits of being a leader, imagining the unimaginable pressure behind the power and position was hard.

Chang Juan looked at him, "Then let me give you a massage."

Dong Xuebing hurriedly took his hands off his shoulders, "No, no need."

"Shoulders feeling sore? No worries, let Sister give you a little massage."

"Not sore at all. Please don't, Sister Chang."

"Hehe, why be so polite with me?"

Chang Juan stood up and walked behind the sofa without waiting for his response.

The next moment, Dong Xuebing felt a tightening on his shoulders, a comfortable sensation spreading throughout his body. It was evident that Sister Chang had a good grip.

"Sister Chang."

"Don't move."

"Oh, look at you."

Dong Xuebing resisted a few times, but the hands of the woman behind him persisted, pressing against him. Dong Xuebing felt extremely comfortable, and in the end, he didn't have the heart to ask her to stop. He simply didn't resist, thanked her, and closed his eyes to enjoy the moment.

Three minutes passed

The hands on his shoulders moved to a different spot, now massaging Dong Xuebing's head.

Unable to bear the comfort, Dong Xuebing couldn't help but make a satisfied sound. The fatigue of the day seemed to dissipate, and Sister Chang knew how to give a massage.

"How's the pressure?"

"Excellent, thank you."

"Lean back a bit more."

"Sure, however, you like."

The sofa was a low-backed, somewhat Japanese-style design. Dong Xuebing, in his semi-conscious state, was about to fall asleep. When Sister Chang told him to lean back, he tilted his head backward. The next second, Dong Xuebing felt the back of his head sink into something soft. To be precise, it was two soft things, and his head was instantly enveloped.


What's going on?

Dong Xuebing only realized, after regaining some clarity, that he was leaning against Sister Chang's chest. Although he didn't turn his head to confirm, it was undoubtedly the position in front of Sister Chang's chest. Furthermore, apart from the soft touch on the back of his head, he felt a shirt button pressing hard against the back of his neck, undoubtedly Sister Chang's chest.

This was a bit different.

Though slightly unconventional, cooking and giving a massage could be justified between two colleagues who had worked together for a long time. However, leaning against Sister Chang's chest was too ambiguous.

This had gone beyond the relationship between colleagues or superiors and subordinates.

Dong Xuebing hesitated to speak and eventually remained silent. He simply, without making a fuss, lifted his head slightly forward.

But right after, Sister Chang pushed it back with his hands on his head. "Xuebing, don't move."

"Cough, uh, about that"

"What's wrong? Uncomfortable?"

"No, no, it's comfortable, but"

"It feels good, right? Hehe."

"Uh, cough, yes. Thanks."

Dong Xuebing still couldn't bring himself to leave. It was no longer just comfortable; it was too comfortable. Sitting on the warm sofa, with his head on a soft chest, Sister Chang massaged him. It was so enjoyable that he lost himself in the moment.

One press

Five presses

Ten presses

With each press from Chang Juan's hands, Dong Xuebing's head moved in response, sinking into her chest's soft and elastic comfort.contemporary romance

Every time.

Sinking into and then emerging from this gentle haven.

Not to mention Dong Xuebing, any man would find it hard to resist.

Ring, ring, ringthe sound of a phone rang in the background.


"It's your phone, Sister Chang."

"Okay, it's my husband calling. Forget it, I won't answer."

"Go ahead, and your husband is probably worried about how you're settling in over here."

"I've already told him. Alright, don't move and continue the massage."

The two hands on Dong Xuebing's head suddenly became one. Perhaps Chang Juan had shifted to answer the phone. Dong Xuebing's head, originally pressing against the middle of Sister Chang's chest, tilted and fell onto the right side of her bosom, completely resting on it.

From behind, Sister Chang's voice came through.

"Hey, why are you calling? I am at the hotel. I just got back from work. Who am I with? Well, I'm alone, ah and the child? He hasn't slept yet. Let him sleep early. I won't be able to come back for the next six months. Take care of our son and make sure he studies well. I know. Let me talk to my son."

She paused for a moment before laughter echoed through the phone. "Hey, hehe, son, yes, it's Mom. Have you finished your homework? Great. Mom has something to do. Be a good boy, listen to Dad, and Mom will return as soon as possible. Goodbye, love you, hehe."

She blew a kiss on the phone before hanging up.

Chang Juan's attitude toward Dong Xuebing and her son was noticeably different from that of her husband.

Dong Xuebing, leaning against her chest, listened with a wry smile.

After putting away her phone, Chang Juan said, "I have to make two or three calls daily. It's annoying."

"Your husband cares about you."

"He just talks a lot; he can't do anything practical."

Dong Xuebing didn't want to comment too much on other people's family matters, so he remained silent. He continued to enjoy Sister Chang's meticulous massage and the softness in front of him.


Nothing but softness.

Dong Xuebing felt like his head was floating away. Since leaving Qu Yunxuan and Yu Meixia, he hasn't had the chance to enjoy a massage. Now that Sister Chang was giving him one, he remembered the long-lost feeling. It was so comfortable that he didn't want Sister Chang to stop.

"Xuebing, your cervical vertebra seems a bit stiff."

"My neck may not be good; I spent much time sitting during my school days."

"You should pay more attention to it. It's not that I am nagging at you. Now that you have money, an official position, and a wife, I heard a child is on the way, too."

"Yeah, in a few more months."

"So, you need to take care of yourself even more. Only with good health can you enjoy life. Don't you agree with what I am saying?"

"Hehe, yes."

"In the future, don't overwork yourself. Pay more attention to rest and exercise. If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, come find me. I'll give you a massage."

"I wouldn't dare."

"Don't be so polite with me. I don't treat you as an outsider, do I?"

Feeling the warmth and tenderness on the back of his head, Dong Xuebing thought, "You don't treat me as an outsider. You wouldn't let me lean on your chest if I were an outsider. That's not a place just anyone can touch"


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