Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 20

It takes what feels like hours for Ruby to respond, and when she finally does, it’s not the answer I was looking for.

Ruby: I can’t see you tonight. Maybe tomorrow?

I blink at her text, imagining more words came along with it. Another text, a fucking meme maybe, but no.

That’s it.

A frustrated growl leaves me and I stalk out of my bedroom and down the hall until I’m in the living room where my roommate Javier Sanchez—he’s an excellent tight end, good eyes, great hands—and Derek are sitting on the couch, playing X-Box. Some violent game that I’m not into whatsoever, which means I rarely play with them.

I’m more of a Madden Football kind of guy. That’s my game of choice. Oh yeah, and anything to do with Spider-Man because what guy my age doesn’t love Spider-Man?

“What crawled up your butt hole and died?” Derek asks after taking one look at my face.

“I’m sick of women,” I spit out, though really, I’m just sick of one woman in particular.

And I don’t want to tell them about her because I will never hear the end of it, especially from Derek. A lot of I told you so’s will be coming out of his mouth at first mention of her name.

“Best way to get over one is to fuck another,” Derek claims.

Javi glances over at him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Get with a woman who’s nothing like the ones who annoy you and fuck her. That’ll get those other chicks—chick—whatever, out of your mind for good.” Derek nods, looking pleased with his explanation.

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Javier has a girlfriend back in his hometown and she’s already visited him twice since he started here. He’s a junior like me, a transfer student. His girlfriend Piper is totally into him and I had the unfortunate luck to listen to them bang repeatedly when she was staying here with him last weekend.

It sucked. Their constant sex noises eventually drove me out of here to a bar downtown to try and find some random girl to hook up with. When not a single one of them interested me, I came back home only to discover they were still banging.

I’m surprised they could walk when they finally ventured out of Javier’s room Sunday afternoon.

“Your opinion doesn’t count,” Derek says to Javier with a snort. “You’re completely pussy-whipped.”

“Your opinion is exactly what I’m looking for,” I tell Javier, earning a confused look from Derek. “Tell me what I should do.”

“First, what is your exact problem?” Javier sets his game controller onto the table in front of him.

Derek pauses the game and does the same thing, leaning back against the couch and crossing his arms behind his head. “Yes, please enlighten us, Townsend.”

How do I even begin to explain this without sounding like I’ve lost my mind?

“Let’s just say there’s a girl…and I’m into her. And I’m never into just one woman,” I start. “But this one is different.”

Derek groans. Javier jabs him in the ribs to shut him up. “Keep going.”

“I don’t even know her that well. But there’s something about her…” I stare off into the distance for a moment, thinking about what I want to say about Ruby. Why I feel so connected to her when I barely know her. It makes no sense.

But I’m starting to realize that life in general doesn’t make any sense. Just when we think we have something figured out, boom. Everything changes.

“What is it?” Javier asks, looking genuinely interested. Unlike Derek, who’s shaking his head repeatedly.

“I can’t even put my finger on it. But whenever we’re together, it’s like she calms me down and I feel at…ease. Yet I’m also amped up and unsure, if that makes any sense. It’s like I can’t wait to get my hands on her.”

“Sounds like you really like her,” Javier says.

“Yawn. Boring. Sounds like your typical crush,” Derek says, punctuating his statement with an actual yawn that he doesn’t bother to cover up.

His reaction has me shifting into pure hostility, which was probably his goal. “What the hell do you know about a typical crush?”

“Look, before I was a football god, I had my fair share of crushes over the years. And I’ve had plenty of women crush on me. Just because you’re dying to fuck the youngest Maguire, doesn’t mean you’re in love with her, dumbass.”

I fucking knew Derek would reveal her. The schmuck.

“You don’t understand,” I start, but Derek cuts me off, talking right over me.

“I definitely understand, bro. I’ve been in your shoes and it fucking sucks, but that was a long time ago and I don’t let that happen anymore.” He pauses, his gaze full of all sorts of sympathy. This dude. He’s confusing. “What I’m going to say will hurt, but you need to hear it.” He pauses. “Move on. She’s not the one for you.”

“And how the hell do you know?” I toss at him.

