Pleasing Mr. Parker

: Chapter 26

called twice for you while you were at lunch, but he wouldn’t leave his name.”

“Thank you, Harley,” I say, passing her to walk into my office.

I close the door and shrug out of my jacket, throwing it onto the arm of the sofa as I head to my desk. There’s only one man who would ring and refuse to leave a name.

I glance at my watch. I was at lunch with Maria for less than an hour. It must be important if he’s tried twice in that time.

I pick up the phone and dial the cell number I have memorized.

“We’ve got something,” the voice says the second the call connects.

About fucking time.

“And?” I sit down in my chair and lean over my elbows on the desk.

“There was a woman trying to sell recipes in exchange for a position.”

“Formulations,” I mutter.

“Yeah, yeah, those.” The guy coughs out a wheezy breath. If he hadn’t come so highly recommended, I would have fired his ass by now. Fucking recipes.

“This woman. What did she look like?” I press my fingers into my eyes as I picture Gwen and her dark chestnut hair.

Everything pointed to her having stolen those formulations. After she left, she went to a rival hotel, as Head of Client Experience. A role with more overall responsibility than Spa Manager at The Songbird. It all seemed convenient. We break up. A few days later, it’s discovered the paperwork for the new formulations has been stolen. Then she leaves and takes up a position elsewhere. She said she thought it was better not to work together anymore.

God, I’m such an idiot to trust her. To trust anyone.

“Brown hair.” The man sniffs. “Our source says they have photos.”

“Send them over.”

I run my hand down my face. The thought of handing them over and pressing charges against Gwen, someone I used to date, makes me feel nothing, apart from satisfaction. I can finally get closure, look at my other staff and know it wasn’t them who betrayed me.

Move on.

“We will. We will,” the man’s voice is hesitant.

I roll my shoulders and they crack as I try to loosen them.

“Now,” I hiss. “You have my email.”

“The source. They’re, um… proving hard to get hold of.”

Fucking hell.

I clench my fist against the cool glass of my desk. I swear this guy thinks I’m an idiot. The amount he’s charging me. For what? Months of nothing. Fucking nothing.

“So get hold of them,” I force out, wishing I could get hold of his neck right now and do some forcing of my own.

“We will.”

The skin on my knuckles has turned white. He always says ‘we’. As far as I’m aware, he works alone. But I guess all those years in the police force and then heading into private investigating after early medical retirement means you know people in the right places.

“Do whatever it takes,” I grunt, my eyes drawn to my cell phone on the desk as the screen flashes with a new message from Sweetheart. I smile as I pick it up and open it.

Sweetheart: Thanks for lunch. Missing you already.

I miss her, too. Fucking sap that she’s turned me into. I grin as I tap out a reply.

Me: Thanks for sitting on my face. I’m missing your taste already.

Sweetheart: What are you talking about? I did no such thing!

My grip tightens on the other phone.

“Whatever it takes,” I repeat. “I want this over.” I don’t give him a chance to reply before I slam it back into the cradle and lean back in my chair with my cell in hand.

I’m wound tighter than a fucking sprinter at the blocks waiting for the pistol. My girl is the only thing that’ll relieve that pressure. She doesn’t even know how much I need her to stop me having a coronary at the age of thirty-three. She’s my fucking escape from all of this.

Me: Not yet. But you will, tonight. I’m starving for you, Sweetheart. I know you won’t let me down.

I smile as she types a reply.

Sweetheart: I’d never let you down, Griff.

I inhale, filling my lungs until they sting and force me to blow it all out.

Despite all this shit, I have her.

I can trust her.

”Is everything in place?” I bark, scouring the sidewalk for signs of trash or bird shit. It would be just my luck that ‘Dandy’ and her little posse all came down with some kind of avian diarrhea and shitted up a storm right where filming will take place in a few hours.

“Everything’s fine, Mr. Parker. It’s all in hand. Your lovely lady was on the case this morning, checking our feathered friends were going to be on their best behavior.”

I nod at Earl, my lips curling at his mention of Maria. I kept her up half the night working out my frustrations from yesterday’s phone call. Her silky skin and breathy moans of my name were the best fucking therapy. I’m almost one hundred percent chilled and calm this morning. Almost. The knowledge we are expecting hundreds, if not thousands of fans lining the sidewalk later, trying to catch a glimpse of Jay Anderson, Steel Force’s lead actor, has me on edge. Just the right amount. Enough to make sure everything is perfect. I don’t want any unforeseen surprises.

“Thanks, Earl.” I pat him on the shoulder as Emily heads toward us.

“Good morning, stranger.” She grins and sweeps me into a hug, kissing me on the cheek.

“Sorry, Em.” I give her a weak smile.

I’ve been a shit friend the last couple of weeks. Apart from a rushed lunch, where I had a phone call and had to head back to work early, I’ve barely seen her. I’ve spent every spare second with Maria. Something I also need to tell Emily about now that she’s here.

“I forgive you, so long as you don’t make a habit of it. We’re childhood friends, Griffin. Nothing can affect that.” She winks at me as she wraps a hand around my arm.

“You look nice.”

