Playing Hard to Get (The Players)

Playing Hard to Get: Chapter 21

OH SHIT. I should’ve never said that. I think I just shocked him silent.

Knox stares at me for a long, tension-filled moment, his mood shifting right in front of me. When I entered Logan’s and first noticed him sitting at that table alone—because of course he would be here—it’s like Natalie knew her plan would work—he looked the meanest I’ve ever seen him. And he’s not what I would consider a mean person. Not even close. But his entire demeanor screamed, back the fuck off.

It appears pretty much everyone did. Well, except for Cam, who I could tell was giving Knox a hard time once we were spotted.

Not sure where Cam’s at currently, but here I am talking to Knox like nothing ever happened between us, something I didn’t want to do because that’s one of my bad habits. Sweeping issues under the rug, pretending that everything is fine.

I’m starting to realize sometimes problems need to be confronted, because they’re only going to grow bigger, the longer they’re ignored. Yet here I am complimenting Knox’s dick size.

God, I need help.

I have sex on the brain. That has to be it. It’s been months and I grind on this guy a couple of times and all I want to focus on is him.

“Did you just pay me a compliment?”

He sounds surprised, which he should be. I’m still mad at him.

Sort of.

Though I must admit, it helped, seeing him look as miserable as I felt.

“Pretty sure I’m just stating facts.”

We’re quiet, staring at each other, the noise level in the bar rising. More people have arrived in the last few minutes, and someone just turned on the music, making it more difficult to hear.

“You think I have a big dick.”

“You know you do. You basically admitted that earlier. And I have eyes, Knox. I saw it.”

That thing was massive, and he tried to hide it behind his equally massive hands, which didn’t really work.

His smile is small. Hopeful. “You haven’t seen it in all its glory.”

“I’ve felt it,” I remind him. “That was good enough.”

He laughs, the pleasant sound curling all around me before it settles in the form of a low, incessant throb between my thighs. “I thought you were pissed at me.”

“Oh, I am,” I reassure him.

His laughter dies. “You confuse me.”

I love how honest he is. First, when he told me he couldn’t stop thinking about me and now, when he admits I’m confusing.

I get it. I’m confused too.

“Pretty sure our situation is confusing,” I say, shrugging as if we can’t control it, so we might as well go with it.

“It’s like you want me, yet you constantly push me away.” Knox slowly shakes his head.

“Maybe I’m just playing hard to get.”

His grin is devilish, and there’s a gleam in his eye I’ve never seen before. “Just so you know, I love a challenge.”

My insides turn to mush. “Noted.”

“You want something to drink?” He angles his head toward the bar.

I slowly shake my head, clutching the sweating glass in my hand tighter. “I’m good.”

“Can I say something?”

Wariness rises in me. “What?”

“You look fucking hot.” His gaze smolders as it sweeps over me, and all my earlier suspicion is wiped clean by that look in his eyes.

“Thank you.”

“You and Nat are all dressed up.”

“We thought we’d go for it. Have a little fun.” Try to drive you out of your mind. Did it work?

From the appreciative way he’s still checking me out, I would have to say yes.

“I like it.” He tugs on the hem of his hoodie. “I definitely didn’t dress up.”

“You don’t have to. You always look good.” I slap my hand over my mouth the moment the words fall from my lips. God, why did I say that?

His eyes light up and the slow smile curling his lips could make a girl’s panties melt. Including mine. “Hey thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Knox’s expression turns sober. “I’m sorry if I pissed you off earlier.”

A man who apologizes for his shit behavior. He must be a unicorn. “I sort of gave you a hard time.”

“Still. I asked you to sneak around like I wanted to keep you a secret, and that’s not cool.” He rubs the back of his neck, something I’ve noticed he does when he’s uncomfortable. “I’m sorry.”

Now he’s apologized twice. He’s definitely a unicorn. Bryan would deny any sort of bad behavior, and the next thing I’d know, I would be the one apologizing for something stupid that I probably didn’t do.

