Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 12

I’m walking across campus, hurrying to my next class, noting how many women pass me by with big smiles on their faces, all of them saying hi and sounding extra flirtatious.

I guess this isn’t too unusual, but I swear there’s something different in the way they look at me. A gleam in their eyes that’s extra sharp. Like they know something I don’t.


Minutes later, I’m striding into class and settling into my usual desk, whipping out my phone when I hear the text notification sound. It’s from one of the guys on my team.

Evan: Did you see this?

There’s a link to a video and I hit it, wincing when I hear the song about hot guys making girls feel a certain way, and it’s one short video shot after another of us flexing our muscles for the camera. I check the caption: Football team who dis? Recognize anyone? Name the player in the comments!

The caption is accompanied by the giant eyes looking to the side emoji.

I smile, glad they took my suggestion.

Me: We look good.

Evan: Not the usual content the team shares, that’s for sure.

Me: Maybe that’s a good thing?

Evan: Maybe. It already has over a thousand likes.

I check the stats. Well, damn. Evan’s right.

Me: Damn.

Evan: I know. Impressive.

I scroll through the football team’s account, checking the stats of past posts. They have okay likes but very few comments, and not a single post or video has over a thousand likes. Just the latest one.

Looks like the ladies knew what they were doing when they posted this.

“Hey, Ace.” I turn to find the girl who sits to the right of my desk is smiling at me. “Are you in that video?”

“Guess you’ll have to find out.” I flash her a grin.

“Oh, is there going to be a reveal?” The girl’s eyes go wide.

“Pretty sure that’s the plan.” I have no idea if that’s what they wanted to do, but I’m suggesting it the next time they join us for practice.

Hopefully that’s soon. I get a little thrill out of knowing Ruby is watching me out on the field. It’s like I can feel her hot gaze on me, tracking my every movement, and I end up putting my all into my game play. Some might call that showing off and they’re probably right but ultimately, it’s got me playing better and that’s kind of cool.

No, it’s actually really cool. When she’s watching me, I want to impress her. But does she notice?

That remains to be seen.

Ruby Maguire is not one to gush on and on about me, and I wonder if that’s because she grew up with a father who played professional football? Or does her attitude have to do with her still feeling wronged by me over the New Year’s Eve party?

Not sure. But I’m thinking even if I hadn’t wronged her that night, she’d still treat me like I’m not that big of a deal. She’s been surrounded by football players her entire life. Her whole family is made up of professionals. Like, legit.

Her entire family.

What’s that like? I can’t imagine. To be raised amongst such greatness. I bet it can be intimidating, but Knox always seemed to handle it with ease, though I’m guessing that’s because he doesn’t know any other way. Cam’s an uptight motherfucker most of the time, but I’m thinking if him and Blair go the distance, he’ll end up being a part of that family football legacy by marriage.

It’s kind of wild to think about. To be linked, related to the Maguire and Callahan dynasty. And I’m not even touching on all the players included in that dynasty. Can’t forget Asher Davis or Eli Bennett either.

Damn. That’s a lot of football greatness.

I shake my head, impressed. Wonder if I could ever get on Ruby Red’s good side and someday meet her family? Not sure what I would do if I was confronted with all of that football talent in one room, but I do know one thing.

I would talk their ears off in search of advice. Stories. I love a good story. I’m sure they all have a bunch they’d love to share.

And it’s not like I’d be using her to get close to her family either. I don’t use people. That’s not my style. Here’s the thing when it comes to Ruby.

I like her.

A lot.

I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m dying to spend more time with her.

How do I convince Ruby I’m not such a bad guy?

Once classes are over, I head to the student center and grab something to eat, shoveling it down while I sit with a few of the guys from my team. My gaze scans the quad continuously, in search of a familiar blonde head but Ruby is nowhere to be found.

A few girls join our table, two of them flanking my sides, their whispery soft voices and constant giggling grating on my nerves almost immediately.

“Tell us, Ace, are you in that video?” one of them asks at one point, both of them staring at me like I’m going to strip naked at any given moment.

I smile at each of them, not minding the way they cling to my arms at all. I even flex a little, hoping they notice how hard my biceps are. “I can’t make the reveal yet, ladies. Gotta listen to the social media team.”