My eyes drop over the cream fitted dress she’s wearing. It’s a lot like one Maria wore last week. The night I took her for dinner and then dropped to my knees and sank my tongue against her needy flesh before my apartment door had even closed behind us when we got home. I can’t get enough of that woman. It’s insane how much I want her. I’ve never felt like this before in my life.

“Thank you. I have a lunch date.” Emily cocks her head to the side as she watches the security team setting up the barriers on the sidewalk.

“You do?” My brow quirks in interest.

She looks at me, smiling. “I do. I think he might be the one.”

“Em. That’s incredible! I’m so pleased for you.” I look at her with interest. I’ve known her my entire life, but I didn’t see that coming. She hardly ever mentions any men. I know she must date. But I’ve never known her to have anyone serious. “When can I meet him? Make sure he’s good enough?”

She avoids my gaze and smirks. “No one will ever be good enough for you, Griffin.”

“Probably.” I laugh as we walk into the hotel and across the lobby. “But I just want you to be happy, Em. I care about you.”

Her hand tightens on my arm, and she smiles. “That means a lot to hear you say that.”

“Have you told Maria?”

Emily frowns. “I wasn’t going to bother her today. I’m sure she’s busy.”

“Don’t be silly. She’d love to see you,” I say as I lead us in the spa’s direction. “Actually, I wanted to tell you, but I haven’t seen you in a while. Maria and I are dating.”

“Really?” Emily’s voice lifts in surprise, but her face remains unchanged.

“You knew already?”

“I’ve known you a long time, Griffin.” She exhales with a smile.

“Yes. I should have guessed.” I chuckle as she stops walking and turns to face me, her brows furrowed.

“Just be careful, Griffin. I don’t want to see you hurt again. Look what happened with Gwen.”

My shoulders stiffen and I clear my throat as her eyes narrow, studying me.

“That was Gwen. This is Maria. It’s completely different.”

”Is it?” She looks at me like I’m an idiot led only by his dick.

“Completely,” I say, my jaw clenched. I know Emily cares as a friend. But the idea that she is suggesting Maria could be anything like Gwen is ludicrous. “I’m in love with her.”

Emily’s eyes widen, and she visibly swallows before nodding. “Of course you are. I meant nothing by it. Maria’s wonderful. I just want you to be happy. I’ve known you long enough to want that for you more than anyone else.”

The concern in her eyes makes me drop my shoulders. “I’m sorry, Em. I didn’t mean to snap.”

“It’s fine.” She gives me a small smile and takes my arm again. “Come on. Let’s go say good morning to Maria. Then I want you to introduce me to Jay. Apparently, he’s even more of a hunk in the flesh than on screen.”

I smile as we walk. “So I’m told. Lucky fucker.”

“Maria. It’s so great to see you. How are you doing?” Jay Anderson’s eyes crinkle at the corners as he leans forward and kisses my girlfriend on both cheeks. I swear if she blushes, all hell will break loose.

He has a broad frame. I’m an inch or two taller than him, but he makes up for that in width. The sleeves of his FBI costume are straining against his biceps. Still, I’m sure I could take him.

“You two know each other?” I look at Maria in question.

“Oh, not really. Just in passing. But I know Jay’s brother, Blake, and his fiancé, Daisy. They live in Hope Cove, and Daisy worked with me at my spa there.” Maria slides her arm around my waist and smiles up at me. She’s the first woman I’ve seen who’s completely unaffected by the all American sandy-haired hunk in front of us. Even Harley was tongue-tied meeting him this morning.

“You’re not missing Hope Cove, then?” Jay asks, checking his costume and tightening the strap on his bullet-proof vest as he chats.

Maria’s eyes dart to mine and she strokes the side of my ribs through my shirt.

“Not so much. I love the new challenges New York is bringing me.”

She smiles at me, and I want nothing more than to grab her chin and kiss her right now. Smear that red lipstick she’s wearing all over us both as I devour her. I look at her red nails as she places her other hand on my chest. She smirks when she sees my eyes on them. She knows how much I got off on watching those bright red nails wrapped around my cock in the shower last night.

I narrow my eyes at her and give her a knowing smile as Jay continues chatting away.

“Hey, I gotta go, guys. I want to video call my wife, Holly, before filming starts. She’s pregnant and couldn’t fly over with us.”

He flashes a show-stopping smile at us, and I suddenly understand what Emily meant. This guy looks like a walking ad for airbrushing. Is he even real? How can a man look so… perfect?

“Dreamy, isn’t he?” Maria laughs after he’s gone back inside the suite the film crew have taken over.

I turn to her, and her eyes are bright as she bites her lip, watching me.

“What did you say, Sweetheart?” I lift my hand and tug her lip free, swiping my thumb between her lips and running it along the lower one, grazing her teeth with the pad.

“Nothing.” She gazes at me as I take my thumb back.

“It better be fucking nothing.” I dip my head to her ear. “Remember whose good girl you are,” I whisper, before pressing my lips against her skin. The scent of yellow and white tropical flowers in her hair evokes memories that instantly speak to my dick. “Fuck, Sweetheart, you’ll be the death of me.”