“I accept your apology.” I hold out my free hand. “Are we good?”

He takes hold of my hand, lacing our fingers together, our palms pressed tight. He skims his thumb across my knuckles, tingles rushing over my skin at the simple caress as he murmurs, “We’re good.”

I’m breathless. All he has to do is touch my hand and I’m a goner. Or maybe it’s the molten glow in his eyes. The faint curl of his lips. That irresistible body heat that draws me closer.

Someone runs into me, pushing me into Knox, and I go willingly. He lets go of my hand, slipping his arm around my waist, his fingers diving beneath the cropped hem of my shirt. Awareness flashes through me, making it hard to breathe.

“Watch out,” Knox snarls at the guy, who most definitely pushed me by accident.

“Sorry, bro.” The guy throws his hands up in defensive mode.

“Did he hurt you?” Knox asks once the guy is gone, his brows lowered in concern.

I shake my head, my smile weak. “I’m fine.”

He clenches his jaw, staring at everyone around us like he wants them all to disappear. “Want to get out of here?”

“And go where?”

“I don’t care. I just want to be alone with you.”

He keeps saying things like that and I’ll do whatever he tells me.

“What about Nat?”

“I think your friend will be okay without you.” We both swivel our heads, catching sight of Derek and Natalie laughing together at the very table Knox was sitting at when I first walked in. “She won’t mind if you leave.”

“I need to tell her.” I can’t ditch her. What if she’s just humoring Derek but is dying to get out of here?

I really hope that’s not the case.

“I should find Cam.” Knox reluctantly lets me go, giving me one last squeeze on my hip. “Meet at Derek and Nat’s table in five?”


I make my way over to Natalie, standing behind her as she listens intently to Derek tell a story about a play he made during a past football game. She’s leaning into him, her body language telling me she’s totally into him, but I’m not completely sure.

Nat has this way of making guys think she’s all about them, but really, she’s just not that interested. She calls it a blessing and a curse.

“Hey.” I tap her on the bare shoulder and she turns, a smile blossoming on her face as she throws her arms up in the air.

“Jo!” She wraps me up in a big hug, squeezing me tight. “Tell me you gave Knox hell.”

This she whispers in my ear.

“Only if you can tell me you’re doing the same to Derek,” I whisper back before I pull out of her embrace.

“Can’t say that I am!” She laughs.

So do I.

“Look, um.” I glance around, spotting Knox as he moves through the crowded bar, searching for Cam. He’s easy to find, considering how tall he is. How pretty he is.

I’m sure he wouldn’t like it if he knew I just called him pretty.

“Um what?” Nat teases, her eyes sparkling.

“I’m going to get us more drinks,” Derek tells Natalie, grazing his fingers across her arm and giving her a faint, sexy smile before he walks away.

The moment he’s gone, I’m on her.

“Is everything okay with you two?” I ask.

She nods, smiling. “He actually apologized for not talking to me since Saturday night. Said he’s been busy.”

“Do you believe him?” I raise my brows.

“Even if it’s not true, at least he acknowledged it. That’s all I wanted.” Her eyes narrow the longer she looks at me. “What about Knox? Please tell me he said something to make up for what he’s done.”

“He apologized.” I nod. “I also complimented him on his dick size.”

Her jaw drops open. “Seriously?”

I burst out laughing. “Seriously. We’re leaving together.”

“Whaaat?” She steps closer, her voice lowering. “I thought he was celibate or whatever.”

“I guess he is. I don’t know. He asked if I wanted to leave with him and I said yes.”

“Oooh.” She holds out her hand and I give her a high five. “Get it, girl. That boy is so fine.”

“Don’t remind me.” I roll my eyes, ready to launch into a speech about how I can’t believe he’s interested in me when she grabs me by the shoulders, giving me a shake.

