Playing Hard to Get (The Players)

Playing Hard to Get: Chapter 15

“YOU GALS SHOULD MEET up with us later.” Our new friend Derek smiles at us, and while I can’t deny he’s charming, I’m also a little put off by how he calls us gals.


“Oh, we’re down.” Natalie nods enthusiastically, ignoring my glare.

Our other new friend—freaking Knox’s little sister Blair—is also nodding enthusiastically. “That sounds like fun!”

The look Derek gives Blair is one of pure fear. “Your brother won’t kick my ass if he catches us hanging out, will he?”

“Of course not.” Blair pats his shoulder, reassuring the big, intimidating football player still in his gear, which is kind of funny. “I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“If he thinks I’m flirting with you, he’ll kill me.” His gaze lifts, going wide. “Oh shit. There he is.”

Blair and Natalie whip their head in Knox’s direction as he struts by, but I wait a few seconds before I check him out.

He’s scowling in our direction and oh wow, he looks mad.

I assume that’s about his sister. She already told us how overprotective he is of her. Derek is an idiot to talk to her right now. I’m guessing Knox most likely will kick his ass in the locker room if he takes it too far.

“Did you see the look he gave me?” Derek’s voice is shaky.

“You’ll be fine. I promise. I’ll text him right now.” Blair pulls her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and taps out a message, waiting for Knox’s reply. “Might be a minute before I hear from him though.”

“Yeah, we don’t have our phones on us when we’re in uniform.” Derek starts walking backward, a big smile on his face. He is cute, I can’t deny it. Dark hair and eyes. Friendly smile. He aims it straight at Nat. “See you ladies later at Logan’s!”

The moment he’s out of earshot, I’m on Natalie. “I don’t want to go.”

She frowns. “What? Why not? It’ll be so much fun! I’m sure we’ll get free drinks out of those boys.”

“What is up with you and free drinks anyway?”

“I’m a broke college student. You know this. So are you. I’m out to get free drinks whenever I can.” She rolls her eyes. “And come on, Jo. You had fun at the game, right?”

I nod. Reluctantly. I definitely had a great time at the game, which surprised me. It was fun watching them play, getting swept up in the crowd’s enthusiasm. But my eyes were pretty much locked on Knox whenever he was on the field.

I was completely entranced by his agility. His speed. The ease in which he caught the ball, blindly most of the time it seemed. He just had that much faith the ball would land in his hands. Witnessing him run that touchdown in had me leaping out of my seat, cheering like a major fangirl. Natalie gave me a look like, what’s gotten into you?

Knox Maguire. That’s what’s gotten into me.

Well. Not literally. Unfortunately.

See, that way of thinking leads to trouble. There will be no more making out during our tutoring sessions. We need to keep things on the up and up, which means I need to keep my distance. I shouldn’t hang around him tonight.

Assuming he’d even want to hang out with me. He’ll be swarmed by women at the bar, all of them clamoring for even five seconds of his attention, so why would he waste his time on me? He’s already had me in a sense.

No way do I want to see him move on with someone else.

This is why I should avoid guys like him. Like my father. They’re nothing but trouble.

“I’m so tired though.” I offer her a wan smile, lowering my lids to look sleepy.

More eye-rolling from Natalie. “Yeah, that’s not going to fly with me. We’re going.”

“You don’t mind if I tag along, do you?” Blair’s eyes are wide when we both turn to look at her. “It’s just—I never get to hang out with the guys. Knox is always chasing them off, or chasing me off. I don’t have a lot of friends yet here and—”

“You can definitely tag along,” Natalie interjects, her voice soft. The look she sends me tells me I can’t back out now. We have to do it for Blair.

“Oh my gosh, thank you guys! I appreciate it.” Blair lunges forward, wrapping both of us in a group hug and we automatically hug her back.

She really is sweet. She talks nonstop, but it’s not annoying. I think she’s just lonely for friendship.

“It’s going to take a while to get out of here. I’m sure the parking lot is a nightmare,” Natalie says as we exit the stadium and pour into the lot with the rest of the crowd. “And I’m starving.”

“We can grab something to eat real quick before we go to Logan’s,” I suggest, making a little face when I say the bar’s name.

I’m still reluctant to go, but I know Natalie won’t let me stay home. Not like I can tell her the real reason I don’t want to go—witnessing women throwing themselves at Knox won’t be fun.

