
Chapter 6: The Temptress

Monday morning arrived swiftly. Jamie dressed with much anticipation of meeting the reputed beauty Meghann O’ Malley. For some reason, he felt excited. He could not figure out why?

At the bank that morning Jamie divided his time between watching the door and listening to Mr. Finch ramble on about banking matters. Jamie began thinking Meghann would never arrive. Then as the clock struck twelve, noon, a young woman stepped into the bank. Jamie missed her entrance since he was at lunch.

Adam greeted Jamie at the door whispering, “The temptress has arrived.”

Jamie longed to meet her yet none of his duties took him to the office. Providence took a hand. This

providence came in the form of a thin man who bowed and declared, “Sir, I am Albert Gregory. I have an appointment with Mr. O’Malley. If you would be so kind as to let him know I have arrived.”

“I am sorry Mr. Gregory, but Mr. O’Malley is not in today,” Jamie explained.

“Not in. This is most inconvenient. I must speak with him today!” Albert exclaimed.

“Please wait a moment I will see if anyone can help you.” Jamie said motioning to Mr. Finch. “This man has an appointment with Mr. O’Malley today, he is insistent,” Jamie quietly reported.

“Mr. Gregory,” Mr. Finch began, turning his attention to the customer. “Mr. O’Malley has sent his sister is his stead with his apologies. If you will Miss O’Malley is waiting for you in the office.”

“His sister, how unusual.”

“Yes,” Mr. Finch replied matter of factly.

Mr. Gregory followed.

“Mr. Finch, if you would ask Mr. O’Brien to join us?” came a voice form the office.

Jamie heard it entering without being summoned.

“Mr. Gregory, I would introduce our new assistant manager, Mr. O’Brien. If you do not mind I would like him to sit in on our conversation,” said an angel behind the desk.

“I do not mind. My time is limited. I must have the answer today.” Albert insisted showing signs of impatience. “When do I receive the money?”

“I am sorry, sir, your loan is denied,” Meghann said.

“Denied, on what bases?” Albert inquired defiantly.

“You have not presented any collateral for the loan.”

“The play itself is the collateral,” pleaded Albert.

“Sir, you do not even own the play. If the venture fails, we can not sell the play it holds no visible value,”

“But Miss O’Malley,” Albert began to beg.

“No, sir my decision is final. How do you think our investors would feel if we were to spend their money in such a way? Especially, since you are not willing to risk your own money or security,”

“Your point is well taken. I do have a house on Main Street which should cover the loan.” Albert said reluctantly.

“Give me the address and I will send Mr. Finch to appraise it. We should be able to approve your loan in two days. Is that acceptable, Mr. Gregory?” Meghann stood to her feet, extending her hand silently saying the conversation had come to an end.

“I have no choice, but to agree. I must tell you Miss O’Malley, if you were a man, you would make a wonderful banker,” Mr. Gregory said, bowing ignoring Meghann’s extended hand.

“I would have been a great many things, if I was not trapped by corsets and petticoats,” Meghann declared placing here hands by her side.

“Miss O’Malley,” Mr. Gregory said in shock.

After that he quickly made his way from the bank.

“That pompous man,” Meghann hissed, “What are you staring at Mr. O’Brien?”

“Excuse me, I am?” Jamie began, not knowing how to continue. He was so enamored by her.

“Well, stop looking at me like a love-sick tomcat and speak,” she said.

Meghann became annoyed at his staring. Jamie thought whirled as the attempted to get out of an awkward situation.

“I am amazed at how much you look like your brother,” Jamie quickly observed.

“We are twins,”

“Yes, but even the look in your eyes is the same.”

“Is it now?” she said.

Meghann had not expected such a comment.

“How observant, sir. Well, I am done with you for now. My brother desired your presents at this meeting, for what reason, I can only imagine.”

Jamie could not move. Those deep blue eyes had him fixed to the spot leaving him unable to leave her. It was not love, but admiration that held him fast for sure or that was what he told himself. He had never meant a woman with such power.

“Perhaps, your brother wished to show me that I am not indispensable. In fact, after watching, I can not see why he asked me to be assistant manager when he has such an able sister,” Jamie quickly replied without thinking.

