Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 32

I’m torturing myself. Torturing Ruby. But I want to draw this moment out. The first time I have actual sex with her, and I want it to be a memorable experience.

For both of us.

The shock on her face from my admission was worth me telling the truth. I don’t normally care about watching a girl’s face when she comes. I’m a selfish bastard—before I was always in it for myself.

This night with Ruby though?

I want to watch the orgasm consume her. I want to stare into her beautiful eyes and kiss her luscious lips and fuck her into oblivion. I want to hear her whisper my name, feel her pussy pulsate around my dick as she wrings my own orgasm out of me.

Fuck, I’m about to come just from the thought of it.

Bracing my hands on the mattress on either side of her head, I ram into her over and over, until she’s got her head thrown back and her throat on display. Bending over her, I race my mouth over her skin, kissing the spot where her pulse throbs. It matches the same beat as her cunt, and fuck, she’s squeezing me. Tightening around me, strangling me—

“Oh God. Ace.” She draws my name out, the rhythmic pulsing of her pussy sending me closer and closer…

Until I’m desperate to pull out of her, groaning as semen spills from my cock all over her lower belly, dripping across her mostly bare pussy. Coming all over her as if I have no control over myself.

Which I don’t. Not when it comes to this girl.

“Holy shit,” she murmurs, her eyes cracking open to stare up at me. “Wow.”

I smile, dipping my head to kiss her. “Yeah. Wow.”

She reaches down, her fingers drifting across her stomach, smearing my cum all over her skin. “Want to rub it in?”

Jesus. This woman. My cock is already standing at half attention thanks to her saying that.

“Do you want me to rub it in?” I don’t give her a chance to answer, batting her hand away so I can streak my fingers through the liquid. I hold them in front of her mouth, and she parts her lips, her eyes going wide. “Lick it off.”

I sink them into her mouth and she does as I tell her, her tongue lapping at my fingers and yeah, I just shot cum all over her and my cock is hard like it’s ready to go again. There is nothing sexier than an eager to please woman licking your semen off your fingers like it’s her favorite dessert.

And right now, Ruby is sucking my fingers like they’re my dick. Meaning she’s doing a damn good and most thorough job.

When she’s finished, I collapse on the mattress beside her and yank her into my arms, holding her close. We’re quiet for a moment, trying to calm our breathing. Our racing hearts.

“I have a question,” I say after a few minutes.

“What is it?”

I rest my cheek against hers, whispering close to her ear, “What’s your opinion on ass play?”

She bursts out laughing. “I’ve never really thought about it before.”

“Well, think about it. With me.” I rub the side of her hip, savoring her smooth, soft skin. “Because I want to play with yours.”

“Using what?”

“My fingers.” My arms tighten around her waist, pulling her closer. “My mouth. My tongue. Eventually my cock.”

She’s silent for a few seconds. “Are you into that sort of thing?”

“Not really. Until you,” I say with all honesty.

Only because I want to claim every single part of her and make her mine.

If I said that out loud, would it freak her out?

Hell, would it freak me out?

“Then, I’m interested,” she says firmly.

I kiss her because fuck yes, that’s the answer I was looking for. Is Ruby Maguire turning into my dream girl?

Apparently, the answer is yes.

Monday morning and I’m striding across campus, whistling a showtune like I’m in a Disney movie and sunshine is shooting out my ass. I feel so fucking good, so on top of the world, absolutely nothing is going to keep me down.

Not a damn thing.

Ruby and I fucked around all Saturday night and well into Sunday morning. The girl can give as well as she takes and damn, it was a life-changing experience. By the time I snuck out of her apartment in the early morning sunlight, I was exhausted. Went home and slept pretty much all day.

And now I’m wandering around campus bright-eyed and bushy-tailed like my mom used to say, on high alert as I scan the area in search of Ruby. Desperate to see her pretty blonde head.

She’s nowhere to be found.

I texted her earlier, but she didn’t answer. I didn’t let that deter me though. We texted last night for a little bit and it got dirty with her describing exactly what she wanted to do to me next time we were alone, and damn, I had to jerk off to thoughts of Ruby on her knees while I fucked her mouth with my cock.