At all.

Especially since he had his tongue practically down my throat only a couple of days ago.

“Taco Bell is right down the street,” Blair adds, earning approving nods from Nat and me.

It takes us almost thirty minutes to get out of the parking lot, and by the time we show up at the Taco Bell, the drive-thru is super long. Natalie parks her car and we go inside, where the line isn’t nearly as backed up, but we still have to stand in line, listening to the group of women ahead of us go on and on about how sexy Knox Maguire is.

“His ass is perfection,” one of them says dreamily.

“His entire body is perfection,” another one adds.

I can attest to that. I’ve had my hands all over his shoulders and chest. I sat in his lap. I’ve had his mouth on mine, his tongue tangled with mine and my fingers in his hair—

“That can’t be easy, listening to women go on and on about your brother,” Natalie says, her voice low.

Blair grimaces. “It’s awful.”

I can never, ever tell Blair about my moment with Knox. She’ll probably think I’m trying to get close to her because of her brother, which is so not the case.

The timing of all of this is nothing short of awful.

“So.” Natalie settles at one of the tables, Blair and I sitting across from her as we wait for our order. “Since we’re on the subject, tell us more about your brother.”

Blair blows out an exaggerated breath. “Ugh, what do you want to know?”

“Nat, come on.” I chide. “I’m sure she’s asked this all the time.”

“I do,” Blair agrees.

“Yeah, but this is different. Joanna here actually knows him.” Natalie waves a hand in my direction.

Blair swivels her head toward me. “You do?”

Way to embarrass me, Nat. “Sort of.”


“I’m his English tutor,” I admit.

Blair stares at me for a beat, her brows drawing together. “Wait a second. Aren’t you the girl who works at the bookstore? The one Knox sang that song for?”

My cheeks are immediately on fire. I forgot she witnessed that moment. “That was me.”

“He sang a song for you?” Natalie’s eyebrows shoot up. I never did mention the singing incident.

My face grows even hotter, if that’s possible. “He was trying to figure out my name. I had on my Jo Jo nametag.”

“Ah.” Natalie nods. She knows how much I don’t like that nickname. “Leon strikes again.”

“Who’s Leon?” Blair asks.

“My best friend,” I say, earning daggers from Natalie. “Besides Nat. I work with him at the bookstore.”

“He loves to give our girl shit,” Natalie says. “Like me.”

“I feel like everyone likes to give you shit. Including my brother, maybe? That’s one of his favorite things to do to me,” Blair grumbles.

“He only gave me grief about my name. He figured it out after our first tutoring session.” And had his lips on mine pretty quickly after that.

I duck my head, regretting all of my decisions. I should’ve never kissed him. I should’ve pushed him away and told him to stop. Found him another tutor and walked away. And I definitely shouldn’t have come to the game. Now he thinks I’m interested, or worse, that I’m some crazed fangirl who will follow him everywhere he goes.

“He’s always struggled with reading,” Blair admits.

“I’m trying to help him,” is all I say in reply. I’m not allowed to discuss anyone we tutor, despite Blair being his sister. It’s part of the contract we sign.

“That’s great. I hope he’s not hassling you too much,” Blair says with a friendly smile.

“He’s not. Really,” I say, my voice weak.

We’re about to leave Taco Bell to head to Logan’s when Blair says she needs to use the restroom. The moment she’s gone, Natalie is on me, her gaze narrowed as she stares.

“What’s going on with you and the football player?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “He’s a student that I tutor. That’s it.”

I keep my expression neutral, trying not to break under Natalie’s perusal. She can get the most hardened person to confess all with a single look.

Meaning she’s kind of scary.

“Why did he give you tickets to the game then?”

“He was being friendly. I don’t think he likes the fact that I never go to games. He’s trying to convert me.”

“Convert you to become a football fan? Hmm.” She pauses. “You think he’s into you?”

“Absolutely not. Why would he be?”

“Because you’re gorgeous and smart.” Her expression softens. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Jo.”

“Stop.” I wave a hand, embarrassed. “I’m not his type.”

“And what’s his type?”

“A gorgeous, sexy blonde with big tits.” I have no idea if I’m correct, but it sounds about right.

Blair magically appears, saving me from having to continue this uncomfortable conversation. “You guys ready to go?”