“Such flattery sir. In most men, I would think they were sporting with me. You on the other hand…” She pondered a moment without finishing her statement. “You are unlike any man I have meant.”

A smile briefly came upon her face. It quickly left as she continued speaking.

“There are men, who will not discuss money matters with a woman. That is why you have been hired. Now, if you will excuse me, I must get back to my brother.”

Meghann quickly picked up some papers then rushed from the bank. After her departure Adam joined Jamie.

“What did you say to her? She seemed a little flushed?” Adam observed.

“I am not sure; I hope I did not offend?” Jamie replied, with a puzzled look on his face. “Maybe I should beg her pardon”.

“Watch out my friend, you are falling for her,” Adam warned.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Jamie moved away.

Later that evening Jamie sought our Mr. Finch.

“Mr. Finch is the evening report prepared?” Jamie inquired.

“It is. I was about,” Mr. Finch began

“Let me take it. I have other matters I must impart.”

“Very well, here it is,” Mr. Finch stated handing him the paper.

“Thank you,”

Jamie mounted his horse working on the words of apologize he would offer Meghann. He had them decided by the time he reached her home. Jamie was disappointed to learn she was out for the evening.

“Miss Murphy, I had hoped to speak with Miss O’Malley.”

Miss Murphy sneered, “She is at the Mc Gregor’s party. Shawn is waiting.”

Mss Murphy led Jamie into the parlor where Mr. O’Malley sat with a blanket wrapped around him.

“Please sir, don’t rise,” said Jamie coming into the room.

Mr. O’Malley gave him an approving glance and motioned him to a seat. Jamie accepted. Then remembered about the report he handed it to Mr. O’Malley.

“The day’s report sir,” Jamie said,

Shawn accepted it and began pouring over it. Jamie took a seat unsure what to say or do. He knew that any miss step could cost him his job.

“Were there any problems?” asked Mr. O’Malley, with a knowing look.

“None that Miss O’Malley could not handle,” Jamie said, feeling his face turning red.

Mr. O’Malley began coughing. It took him a few moments to recover before continuing. Jamie sat silently by unsure if offering assistance would be offensive. Instead he turned his ear to the outer rooms hoping he would hear Meghann returning.

Jamie stiffened on hearing a door open followed by Miss Murphy’s words, “Evening my lady. How was the party?”

“I have not been. I had but dinner. How is my brother? I stopped to see how he was.”

Jamie nearly stood up.

“Water,” Shawn coughed at that moment.

Jamie found a pitcher near the door. He walked over pouring a glass glancing through the crack created by the unlatched door. All she beheld was the back of Meghann’s dress as she walked out to the door.

“I will tell him Miss Murphy replied closing the outer door.

“Water,” Shawn wheezed.

“Forgive me. I thought your sister had retuned home. I am most sorry I made you wait,” Jamie apologized handing Shawn the glass.

Shawn drank deeply with his eye locked upon his employee. When at last he had regained himself he asked,”

“What did you think of Meghann?” Shawn asked.

“It can not express an opinion. I only spoke with her for a few moments. In those moments I could see that Miss O’Malley can hold her own with any man,” Jamie began quickly adding, “In business.”

Shawn laughed then coughed. Jamie swallowed hard.

Right then the parlor door opened. Jamie held his breath fearing, yet hoping it was Meghann.

Miss Murphy entered. Jamie attempted to regain control over his emotions. Shawn sat watching Jamie and had not missed any of his reactions. A cloud seemed to come over Shawn’s face.

“Betty, I am in the middle of a meeting.” Shawn said, with a bit of disgust in his voice.

“That is all well and good. Meghann had stopped by inquiring after your health. She left the medication your doctor sent. She asked that I make sure you took it.”

Shawn waved her off with his hand.

“Meghann would be upset that you were not taking care of yourself.” She thrust the glass towards him.

Shawn refused to take it.

“Drink it or I will have Mr. O’Brien pour it down your throat,” Miss Murphy threatened.

“I,” Jamie began then closed his mouth seeing Shawn taking the glass drinking its contents in one gulp.

Betty then bowed excusing herself. Jamie suddenly understood the close relationship this brother and sister had and why Mr. O’Malley was so jealous. He could not see himself coming between them and yet. His thoughts were interrupted.

