Playing to Win (The Players)

Chapter Playing to Win: Epilogue


“I can’t take this!” I’m screeching as I leap to my feet, the air stalled in my lungs as I watch our offensive line get into position, my boyfriend right in the back center, his deep voice booming across the field, calling out the plays.

The football players shift into motion, the ball is hiked to Ace and he backs up a few steps, his feet constantly moving, his head swiveling. I can’t take my eyes off him, my heart beating so fast I swear it’s going to bust out of my chest and when he throws the ball, I watch it arc through the air, spiraling, soaring into the hands of a waiting tight end.

The player turns, tucking the ball against his chest and running with all his might straight into the end zone, scoring yet another touchdown.

Natalie and I are hopping up and down, cheering and screaming. I won’t have a voice by the end of this game. I’ve become that girlfriend. The one who screams at the refs when they make what I deem a bad call. The one who antagonizes the opposing team and shit-talks them when they’re out on the field.

Not too badly, but I always say a few rotten things to make myself feel better.

Ace gives me grief over it, saying I should maintain a certain level of good sportsmanship or whatever, but I can’t help it. He’s my man and I’m going to defend him.

So there.

The season is almost over and our team is playing in a championship bowl. This game is huge. The fact that Ace and the rest of the team got here during his first year as the first-string quarterback? It’s a big deal. My man feels on top of the world and he should.

That’s where he belongs.

We’re midway through the fourth quarter and the latest touchdown just cemented their win for the most part. After that one loss, I don’t like thinking we’ve won until the time on the clock officially runs out, so I’m still wary but feeling good.

Natalie, on the other hand?

“We’ve got this.” She raises her hand and I give her a high five, both of us grinning at each other. I let her revel in her confidence because she’s enjoying this. Cheering on Derek. Being in a relationship. For two people who claimed they weren’t interested in anything long-term, they sure do seem to work well together as a couple.

My gaze snags on my other favorite couple who are both on the sidelines, their heads bent close together as they examine whatever footage Eric just got. Yep, Gwyneth and Eric are still going strong and we’ve even had them over a couple of times when Natalie and Derek are home too. Eric eats those moments up, being able to talk football with Ace and Derek, while us girls hang out. We’ve all become closer and I love my friend group.

I especially love Ace.

Ugh, how did I get so lucky?

The opposing team calls a timeout and Natalie glances over at me.

“Did you ever hear back from the baseball team?”

I’m grinning and nodding like a fool. “We’re still in negotiations about pay, but pretty sure I’m going to take the job.”

“Oh my God, that’s so great!” Natalie grins, reaching out to squeeze my hand.

Here’s the crazy thing. After word got around that I was let go by the athletic department? Teams from other colleges started reaching out, asking me to come work for them. Considering I want to get my degree first, I had to turn them all down, but when our very own baseball team reached out and asked if they could hire me as a content creator outside of the social media team provided by the athletic department?

That’s when things got interesting.

Nowhere does it state that an individual team can’t hire someone to promote them. They want me to work in tandem with their assigned social media team, and they don’t want me to sign the regular agreement either. I would be freelance. The athletic department put up a stink at first, but eventually had to back down and let it happen.

The best part about this? They’re also hiring Gwen. They want us to put together fun content like we did for the football team because their social media audience is seriously lacking.

I can’t wait to get to work. I know Gwen is excited too. Our boyfriends aren’t too thrilled that we’re going to be hanging out with the baseball team all of the time, but they have nothing to worry about.

We’re not interested in those guys anyway.

When the opposing team gets the ball, Natalie is screaming just like I was, encouraging Derek, who’s out on the field, ultimately sacking their QB. You can feel the satisfaction pouring off of him as he struts across the field, and I can’t help but laugh.

The team doesn’t manage to score. Our boys roll back out there and while another touchdown doesn’t happen, they do get a field goal, pushing our score high enough that with the time left on the clock, they’ll never meet it, let alone rise above it.

We won.

Natalie and I are giddy for the rest of the game. When it’s finally over, we’re on the field as soon as they let us on it, the two of us separating so we can go in search of our favorite players. I find Ace almost immediately, being interviewed by some pretty redhead holding an ESPN microphone in her hand, and I wait, watching him speak to her, my chest swelling with pride.

He looks tired, but happy. His hair is an absolute sweaty disaster and his uniform is a mess. He got sacked during the first quarter, but he didn’t let it get him down. Didn’t let it get into his head.

Ace played a strong game, proving that he’s a strong leader who doesn’t fold under pressure. I’m so proud of him, I feel like I could burst.