“You can tell me,” the other one says, her free hand landing on my thigh, creeping up higher.

Everything’s happening under the table so no one can really see what’s going on but when I glance up, I find Ruby standing in the distance, her gaze stuck on us. A look of disgust on her face.


Now Ruby is going to believe I’m an even bigger asshole than she first thought.

“Sorry, sweetheart.” I grab the girl’s wandering hand, removing it from my thigh and dropping it into her lap. “That’s top secret.”

She mock pouts, but I ignore her. I don’t even know this chick’s name. Don’t know who the other chick is either.

Ruby leaves the student center and I fight the disappointment that wants to crash over me. She’s not stupid. I bet she figured that I was getting felt up, and she would be right.

I feel kind of cheap, can’t lie.

We chat for a few minutes, but it’s nothing but them trying to flirt with me and outdo each other. It feels weirdly competitive and the longer it keeps up, the more I want out of here.

It’s time for me to go.

“Ladies, sorry but I have class soon.” I raise one arm, then the other, their still grasping hands trying to keep hold of me. I jump to my feet, ready to bolt. “See you later.”

Their high-pitched goodbyes trail after me all the way to the doors and I push through one, pissed at myself for running away like a giant pussy.

When have I ever wanted to run from a bunch of girls trying to lavish me with attention? I normally live for this shit. But for whatever reason, their attention today felt like too much. Too fucking obvious because that shit felt fake.

I’m sort of over it. Where’s the real connection? Where’s simple conversation and getting to know someone? Not around here. I have a legit fan club for God’s sake, and while I love that those girls love me, they’re not anyone I can take seriously.

Sometimes, I wonder if anyone can take me seriously.

That’s when I spot her sitting at a picnic table under the cool shade of a massive pine tree just ahead of me. She’s alone, a textbook spread open in front of her, her hair up in a sloppy bun on top of her head. She’s tapping a pencil against her lips, and she’s got…wait a minute.

Glasses on her face?

I slow my steps, just taking her in for a moment, entranced by the brainiac look she’s got going on. Ruby Red is pretty damn cute in those glasses, though I bet if I told her that, she’d roll her eyes and blow me off.

She’s good at that. Blowing me off.

Too bad she won’t give me a shot and just blow me…

“Ace fucking Townsend! What’s up man!” A short, stocky guy approaches on the pathway I’m standing in the middle of, holding his hand out for me to slap.

“Hey.” I give him a high five, and I can already feel Ruby’s gaze on me. I’m sure she heard this dude call out my name, and I hope like hell she didn’t catch me staring at her like some sort of stalker.

The guy passes and I chance a look at her to find she’s already watching me, the glasses gone, discarded on top of her textbook. I can’t read her expression. Meaning I can’t tell if she’s annoyed by me or not and I stand there for one excruciatingly indecisive moment, trying to decide if I should approach her or not.

Fuck it.

I make my way toward her, walking up the gentle grassy slope and stopping right next to her table.

“Hey, Red.” I grin, knowing my nickname irritates her.

She rolls her eyes, stretching her arms above her head, which makes her tits pop forward in that cropped white T-shirt she’s wearing. Fuck me running, I can’t get over what a great rack she has. “Ace.”

“Homework?” I gesture toward the open book, dying to say something about the glasses, but I keep my mouth shut.

“Always.” She drops her arms at her sides, glancing up so our gazes meet. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much.” I incline my head toward the empty bench across from her. “Can I join you?”

“Where’s your fan club?” The pointed look is a reminder that she saw me with those two girls and she’s calling me out on it.

“Left them back in the student center.” I jerk my thumb over my shoulder.

“Uh huh.”

I gesture toward the park bench again. “Mind if I sit?”

“Sure.” She sounds a little reluctant but I ignore her tone and settle in across from her, dropping my backpack on the bench beside me.

“Nice glasses.” I nod toward them. “Yours?”

“Oh. Yeah.” Her cheeks turn the faintest pink and she grabs them, slipping them on her face. “I always feel a little silly wearing them.”