“Tell me sir, what about Mr. Gregory’s property? Is it sufficient collateral for the loan?”

“What” Jamie inquired taken a back.

“Mr. Finch was to appraise the playwright’s property for a loan.”

Jamie was dumbfounded for a moment, but found his voice.

“He reports the property in question would be adequate coverage for the loan. It is all in his written report.”

Shawn took a few moments reading the report over then set it aside. Mr. O’Malley closed his eyes. Jamie though he was falling asleep. Jamie rose he had intending to leave the room. Jamie’s steps made the floor creak. Shawn’s eyes flew open.

“Sir, I have not given you leave,” Shawn stated firmly.

“You are not well and I thought you had fallen asleep,” Jamie said in his defense.

“You are most thoughtful. Perhaps I did drop off, but there is a matter I must discuss with you before you leave.” Shawn began coughing. Jamie retrieved the pitcher again refilling Shawn’s empty glass.

“Thank you, Mr. O’Brien. It hurts me knowing that Meghann is forced to watch me waste away. If only she could find a man, who would take her away.” Shawn said mournfully.

Jamie sat hard in his chair stunned. Why would Shawn unburden his soul on him, a man of little acquaintance? Maybe this is how the other men were dismissed. Jamie shifted uneasily in his chair. Mr. O’Malley may be more cunning then he thought. He should choose his words carefully.

Mr. O’Malley continued, “But how could I bear to lose her? I am dying.”

“Surely not, sir,” said Jamie. “You are yet young.”

“My doctors do not share your optimism,” Shawn sighed. “I shall not die until I see Meghann happy in life. The grim reaper will not have me until then.”

Jamie becoming alarmed fearing that Shawn was delirious rose moving towards the door. He opened it and called for Miss Murphy.

“Jamie, why are you calling for that old hag,” Shawn hissed.

Startled by hearing Mr. O’Malley using his given name, Jamie turned to look at him. “Sir, you are not well.”

“I have not lost my wits, Mr. O’Brien please be seated. In my own way I am giving you permission to call upon my sister.”

“I am astounded sir. I was told you wished on one to call upon your sister,” Jamie exclaimed.

“You get your information from Mr. Vargo. Not a very good source. He tends to speak on matter he truly knows nothing about. I shall not betroth her to a fool. You, sir, are no fool,” Shawn said plainly.

“I did not even,” began Jamie. “I only just meant her.”

“Meghann asked if you may call. I can deny her nothing.” Shawn said giving way once more to a spasm.

“I do not even know what to say?” Jamie stammered.

“Will you call upon her?” Shawn gasped.

“Yes, I would be honored.”

Jamie’s eyes fell upon the portrait. It proved to be a picture of the inseparable twins. They almost seemed to be laughing at him.

“Good”, Jamie heard Shawn say in the distance drawing him back.

“I see you’re fatigued. If you have no further questions, I will leave,” Jamie announced wishing time for refection.

He arose, bowed and left the room without waiting for an answer. Jamie meant Miss Murphy standing by the door holding his hat. Apparently, she had felt Jamie had stayed too long. Jamie opened the door walking off into the lane. At hearing his name, he turned to see Meghann walking towards him

“Miss O’Malley, I thought you were out for the evening.” Jamie puzzled.

“I,” she began then took a breath. “My brother told me he spoke to you about a certain matter.”

“He did,” Jamie said.

“I am afraid Shawn miss understood my request.” She explained, walking towards him. “There is to be a ball in two days. I need an escort. Shawn does not allow me to be accompanied by just anyone. He must approve of them first. To be honest, he is a serve judge of his own sex. I’m embarrassing you,” Meghann said, on seeing Jamie’s face turning red.

“No madam, only,” Jamie stopped.

“Shawn seems to approve of you, sir.” Meghann hastily went on. “I felt Shawn would allow you to take to the ball. I am but asking for an escort. I hoped it would be you,” Meghann shuttered.

Meghann turned to leave, afraid she would be rejected.

“I would be honored Miss O’Malley,” Jamie replied with a bow.

“Thank you and please call me Meghann. Good night Jamie,” she said running into the house.

The way she said Jamie seemed very familiar. He had heard that tone earlier only Shawn had used it. Jamie marveled at how similar these twins were.

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