“Let’s do this.” Natalie grins.

When we arrive at Logan’s, it’s packed wall to wall with people. We edge our way inside, holding onto the back of each other’s shirts in a chain, not wanting to lose one another. Natalie forces Blair to lead the way, since she’s Knox’s sister, and it works. The second one of the football players spots Blair, they wave her over and we join them in the deepest corner of the bar, where the team has set up court at three separate booths. Knox sits at the center table on the farthest right side of the circular booth, his gaze tracking our every move as we approach.

“You made it!” Derek says, approaching us, cutting Knox out of my view. Derek completely ignores me and Blair though, his hand going to Natalie’s elbow. “Want something to drink? Beer?”

Natalie wrinkles her nose. “You have something a little harder?”

“Come on, let’s go to the bar.” He hesitates, his hand still on Natalie’s arm, his question directed at us. As if he just realized we’re standing there. “You ladies want anything?”

“I’ll have whatever Nat’s having,” I answer.

“I’ll take a beer.” Blair marches over to the table her brother isn’t sitting at and grabs a pitcher of beer, filling an empty mug.

“I’ve got you.” Natalie blows me a kiss before leaving with Derek.

I stand there, feeling very alone, when Knox slides out of the booth, indicating the sliver of space left behind.

“You can sit next to me, Jo Jo.”

His deep, inviting voice seeps into my skin, making me tremble, and I don’t dare look him in the eyes.

Don’t do it, don’t do it! My mind screams, the warning bells clanging louder and louder as I approach his table.

Like I have no control, I slide onto the booth seat, a soft gasp leaving me when Knox slides in behind me, wedged so close, I can feel every inch of him burning into my side. I still haven’t looked at him, still haven’t spoken a word, even though I can feel him watching me.

I’m scared to meet his gaze and what I might find there—hell, I’m scared to even freaking breathe.

“Hey.” I get a chin flick from the guy sitting across from us, and I squint at him in the darkened bar. He’s familiar, but I don’t know his name. “I’m Cam.”

Oh. Camden Fields, the quarterback. I’m a little starstruck, only because I’ve never met him. “Hey. I’m Joanna,” I say weakly, offering him an awkward wave.

Knox snorts. Like I’m embarrassing him, which only makes me want to sink under the table.

“How do you two know each other?” Cam points at me, then Knox.

I pretend to glance over at Knox, when all I’m really looking at is his shoulder, which is covered in a dark gray hoodie. He smells clean and warm and I wish I could snuggle up close to him and feel his strong arms wrapped around me.

Again, the last thing I need to think about. Or want.

“She works at the bookstore,” is Knox’s answer and I realize that’s all he’s going to say. He’s not going to mention the tutoring sessions.

Guess that’s our secret.

Relief flows through me and I nod and smile at Cam. “Yeah. The bookstore.”

“Oh right. The bookstore. You hang out there now?” Cam’s dark brows shoot up as he reaches for his beer, taking a sip. “I thought you had other—priorities.”

I finally take my chance and look at Knox’s face. Big mistake.

He looks guilty. And handsome.

Ugh. So handsome.

“I’ve got that situation handled,” he says breezily, leaning against the booth seat and stretching his arm across the back of it.

Directly behind me.

My lips barely curve upward. I know what they’re referring to.

The celibacy vow.

Boys are so stupid sometimes, I swear.

“You played a great game today,” I tell Cam.

He lifts his beer mug up in acknowledgement. “Thank you, but it’s not all me. I work with a great team.”

Ah, so modest. And including his teammates. I like that.

“You’re always pretty fucking stellar out on that field—Fields.” Knox grins.

Cam chuckles. “You’re the one who ran in that touchdown today.”

Knox shrugs. “It was only one.”

“Better than none. And we still kicked their ass.”

“Yeah, we did.” They clink their mugs together, beer sloshing onto the center of the table. Knox leans forward with the movement, his arm dropping onto my shoulders for the briefest moment, his fingers catching a few tendrils of my hair.

I turn to him, my eyes widening in shock, but he doesn’t acknowledge me, lifting his arm away from me like it was never even there.

Like he never ran his fingers through the ends of my hair, as if he wanted to test it. See how soft it is.

A couple of pretty girls, decked out in Golden Eagles gear, stop at our table, their eyes only for Cam as they start sweet-talking him. Everyone else at the table is involved in their own conversations.