Silly? They make her green eyes pop and she’s got a sexy smart girl thing going on that’s making my dick hard. Not even that girl earlier actually touching my dick managed that.

I decide though, that my response needs to be restrained. Telling Ruby her glasses give me a boner isn’t the right move.

“You look—good in them.” I smile and so does she and damn it’s like a zinger straight to my dick, making it twitch, and just like that, my mouth gets away from me. “Hot nerd vibes.”

Her smile transforms into a scowl. “Did you just call me a nerd?”

“A hot nerd,” I clarify and she snorts.

“Like that makes it so much better.” She shakes her head, but she’s still smiling so I take that as a good sign.

“Saw the video you posted.” I keep my tone casual. “That you and Gwen made yesterday.”

She squirms a little, a laugh escaping her. “It’s done really well so far.”

“I noticed.” I pause. “Must be the subject matter.”

“Oh, I’m sure.” She smirks.

“Guess it’s cool, though you objectified us.”

“With your blessing,” she reminds me. “And trust me. We have a feeling all of that objectifying is going to bring the team a lot more followers on social media, which is always the goal.”

“Right. Gotta get those followers.” I’m teasing her but she doesn’t seem to mind.

“Well, we’re also trying to prove a point to Eric.”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Our content was looking too similar. You couldn’t tell one post from another and we needed some variety. Not the same old videos of the team running down the field with heavy metal playing in the background.”

“Hey, I take offense to that.” I rest my hand against my chest as if I’m actually offended. “My dad likes those videos. He’s always talking about them.”

“Exactly!” she practically screams, pointing at me. “That’s the problem.”

“What?” This girl is confusing. “That my dad likes them?”

“Yes.” She’s nodding enthusiastically. “We’re trying to appeal to people that are our age, not dads. And not necessarily guys either.”

“Women?” I tilt my head, giving her my slowest, panty-melting smile. Will it work on her? “We already got a lot of those type of fans, Red.”

“Not enough online though.” She points at me again, not fazed by my smile whatsoever, so I let it fade. “And don’t try to woo me with your sultry voice and flirtatious words, Townsend.”

Ha. Okay, she did notice.

“Sultry? Flirtatious?” I rest my hand over my heart, solemn as a priest. “I would never.”

“You are. You’re doing it right now. You know how—cute you are.” She spits out the word cute like it’s a curse.

“Only cute, huh?” I’m only mildly offended. “I was hoping for manly. Sexy at the very least.”

She grabs her textbook and slams it shut. “You’re too sexy for your own good.”

Heat rushes over my skin at her confession and my dick twitches yet again, pleased with this woman and her choice of words. Did she even hear herself? She thinks I’m sexy. And I fucking love that. “You really think so?”

“I know so.” She picks up her book and shoves it in her backpack, then zips it shut. “I have class soon.”

“You coming out to practice today?”

“Probably not.”

Disappointment hits me, deflating my dick and I try to fight it. “Too bad. I was hoping to flex more for you.”

“I wasn’t impressed.” There is no feeling in her voice whatsoever, but her eyes flash. I think I annoy her.

Actually, I know I annoy her and while it’s fun, digging at Ruby, I’m realizing that every single thing I say is an annoyance to this woman and that…


Should I call her out? I don’t believe she’s completely immune to my charm. This might be the wrong approach but…

“Please. I caught you looking at me when I was out on the field.” I rest my forearms on the table and lean across it, trying to get closer to her. A breeze hits, her scent drifting toward me, and I inhale as discreetly as possible, taking a hit like it’s a drug and I need to get high. “You were staring, Red.”

It’s like I can’t help myself. I enjoy teasing her.

“You threw a great pass.”

“You weren’t looking at the ball.”

“I was sitting on the sidelines creating content with Gwen.”

“While staring at my abs.”

Her cheeks turn the faintest pink and she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her index finger. “Your abs are no big deal.”

“My abs are pretty fucking stellar, considering how hard I work out.” I lean back, barely lifting up my shirt and showing her what I’m talking about. Her gaze immediately drops, lingers almost lovingly.

“You’re ridiculous,” she mutters, her gaze still locked on my abdomen.

Uh huh. My abs are no big deal.


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