Playing Offsides: An Opposites Attract Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 3)

Playing Offsides: Chapter 22

Sitting in Cameron’s car as he drives us from the restaurant, I can’t help but close my eyes and deeply inhale his scent. It fills the space between us and he smells amazing, after having just showered before we went out. It definitely beats the smell of sweat and hockey. He’s been relatively quiet, like he’s been lost in his own thoughts, and the last thing I want to do is overstep any boundaries.

He had surprised me when he texted me after the game, letting me know he already had plans for us. The plans ended up with us going out to eat at a quaint little restaurant in the city. It was a farm-to-table style that I had never been to before. The food was amazing and the conversation between us flowed, just as it always does.

But now that we’re driving back, with the night coming to an end, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense that I’m not ready for this to be over.

As we get close to the ice rink, Cam abruptly pulls his car off onto the side of the street and puts it in park before turning to face me. “I don’t want to be too forward and just take you back to my place now, so I need to hear it from you first.” He pauses for a moment, wetting his lips with his tongue. “I’m not ready to go our separate ways this evening. Come stay with me for the night?”

Swallowing hard, I get lost in his gaze for a moment before nodding. “Can you drop me off at my car and I’ll follow you over? That way you don’t have to bring me back tomorrow morning to get it.”

He stares at me for a moment before putting the car back in drive. He doesn’t bother to argue with me, but I can’t help but feel like he wanted me to just go with him and worry about my car tomorrow. Thankfully, Cameron is somewhat of a gentleman—despite his playboy persona—and he’s always thoughtful enough to ask me what I want first.

After pulling into the parking lot, he stops his car in the spot next to mine. He glances back over at me, reaching across the center console as he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me closer to him. Our lips collide, melting together as his tongue slips into my mouth and tangles with mine. He leaves me breathless, stealing the air from my lungs before abruptly pulling back with a smirk on his lips.

“I’ll wait for you, but hurry up,” he whispers as he releases the side of my face and settles back into his seat. It takes me a moment to catch my breath and then I’m hopping out of his car and slipping into mine. Wasting no time, I turn on the engine and put it in drive as I follow behind him, pulling out of the parking lot.

Cameron speeds down the street and I struggle to keep up with him as we go faster than the legal speed limit. My heart pounds erratically in my chest, a wild grin on my face as the adrenaline courses through my body. The thought to challenge him and pass him crosses my mind, but I push the dangerous thought away and decide to just follow closely behind him.

It isn’t long before we’re pulling up to his place and I pull off and park on the side of the road. Cam hops out of his car, heading over to mine as he opens the door for me. As I get out, he slides his hand into mine, lacing our fingers together. Shutting the door behind me, I follow after Cam as he leads me toward the house without a single word.

It’s quiet inside when we get there and his stride is long as he leads me to his bedroom. I step into the middle of the room, spinning on my heel to face him as he closes the door and locks it. His eyes lift to mine, his gaze heated as he stalks toward me, closing the distance between us.

His hands find the zipper to my coat, sliding it down before he slides his palms along my shoulders and pushes my jacket from my body. It falls to the floor behind me and the two of us completely ignore it. Cam’s palm is warm against the side of my face as he slides his fingers into my hair, pulling me close to him until our mouths crash together.

Lips melting together, bodies flush against one another, I can’t stand the anticipation between us right now. After the explosive night that we had together the other night, I need him now. And lord knows that this man can run a fucking marathon, so this will only be round one of the many tonight.

Cam grabs the bottom hem of my shirt, pushing it up my torso until he reaches my neck. Lifting my arms into the air, we break apart but only long enough for him to pull my shirt over my head. Following his lead, I do the same with the material that clings to his body, freeing him until he’s naked from the waist up. He reaches behind me, unhooking my bra before peeling it away from me.

Grabbing my hips, he directs me back to the bed, gently pushing me down as he stares at me from where he’s standing. “Take off your leggings and your panties,” he demands as he undoes his jeans and shoves them down his legs. He takes his boxers with him, freeing his cock as he strips himself of his clothes.

My eyes fall to his erection that stands at full attention, throbbing with how hard it is. Swallowing roughly, I lift my gaze back to his, staring at him as I begin to push my leggings down my legs. Hooking my fingers in the waistband of my thong, I peel that from my body, pulling my feet from them and tossing them onto the floor. I’m completely exposed under his watchful eyes.

“Fuck, Aspen,” he groans, licking his lips as he shifts his weight on his feet. “You’re so fucking beautiful, spread out on my bed ready for me to fuck you into oblivion.”

Raising an eyebrow at him, I spread my legs wider, dragging my finger down my body until I reach my wet pussy. I slide a finger through my folds, teasing him as I stare him down. “So, what are you waiting for?”

“Goddamn,” he growls, reaching over to the nightstand as he pulls out a condom. He’s vicious with the way he tears it with his teeth and just drops the wrapper onto the floor. I watch him as he rolls it down his length before stalking toward me, climbing on the bed over me. “I’m sorry, baby, but the foreplay will have to come later. Right now, I just need to be inside you, fucking that sweet pussy until you come apart for me.”

He settles between my legs, pressing the head of his cock inside me as he slowly slides inside. A moan falls from my lips, my head tilting back against the mattress as he fills me in one fluid movement. Cam grabs one of my thighs, lifting it toward my body as he holds it from behind my knee. My leg is pressed against my chest and he stares down at me.

“Gonna fuck you now, baby,” he murmurs, his face dipping down to mine as he bites at my bottom lip. “Gonna fuck you hard.”

Sliding my hands through his hair, I grip the back of his head as I hold his face to mine while he begins to move. Our mouths melt together, but there’s such an urgency behind it. Our touches are no longer gentle, instead rough. His lips bruise mine, leaving his mark on my body and soul as he pounds into me relentlessly.

He drives me fucking wild, his grip on my thigh tightening as he fucks me harder. I can’t take it any longer and I swear that I’m coming apart at the seams, about to explode into a million pieces. I’ve never felt anything like what I feel with him and I never want this to end.

Pulling away from me, he shifts back onto his shins, lifting my ass in the air as he pulls my thighs up against his chest. Hooking my feet behind his head, he holds me up as he rocks onto his knees and thrusts into me. His hips move quicker and harder. My eyes trail over his body, watching the way his muscles ripple as he takes complete control over my body.

As my eyes meet his again, I’m rocked to my core by the way he’s looking at me. His lips are parted slightly, ragged breaths slipping out as he continues to pound into me. He stares down at me with a look I’ve never seen. A storm brews in his green irises and I don’t dare look away from him.

He slams into me again and again until I’m calling out his name, coming apart at the seams. My orgasm tears through my body, my pussy clenching around his cock as he drives me past the point of euphoria. Cam comes with me, his body rocking against me as he thrusts into me once more.

Sweat beads along his hairline and we’re both out of breath as he stares down at me. His gaze is heated, his eyes slightly wide as he stares down at me in wonderment.

“Jesus Christ, Aspen,” he murmurs breathlessly as he still has my legs in the air and his cock inside me. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

I stare back up at him, my lips parting slightly as a ragged breath slips from them. Words completely fail me and his question lingers in the air because I’m asking myself the same damn question.

What the fuck are you doing to me, Cameron?

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