Except for me and Knox.

I rest my arms on top of the table, curling my hands together as I scan the room in search of Nat and Derek, but they’re nowhere to be found. I’m dying of thirst—more like I need liquid courage to get through this moment. This entire night. I knew Knox would be here, but I didn’t think I’d be sitting next to him in a booth with his body heat seeping into me.

“You have fun at the game?” He readjusts himself, stretching his legs out beneath the table, his foot—surprise, surprise—nudging against mine.

Nodding, I glance over at him to find he’s watching me, his eyes full of curiosity and something else.

Wait, is that…hunger?

No way.

“It was a lot of fun,” I admit. “Thank you again for the tickets.”

“Glad you enjoyed yourself.” His elbow bumps against mine as he reaches for his mug. “You sure you don’t want any beer?”

“Natalie is bringing me back a drink.”

“Right. With Derek.” He nods, his gaze on the bar in the center of the room. “He’s not the commitment type.”

“Neither is Natalie.”

“They’ll make a great pair then.”

“He didn’t take the celibacy vow?”

“I’m the only idiot who did that.” His expression turns sheepish.

“Regret it yet?” I casually bump my shoulder against his, surprised by the cascade of tingles that scatter across my shoulder and down my arm from the contact.

His gaze holds mine steadily. “You don’t even know how much.”

From the look on his face, I can tell. I need to change the subject.

“You didn’t tell your roommate I’m your tutor?”

“Oh, I did.” He drops his gaze to the table. “I just don’t want it getting out.”

“Ah.” I nod, hoping he’s not trying to hide me. Though why should I care? I’m not important to Knox Maguire.

Just like he’s not that important to me.

“Time to drink up!” Derek reappears, carrying multiple plastic glasses that are filled to the very top. He sets them on the table all at once, some of the liquid spilling, and he slides one toward me. “Here ya go, Jo.”

“Thank you.” I gratefully take the alcohol, sipping from it, wincing at the overwhelming taste of vodka. How does Natalie find all of these bartenders who pour so much liquor into the drinks? “Wow, that’s strong.”

Derek grins. “Better watch it.”

Knox shifts, his expression grim as he watches our exchange.

“Hey.” Natalie reaches for a drink, lifting it up in the air before she tilts her head back and drains half of the glass. “We’re going to sit at the other table. There’s no room here, it’s so crowded.”

I send her a look, one that says don’t ditch me, but she either doesn’t get what I’m trying to tell her or she chooses to ignore it.

I’m going with the latter assessment.

She leaves with Derek, settling into the table that’s to our left. I glance over my shoulder at the other table to see Blair sitting with a bunch of guys and one other girl, downing beer like it’s water. Chewing on my lower lip, I turn back to find Knox watching his sister as well.

“Hey Fields,” he calls, his gaze never straying from Blair.

Cam stops talking to the fangirls midsentence, turning to Knox. “What’s up?”

“Go check on Blair for me real quick, would ya?”

Cam frowns. “What’s wrong?”

“Make sure the guys know she’s off-limits.”

Rolling his eyes, he smiles apologetically at the girls, who are still trying to talk to him. “Duty calls, ladies. I need to attend to Lord Maguire’s needs.”

Knox chuckles. “Fuck off, Duke of Camden.”

Cam slips out of the booth, the women stepping back to allow him room, then he inserts himself into the booth next to us, sitting right next to Blair, glowering at all the guys at the table.

“Why didn’t you go over there and tell them to leave her alone?” I ask Knox, once the fangirls leave.

“Blair would get all pissy at me and say I’m trying to ruin her good time. Which I am, by the way.”

“And she won’t get mad at Cam?”

“No, she never gets mad at Cam. They don’t know each other that well, and he’s the perfect decoy. He sits there and scowls at everyone and they leave her alone. He’s done it for me before, right after she first arrived on campus.” Knox polishes off his beer, setting the mug onto the table with a loud clank.

I sip from my drink, the alcohol coursing through my bloodstream, warming me up. “She doesn’t realize he’s only doing this for you?”

“If she does, she hasn’t said anything to me about it.” He shrugs, reaching out to trace his finger in the condensation that’s formed on the almost empty beer mug. He strokes the glass up and down, back and forth, and I imagine him using that exact finger on my skin.

