Please behave My Lord

Chapter 1: Last Night He Got Drunk

Chapter 1: Last night he got drunk

It was already late at night.

In the detached villa on the outskirts of the capital, occasional faint knocking noises are heard coming from the master bedroom.




Mariana Ortiz frowned uncomfortably and rubbed her temples hard, trying to relieve the pain.

-Sir, ma'am, breakfast is ready," the voice of the old servant Mrs. Sana came from outside the door.

-Wait a moment, I'll come down right away....

Just as he moved, she felt a burning pain between her legs and turned around, her long legs naturally stretched forward.

"What, did I push against something hard?"

Mariana opened her eyes in a daze and, at a glance, saw that handsome face still oozing sweat. Although he slept with his eyes closed, the coldness between his brows was still terrifying. Remembering "sir, ma'am" that Señora Sana had just said, Mariana's pupils suddenly narrowed and she screamed:


The woman's scream broke the silence of the early morning.

Although Leopoldo Durán was very tired, he woke up at that moment.

Her beautiful eyebrows raised and her eyes widened slightly, her cold gaze swept around the bedroom before finally settling on the woman by the pillow,

-Why are you here? Did we have sex last night?

Mariana's face suddenly turned red and she clutched at the sheets in embarrassment:

-I'm going to the bathroom!

Not daring to look at the man again, Mariana rushed into the bathroom in a panic and slammed the door shut, causing a loud noise.

The frosted glass door vaguely reflected Mariana's delicate figure, Leopoldo frowned and got out of bed.

The quilt fell from her body, exposing the conspicuous red bloodstain on the sheet.

Leopold's attention was immediately drawn and his eyes suddenly became suddenly deep.


"Are you having sex for the first time?"


Ten minutes later, Mariana slowly finished showering, changed her clothes and came downstairs. Just as she reached the staircase, she saw Leopoldo sitting at the dining room table and eating, with an elegant bearing.

He was wearing a black shirt.

Seeing this, the man pursed his lips and put down his knife and fork, as if he had already eaten enough. He got up and took the jacket the maid handed him and put it on. -Hey...

Mariana stood uncomfortably, not knowing what to say.

Leopoldo was looking down and fixing the buttons, when he heard her voice, the movement of his hands stopped and he looked up with a frown.

This look made Mariana increasingly guilty, clutching her hands unnaturally,

-I think what happened last night was an accident... let's...

As soon as she said this, the person below interrupted her:

-What happened last night," Leopoldo's deep voice echoed in the great hall, his gaze rested precisely on her, "I drank too much last night and something out of the contract happened. I contacted the lawyer, you will be paid the full compensation according to the pre-nuptial agreement we signed earlier.

He continued to stare at her:

-If you need anything else, you can say so now.

-It's just that...

Mariana did not expect him to mention the pre-nuptial agreement, nor that his attitude would be so calm when he said those words.

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