“Because I just know. Women like her, she’s really just like you. Like all of us. Well, maybe not you, Javi. Anyway, she can have her choice of men. Anyone would want to be with Ruby because of her dad and her uncle and every other motherfucker in that family who plays football. I’m sure that’s half the reason you’re attracted to her.”

“That isn’t it—”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Derek waves a hand, dismissing my protests. “You need to act like you don’t care about her.”

“What?” Javier asks incredulously. He turns to me, his brown eyes downright pleading. “Don’t listen to him.”

“No, you should absolutely listen to me. You need to act like this girl doesn’t matter to you. Play her off, brother. Don’t beg her to see you. Don’t chase after her. Make her come to you,” Derek explains.

“That’s what I’ve been doing since I started here. And there hasn’t been a single woman that’s interested me enough to want to pursue her. Until…Ruby,” I admit, somewhat reluctantly.

More snorting from Derek. “Do whatever you think works then, since you believe you’re so much smarter than me. I’ve said my piece. And when you come running to me crying that she’s dumped you, I’ll be the one who said I told you so.”

He grabs his controller and resumes playing the game, Javier reluctantly going along with him, though he sends me a sympathetic look.

“Don’t listen to him,” Javier finally says. “Follow your heart.”

Derek whacks the back of Javier’s head like the douche that he is and I stare at my phone screen, wondering what I should say to her. There’s a war in my head, and one of the voices sounds suspiciously like Derek.

Don’t go chasing after her. Let her come to you.

My fingers hover over the keyboard so long they start to ache.

Fuck it.

I’m just typing and sending. I can’t think about this any longer.

Me: You sure you can’t meet tonight? Doesn’t matter how late.

The moment I hear the whoosh sound of the text sending, I have major regret. I sound like a wimp. Like a fucking pussy.

Chasing after a woman who’s not as interested in me as I am in her. I’ve never had this happen before.

It’s fucking weird.

Almost depressing.

My phone dings and I grab it, reading her message immediately.

Ruby: Well…if you don’t mind waiting until around 11?

Eleven? That’s hook up time. And I don’t want her thinking I want to see her just for a hook up. It’s more than that.

I think she might mean more to me than that.

Oh God, I sound like such a sap, even in my thoughts.

Me: I can do that.

Ruby: Okay. Want to come over then?

Excitement bubbles up inside me and I remind myself to stay calm.

Me: Sure.

Ruby: See you around 11.

I’m pulling into the parking lot of Ruby’s apartment complex when I receive a text from her.

Ruby: Don’t go to the front door.

Say the fuck what?

Me: Why not?

Ruby: Natalie is…entertaining…a guest.

Me: So?

Ruby: I don’t want you interrupting them.

A growl escapes me and I glance down at myself.

Me: How am I supposed to see you then? I’m already here BTW.

Ruby: Crawl through my window?

Seriously? I feel like a teenager out after curfew about to sneak into my girlfriend’s bedroom so I can have my way with her. Not that I’ve ever had an experience like that…

Me: Please tell me you’re on the ground floor.

Ruby: I am.

Thank Christ. I took a shower and chose my outfit carefully and don’t want to fuck it up by climbing through a damn window.

She texts me her apartment number and lets me know her bedroom is the second window on the right from their front door. I send her a thumbs-up emoji before I pocket my phone and climb out of the car, heading toward her building.

I feel just like I described to Javier earlier. Amped up and excited to see her. Wondering why the hell she’s having me crawl through her window. Not sure if I believe the ‘Natalie has a guest’ excuse, but it’s not like I can call Ruby a liar.

I don’t think she is one. It’s just—this entire situation is odd.

Or maybe I’m just overthinking everything, my new hobby now when it comes to Ruby. And I’m not an overthinker. Not usually.

Damn, it sucks.

I find her apartment and go to her window, noting the light that glows from within the room. I lightly knock on the glass, trying to peek through the tightly closed blinds, but I can’t see anything.

There’s no response to my knock and I pull out my phone, sending her a quick text.

Me: I’m here.

I rap on the glass again, a little harder this time, but still nothing. It’s kind of cold out here. Despite it being the beginning of September and late summer/early fall is notoriously still fairly warm in this part of the state, sometimes the nights can get cold.