In a particular place.

A shiver steals through me at the thought.

“Cold?” He sends me a look, like he knows what he’s doing.

“Not really.” I bump into him gently. “You’re like a furnace.”

“I run hot.” He swirls his finger in tight little circles.

Good lord. Now I’m the one running hot.

“Knox! Ohmygod, you played the BEST game!”

We both startle at the loud feminine voice, our heads swinging up in tandem to find a tall, buxom blonde standing in front of the table, her voluptuous figure on perfect display in tight jeans and a white cropped top. She’s beautiful.

I shrink a little in my seat, scooting away from Knox as much as I can, which isn’t much at all.

“Hey Daphne.” He nods and smiles, friendly interest sparking in his eyes.

I hate her on sight, which is so unfair. I’m sure she’s a lovely person, but I don’t like how he’s looking at her. And how she’s looking at him. Like they know each other.

As in, know know each other.

“Did you hear me cheering for you?” Daphne asks, batting her long eyelashes at him. If I ever tried that look, I’d fail miserably, but Daphne is adorably sexy.

“Of course,” he retorts, though I’m sure he’s lying through his teeth. “I know you always scream the loudest for me.”

She laughs, the soft tinkle sweet and light. “Oh, you are so naughty, Knox.”

The hidden meaning in his words smacks me right in the chest, making my heart ache. I’m so stupid, thinking he’s into me when he’s been with women like her.

Beautiful and bold and flirtatious. Three words no one would ever use to describe me.

That’s it. I can’t take it anymore.

Jabbing him hard in the ribs with my pointy elbow—Natalie has told me more than once that they should be registered as weapons—I blast him with my request the moment he turns his attention to me.

“I need to use the restroom.” When he blinks, I continue, “Can you get up to let me out? Please?”

“Oh. Sure.” He rises to his full height, tall and broad and painfully gorgeous.

Ugh, I hate him too.

“Thanks,” I mutter as I slide out of the booth, stomping off toward the bathroom. I hear Natalie call my name, but I don’t acknowledge her, too irritated to talk to her.

Too jealous.

And I am not what anyone would call a jealous person either. I’m the cool girlfriend. The one who has no problem with her long-distance boyfriend partying with girls at his campus while I sit alone in my dorm, hoping he won’t do something he’ll end up regretting.

I’m so over being that person. I need to be stronger. Bolder.

Like Daphne. Maybe that could be my new motto. What would Daphne do?

Yeah, that sucks. I don’t even know her.

The moment I’m in the bathroom, I go straight for the sink, turning on the faucet, so I can wash my hands. The water is ice cold, just the jolt I need to get me out of this stupid jealous funk.

So I kissed him once. So what? It meant nothing. He is nothing to me, and I’m nothing to him. To get upset over some flirtatious woman, who he’s probably banged plenty of times, is pointless.

He’s the one who made the celibacy vow, not me. If he tosses it aside to have sex with that girl?

That’s on him.

Once I’ve dried my hands, I run my fingers through my hair to fluff it out. Then grab a lip balm out of my tiny purse and slick it on my lips. A couple of women exit the stalls and wash their hands beside me, giggling to themselves, their cheeks flushed and their pupils dilated. I wish I was as buzzed as they are. In fact, I need to go grab another drink from the bar myself and drown my stupid, pointless feelings in some vodka—

The door swings open and Knox Maguire himself enters the bathroom, his expression intense, his eyes sweeping the room before they land on me.

A woman walks out of the stall, stopping short when she sees him.

“This is the ladies’ room,” she says snottily.

“I need to talk to her.” He inclines his head toward me, his expression serious. “Privately.”

The woman huffs, rinses her hands off quickly and then stomps out of the bathroom.

Leaving us completely alone.

I’m still facing the sink, my gaze lingering on his in the mirror. “What are you doing?”

“You stormed off.”

“I did not.”

His smile is barely-there, but smug. The bastard. “Oh yeah, you did.”

“I had to use the bathroom.”

“Uh huh.” He takes a step closer. “Pretty sure you were jealous of Daphne.”

“Why would I be jealous of her?”

“Not sure.” He’s now directly behind me, so close I can feel him, and when he settles his hands on the edge of the sink, I’m trapped. “Considering I followed you into the bathroom and left Daphne out there.”

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