She grins as she leans into my lips, her hands resting on my chest where my heart is beating out a strong, deep pulse.

“I hope not, Mr. Parker. I’m growing quite fond of you.”

I pull back and grab either side of her face between my hands, causing her to suck in a breath. We don’t say anything as we stare at one another, our faces growing serious.

We don’t need to.

Her words, and the heat carrying between us, says it all.

We’ve passed the point of no return.

We are each other’s course now. And we are sailing it together.

Unchartered territory never looked so damn beautiful.

A couple of hours later, I am standing outside the main entrance as a team of around twenty people film Jay and his co-star screeching up to The Songbird in their car, then flying out, drawing their guns as they run to the main doors. It’s a few seconds’ worth of shot, but it’s taken over an hour so far because of the sheer size of the turnout.

I cast my eyes over the sea of people, squeezed shoulder to shoulder behind the barriers. Most are women, but there are some men, too. Even some children. There are signs with ‘We heart you, Jay’ on them. And one that says, ‘I wish I was Holly Anderson!’

There’s a buzz in the air. Excitement crackling it to the point you can almost see it. It’s taken this long to calm the crowd down enough to be quiet during the filming. Jay and his co-star spent ages signing autographs and having selfies taken with fans. They’ve finally won over their cooperation, and the sidewalk is silent as the set team counts down to another take that’s about to begin.

I look over at Maria, who’s standing with Harley and Emily watching it all unfold. She’s grinning, her hands clasped together underneath her chin as she watches. She wants this to be a success as much as I do. If it goes well, they may film more special episodes here in the future, and it’s great publicity for the hotel.

They call action and pull off the practice shot without a hitch. Then they film it again for real.

I miss every second.

My eyes are glued firmly on her.

As if she senses it, Maria looks over at me and smiles. My heart swells in my chest and I look away with a stupid school-boy grin on my face. What the fuck has she done to me?

I shake my head with a chuckle and look back up, but she’s gone. Instead, a crowd of excited fans, whooping and cheering, have taken her place. They have flattened the barriers and piled through them, spilling all over the front entrance to the hotel.

I look up and catch one of the security team’s eyes and tip my chin at him. He raises his arms and calls out, herding the crowd away from the main doors. They’re chanting something about Jay, but I miss it as I swivel my head around, looking for Maria.

“Earl!” I call over the chanting. “Have you seen Maria?”

He looks at me from his position by the main door. He rises to his toes, to call back over the gaggle of chanting heads which have now enveloped us.

“She was here a moment ago, Mr. Parker. She hasn’t come past me, so she must still be outside.”

I dart my eyes around again. This is crazy. The fans are jumping up and down now, singing and dancing. It’s like fucking Mardi-gras on my front steps. Harley and Emily have disappeared as well. They better all be together and not getting squashed into a wall at the back or something.

It takes another forty-five minutes after Jay and the team say goodbye and go inside before the fans finally quieten down and realize that they will not see him again today. Forty-five minutes of my blood pressure going postal as we bring one end of Park Avenue effectively to a standstill.

Eventually, most of the crowd disperse, and I leave security with the hardcore stragglers, who would probably set up tents and camp to have the chance of another glimpse of Jay if they thought they could get away with it.

I head back inside. Maria is there looking flustered as she talks to Harley on the far side of the lobby, holding her hands up in the air and motioning around.

“What is it?” I hurry over to them as Will appears and hands something to Maria.

“Maria thought she saw—”

“What it must be like being famous,” Maria cuts in, looking at Harley. “I can’t believe how crazy those fans were.” She smiles at me as she clips her ID onto her dress.

“Really?” I frown looking between her and Harley.

I’m missing something.

“Uh-huh,” she murmurs. “Right. Better get back to work. I’ve got the spa booked out for the film crew to use for the rest of the day.”

“It’s all go in the crazy nest!” Harley says, motioning to Will to follow her to the elevators.

“You sure everything’s okay?” I ask once they’ve gone.

She seems on edge. Her lips are pursed, and the earlier excitement in her eyes has dimmed to something that looks a lot more like unease.

“I’m fine, Griff. I just have a lot to do, that’s all.” She looks side to side, then rises on her toes and places a soft kiss on my lips. “I’ll see you later.”

She turns, but I grab her hand and yank her back to my chest. “Give me a proper fucking kiss.”


“No one’s looking.” I pull her around the corner so we’re less exposed. “And even if they are, it’s my hotel.”

She smiles at me properly, one hand reaching up to stroke along my jaw.

“A proper kiss?” She arches an eyebrow.

“That’s what I said.” I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tight.

She tilts her chin, offering her lips to mine and I breathe in her sweet breath as I dip my head and take her mouth, sliding my tongue between her parted lips until she moans softly. She sinks her hand into my hair, and I press her against the wall, losing myself in her until she’s panting in my arms.

When I pull back, her lipstick is smudged, and her cheeks are flushed.

“Now that’s a kiss, Sweetheart.” I smile at her, pressing my lips lightly against hers one last time. Then I stalk off toward the elevators and back to my office.

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