“And don’t start on that, ‘I’m not good enough’ garbage. You are gorgeous in that outfit, and he knows it. Plus, he’s already seen how smart you are, how freaking kick-ass you are, and here he is, ready to take you home and work his sexual magic on you.” Her is gaze full of pride, and the faintest hint of envy. “You are so lucky.”

“I am?”

“This is what you need.” She squeezes my shoulders before hauling me in for a tight hug. “I’m excited for you.”

“It might just be a hookup,” I say into her hair, my voice muffled.

“Ah, but what a hookup it will be, with Mr. Big Dick Energy, Knox Maguire.”

I want to die at what she just said…

But she’s not wrong.

“Hey.” Knox appears, as if we conjured him up with the big dick energy remark, his smile just for me. “You ready to go?”

“Sure.” I pull out of Natalie’s arms and she turns to Knox, thrusting her index finger in his face. Considering he’s a foot taller than her—and me as well—it’s fairly humorous, how she’s wagging that finger in his face like a nagging mama.

“You better treat my best friend right, or I’m going to kick your ass,” she threatens.

“Nat,” I warn.

“I’m serious.” She glares at me over her shoulder before returning her focus to Knox. “I don’t care if you’ve got big dick energy and you’re the biggest stud on campus, she deserves to be treated like a queen.”

He’s smiling. I can tell he’s amused by her. I’m guessing he doesn’t realize she means every word she says. “I won’t disrespect your friend.”

“You better not. You already made her feel like shit enough.” Natalie drops her finger, resting both hands on her hips as her gaze slides from me to him. “And don’t forget to use condoms.”

“Natalie,” I chastise.

“Safe sex is important! I don’t care if you are on the pill. You don’t know where that dick has been.” Her gaze drops to Knox’s crotch. “Make sure you wrap it up, Maguire.”

Again, I want to die. I can’t believe she’s acting this way.

“I’m a big advocate of safe sex,” Knox reassures her, reaching for my arm and curling it around his own. “Don’t worry, Natalie. I’ll take care of your friend.”

“You’d better!” she calls after us as we start to leave the bar.

The moment we’re outside, I’m pulling away from him, shaking my head. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe she said all of that to you.”

“It’s okay.” His smile is faint, and he wobbles a little on his feet. Considering how tall he is, if he goes down, he’s going down hard. “Shit. I’m a little drunk.”

I frown. “I am too.” I think of all that peach whiskey I consumed, then immediately shove the thought from my mind.

That stuff was kind of awful.

“We could get an Uber or whatever,” he suggests.

“Did you ever find Cam?”

“No, but I texted him and said I was leaving.”

“Did he respond?”

“Just sent me a quick text saying I should be careful. He’s such a dad.” Knox shakes his head.

“Aw, I think that’s sweet.”

“It can be a little overbearing sometimes.” Knox pulls his phone out and brings up the rideshare app, tapping at the screen before pocketing his phone once more. “The car will be here in five.”

I study him, shock coursing through me at the turn of events. “I didn’t expect tonight to end like this.”

“Like what?”

“With me going home with you.” I frown. “Are we going to your place or mine?”

“Mine,” he says firmly. “My apartment isn’t the cleanest though.”

Uh oh. “Please tell me you wash the sheets regularly.”

“I do.”

“When was the last time?”

He frowns, thinking. “Last week?”

Relief floods me. “Okay. Good.” Last week isn’t ideal, but it’s better than most guys I know.

“Are you a neat freak, Jo Jo?”

“Nat dated a guy for a brief period our freshman year. They’d always hang out in his dorm room. One night, she shows up, and the comforter is flipped back from the sheets. She could see a grimy brown outline on the sheets and she asked him if he ever washed them. Of course, he said no. She walked out of his room right after he said that.” I make a face. “It’s become a complete dealbreaker for us.”

“That’s disgusting.” The look on his face tells me he’s just as horrified.

“Right?” I laugh. So does he.

He grabs hold of my hand unexpectedly, yanking me to him, his other hand resting low on my back. “I like your laugh,” he murmurs.

Just before he kisses me.

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