Because that’s what she wanted to do—she described it in vivid detail.

See? Dream girl material. I’m a lucky fucker and I know it.

I go to all of my classes and try to concentrate. Eat lunch with some teammates and idly listen to their conversations, my thoughts consumed with Ruby. By the time I’m in the locker room getting ready for practice, I’m practically vibrating with excitement at the thought of seeing her with the rest of the social media team out on the field.

I’m barely changed into my practice gear when Coach Mattson calls for a quick meeting that’s met with a lot of groaning and moaning, which just pisses him off.

Uh oh. Hope someone didn’t fuck up.

“I don’t want to crap all over our big win this weekend, but we’ve had some complaints,” Mattson announces.

“Complaints about what?” I ask, resting my hands on my hips, vaguely annoyed.

Who the hell could complain about us? What have we done? Not a goddamn thing if you ask me.

“An anonymous report came in that some members of the football team were fraternizing with members of our social media team Saturday night at Logan’s.” Coach’s gaze scans all of us surrounding him. “Is that true?”

Dread coats my insides, turning my annoyance into worry just like that. “What exactly are you talking about?”

“There were female members of the social media team sitting with some of you guys at the bar,” Mattson says slowly, his gaze fixed on me. “You were named, Ace. And so were you, Derek.”

“Oh, gimme a break. We were chilling with Maguire and Gwyneth. It was no big deal,” Derek grumbles.

“Ruby Maguire?” Coach asks. “Knox’s little sister?”

I hate that he put it like that. Most of the time I forget she’s Knox’s sister. She’s just Ruby to me.

“You know she’s on our social media team,” Derek reminds Mattson.

“Right.” Mattson scrubs his hand across his jaw. “Well, it’s a big deal to the athletic director. We have an image to uphold and he wants no trouble with the department, especially the football team, while you’re in season. You partying with those girls could look bad, especially after what happened a few years ago.”

“That chick was psycho,” someone else adds, earning a stern glare from Mattson.

“We reserve no judgment here. We don’t know the actual circumstances between them. And you never know what could happen. Alcohol and partying and women—that’s a dangerous combination. Things can get out of hand quickly and next thing you know, you’ve got a woman hellbent on ruining you. None of you can take that risk.”

I can’t imagine Ruby hellbent on ruining me, like Coach says. I think she likes me too damn much to want to fuck with me.

“We’re barely into the season, boys. I need all of you healthy and keeping your dicks out of trouble,” Mattson continues. “From what I understand, the women on the social media team are getting a talking to as well.”

My stomach drops at the idea of Ruby getting in trouble for hanging out with us at the bar on Saturday night. “It was pretty harmless, all of us together at Logan’s.”

“We were just celebrating,” Derek adds.

“I understand, but there’s a clause included on the agreement everyone on the athletic social media teams has to sign. They can’t date an athlete. Meaning our social media gang can’t date any of you assholes.” Mattson jabs a finger in the air.

“Too bad,” Derek drawls. “I was really checking Eric out Saturday night.”

Everyone groans and laughs, with the exception of Mattson. His expression is stone-cold serious. “This isn’t a laughing matter. The university isn’t going to risk any trouble again. We all know and understand that hormones can come into play at any time. But you’re all adults. You can have a professional relationship with the social media team—and that’s as far as you take it. Understood?”

We all nod and grumble yeah, and by the time we’re out on the football field, I’m sick to my stomach.

It’s too late. Ruby and I took it pretty damn far. We’ve had sex—multiple times in one night. All I can think about is her. How am I supposed to keep our relationship strictly professional?

Give me a break. We’re too far gone for that.

I put in a halfhearted performance during practice and thank God we don’t have a game Saturday because I’m worthless.

“Still hungover?” Javier asks me at one point after I throw another bomb.

“Nah. Just…tired.” I shrug, unsure of how to answer.

More like I’m preoccupied. Worried. And still horny. A confusing swarm of emotions and feelings I don’t quite know how to process. It doesn’t help that no one from the social media team shows up during practice. Where the hell are they?

Where the hell is Ruby?

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