Like tonight for instance.

I’m not really dressed for it either. I’ve got on black joggers and a light gray T-shirt with CU slides on my feet.

I send her another text.

Me: Ruby. I’m outside your window. Let me in before someone calls the cops and reports that I’m a stalker lurking around the place.

That gets her. Within seconds, the blinds shoot up, revealing Ruby standing there in—oh fuck me—a fitted black tank top and a pair of Christmas print flannel shorts. She leans forward, the neckline of her tank dipping down and offering me a glimpse of her tits, which I just had in my hands and mouth only last night.

My skin grows tight and I start to sweat despite the cool air outside. She’s got an amazing body and I swear to God, my fingers are literally itching to touch her again.

The window slides open and she’s within touching distance, smiling at me. “Sorry.”

She offers her hand and I take it, letting her guide me in while I hop over the sill and step into her room before I turn to the window and shut it for her and lock it.

“Is it safe for you to live on the first floor and not have a screen over your window?” I ask when I turn to face her, letting the concern show in my voice.

“When we moved in the screen wasn’t there. We’ve put in a request multiple times with maintenance to get it replaced, but they haven’t gotten around to it yet.” She shrugs, seemingly not worried, while all I can think about is some legitimate creeper-stalker type sneaking into her room and doing something fucking awful to her.

I focus on the window again, glaring at it. “I’ll talk to someone tomorrow and get this handled.”

She laughs, reaching around me to pull the string so the blinds drop back into place, covering her window. “What, are you going to tell them you’re my dad?”

“How would your dad feel if he knew this was an issue?” I glance down at her in time to see the guilt flicker in her eyes.

“He’d probably be pissed,” she admits.

“Yeah, well so am I.” I scrub my chin with my hand, fighting the urge to run to Walmart to purchase a screen. I think they sell them there and our local Walmart is open twenty-four hours.

“Hey.” She steps closer, smiling up at me. “I appreciate your concern. Really.”

I tell myself to shake it off and focus on the pretty woman standing in front of me, my gaze dropping to those Christmas print shorts. There are decorated trees, gingerbread men and Santa Claus faces all over the red shorts, and they’re pretty freaking cute. “I like your shorts.”

“Oh.” She drops her head, studying them for a second before she glances back up at me. “I’ve owned them forever. They’re so soft.”

“They’re cute.” Testing her, I reach out, brushing my fingers against the fabric right at her hip. “And they are soft.”

“My favorite shorts to sleep in.” Her smile is slow.

“Oh yeah? I usually sleep naked.” Why the fuck did I just say that?

“Not that I asked, but thanks for the info.” She laughs, shifting away from me and going to the bed, where she sits on the end of the mattress. Watching me with amusement still flickering in her gaze. “You mentioned that you had something to ask me?”

Oh right.

I did.

Glancing behind me, I lean against her desk, crossing my arms as I contemplate her. She looks ready for bed. Her face is scrubbed clean and a little dewy from what I assume must be her nightly skincare regimen or whatever it’s called. I see stuff on TikTok like that on occasion that I find myself watching for no good reason.

“You’re ready for bed,” I finally say.

She smiles. “I am.”

“Why’d you encourage me to come over then?”

“You mentioned earlier that you wanted to see me. I remember how important it was for you to see me earlier at practice so I figured I better say yes.” She shrugs, her hair sliding over her bare shoulders and I’m tempted to go to her. Kiss her bare skin. Her neck, breathe in deep her fragrance just behind her ear.

No other woman smells as delicious as Ruby Maguire.

“You were a big help to me today at practice.”

“I did nothing.”

You exist, is what I want to tell her. Just looking at you calms my chaotic thoughts. Like right now.

Having her in front of me, looking at her is enough.

Well, I’d also like to touch her. Kiss her. Hear her sigh with pleasure when I slip my hand under her clothes…

“But I’m glad I could help,” she adds, her voice soft.

I inhale deeply, keeping my gaze on her face, deciding to hell with it.

“I was hoping I could take you out on a date.”

Ruby blinks, tilting her head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what I said. I want to ask you on a date.”

“Oh.” Her face falls a little and my heart drops into my fucking balls at that look.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think I’m going to have to decline.”

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