He catches sight of me when he’s still talking to the reporter, a slow smile appearing on his face and my heart trips at the sight of it.

Ugh, I love him so much. And he loves me too. We’re a little ridiculous sometimes.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

The reporter wraps up filming but keeps talking to him and he finally pulls away with the best words ever. “Hey, my girlfriend is waiting for me. I gotta go.”

My smile grows as he heads for me, gasping when he picks me up and spins me around. He’s laughing and he sounds so happy, my heart soars. As light and carefree as his mood.

He sets me back on my feet but doesn’t let go of me, his hands on my waist, fingers splayed wide. ‘We won.’

‘You won.” I brace my hands on his chest and rise up on tiptoe, meeting him halfway for a far too quick kiss. “You were so good out on the field tonight.”

His expression turns serious. “We all were.”

My smile grows. He always gives his team as much credit as himself and I love that about him.

“You were,” I agree.


We both turn to see his parents approaching us, walking together hand in hand. I met them for the first time a few days ago, when they arrived in town for the game and I already adore them so much. His mom Wendy clearly dotes on her son and is pleased that Ace has found a girlfriend who dotes on him too. And his dad Scott is obviously so proud of his only child. They’re great people.

No surprise, considering I think their son is pretty great too.

“You were amazing,” his dad says, just before they hug. Wendy and I watch them, and I laugh when Ace grabs his mother and swings her around much like he did to me only a moment ago.

“There you guys are,” says a deep familiar voice and I turn to find my uncle Drew and my dad standing together, matching smiles on their faces. “Ace. Great game.”

“Drew Callahan,” my boyfriend says, his voice ringing with awe as he steps away from his parents and walks toward my uncle, his hand thrust forward. “Wow, you came to my game.”

“I convinced him it would be worth it,” my dad says, winking at me. I already knew Uncle Drew and Aunt Fable were coming, but I kept it a secret from Ace.

Looks like it was worth it. I’m afraid he might cry, he’s so overwhelmed that one of his childhood idols is standing in front of him.

“Where’s Mom?” I ask Dad.

“She went to the car with your aunt. They both complained it was a little too cold, and besides, we’re all going to see each other at dinner, right? Though my wife did want me to tell you congratulations,” Dad says to Ace, who nods slowly in acknowledgement, as if he’s in a daze. He probably is, still staring at my uncle like he can’t believe he’s there.

It’s cute.

An announcement is made and Ace has to go to the fifty-yard line to receive the championship trophy with the rest of the team, and we all watch, me standing between my dad and uncle, feeling so proud to be here. To enjoy this moment and celebrate the man I love and his team. Ace’s mom wipes tears from her eyes and rests her head against her husband’s shoulder, clutching him. I feel tears fill my own eyes and I blink them away, refusing to let them fall.

Even though they’re happy tears.

There is no one I’m happier for than this man who loves me. Who stands by me and supports me no matter what. I do the same for him. His wins are mine and I can’t wait to celebrate him with everyone else tonight.

Can’t wait even more to celebrate with just the two of us alone, either.

The moment we come home from the restaurant and we’re in my bedroom, Ace is on me. His mouth on mine and his hands busy, trying to remove my clothing. I do much the same, unbuttoning the flannel he’s got on and moaning in frustration when I see the pristine white T-shirt he’s got on underneath it.

“Too many layers,” I grumble, shoving his shirt up so I can see the tattoo he recently got.

It’s simple. Small. Just a single word over the center of his chest, right where his heart is. It says…


I trace each individual letter, while his hands undo the button on my jeans then pull down the zipper. “I love this tattoo,” I murmur.

“I know you do,” he says. “Want to get one like it for me?”


He bends down in front of me, tugging my jeans down my legs. I toe off my shoes and kick off the jeans. “I was thinking right here.”

He palms my ass with both of his hands and I burst out laughing.

“You would want a tattoo on my butt that says ‘yours’.”

“It is mine.” He cups my ass cheeks, giving me a squeeze. “I can’t get enough of this ass.”

“It still gets us in trouble,” I remind him.

“Ah, but what a way to go, am I right?”

He’s kneeling in front of me, a wide smile stretched across his face, and I reach for him, drifting my fingers down his cheek. “You’re kind of weird.”

“You love it.” He turns his head, kissing my palm.

“You’re right. I love you.”

“Love you too, Red.”

“Forever?” I ask him, needing the confirmation.

His eyes glow as he stares up at me, nothing but love shining in his eyes.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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