Playing By The Rules (The Players)

Playing By The Rules: Chapter 11

THE GAME WAS great and the weather was perfect. I made two new friends and Cam played so well. He got a total of four touchdowns, and I was so proud of him I wanted to tackle him out on the field after the game was over, but I restrained myself. Not like I could talk to him. He was too busy chatting with various reporters and a group of fangirls who all literally screamed when he agreed to pose for photos with them.

I watched with barely-restrained jealousy, ignoring the conversation going on around me. Joanna—the girl from the bookstore that my brother invited to the game, hmm—and her roommate Natalie are chatting it up with Derek, who is a sweetheart, but also a not-so-secret manwhore. He’s watching Natalie with keen interest, flirting with her while Joanna shares knowing looks with me, rolling her eyes at one point, like we’re in on the secret together.

I can’t deny that it’s nice—I really like Joanna a lot, and if she can put up with my brother? She’s a freaking saint. Natalie would probably love my roommates, since she’s kind of loud like they are, but Joanna is more my type. When they invite me to go to dinner with them, I can’t resist, and we have a great time talking. Learning about each other. Cracking jokes.

They act so normal, not full of drama like my roommates.

When we eventually end up at Logan’s after dinner, I’m on high alert, my gaze scanning the room in search of Cam the moment we enter the bar.

“Can you go first?” Natalie shouts at me when I turn to look back at them. “One of the boys will spot you before us.”

True. I know most of them—well, I’ve heard about them from Knox—and they all know who I am.

I push my way through the crowd, Natalie holding on to me from behind, and Joanna holding on to Nat, forming a chain. The backup quarterback Ace spots me first, waving me down, and I make my way over to the group of guys from the team, who have already taken over a corner of the bar.

Derek approaches us like he’s the host, a welcoming smile on his face that is aimed directly at Natalie. He stops directly in front of her, reaching out to touch her arm. “You made it! Want something to drink? Beer?”

Natalie wrinkles her nose. “You have something a little harder?”

“Come on, let’s go to the bar.” Derek hesitates, his hand still on Natalie’s arm, his question now directed at all three of us. As if he was just made aware that we came with Natalie. “You ladies want anything?”

“I’ll have whatever Nat’s having,” Joanna says with a faint smile, her expression nervous.

Hanging out with football players isn’t something she normally does. She so much as admitted that to me earlier at Taco Bell. She also told me how she’s Knox’s English tutor, which I think is cool. My brother doesn’t enjoy reading much, and he has dyslexia, which makes reading difficult for him.

My gaze drifts over the three booths the guys are sitting in, noting the pitcher of beer and the empty mugs sitting on one of the tables. “I’ll take a beer.”

What in the world am I doing? I hate beer. The stuff tastes awful most of the time, but I stand there pouring myself a cup, slowly becoming aware of someone watching me. I set the pitcher onto the table with an unsteady hand, glancing over my shoulder to find Cam sitting at the same table my brother is, watching me with a broody expression on his face, an untouched mug of beer sitting in front of him.

I look away quickly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of trying to join them at the table. He’ll think I’m chasing after him yet again, and I’m tired of chasing.

He needs to chase after me this time.

Besides, Knox is at that table too and he’ll be a total pain in my ass, constantly questioning me and demanding that none of the guys even look in my direction. Lame.

I sit at the next table over instead, sliding onto the booth seat and finding myself sitting right next to Ace, who’s all smiles the moment I sit down.


“Hi.” Okay, this guy is super cute. Golden brown hair and light blue eyes. A boyish face with a wholesome smile. He doesn’t look old enough to attend college, yet alone be able to drink.

“You’re Maguire’s sister, right?”

I nod, taking a sip of my beer. It’s awful. Too foamy.

His smile brightens. “Your dad is Owen Maguire, and your uncle is Drew Callahan. That’s so fucking cool.”

“Yeah,” I say weakly. “Really cool.”

Guys are always dazzled by my family lineup, especially guys who love football.

“And isn’t Jake Callahan your cousin? He’s, like, the best QB in the NFL right now.” Ace shakes his head, seemingly in awe over the thought. He immediately thrusts his hand out toward me. “I’m Ace. You’re—”

“Blair,” I supply for him. “Nice to meet you. You’re the backup quarterback, right?”

“Yeah.” He glances in the direction of the other table, where Cam and my brother sit. “He’s so fucking good. I doubt I’ll get any field time this season.”

“You never know,” I say, but I don’t mean it. Unless something happens to Cam, so he couldn’t play, I’m sure Ace won’t see much actual field time at all.

Just the mere idea of Cam getting injured and being unable to play makes my heart trip over itself. It’s too scary to even contemplate.

“You’re just saying that.” Ace grins, curling his fingers around his beer mug. “You’re pretty.”

I burst out laughing at the way he just blurted that out. “Thank you.”

“Much prettier than Knox.”

I’m still laughing. More like giggling. “I would hope so.”

“He’d kill me if he knew I said that.” Ace’s eyes are twinkling. He seems pleased with himself.

“You should see my sister,” I tell him. I’d guess they’re about the same age. “She’s even prettier than me.”

“No way.” He rests his hand over his heart like he can’t fathom the thought. “I’ve got a weakness for blondes.”

“She’s blonde too.” I tilt my head, studying him intently. “What year are you?”

His cheekbones turn the faintest touch of red. “A sophomore.”

“And you’re how old?”

Ace glances around the bar before he ducks down, his mouth right at my ear level. Which means he’s really ducking low because he’s extremely tall. “Fake ID. Don’t blow my cover.”

“Never,” I vow as I lean away from him with a little smile.

He smiles in return, lifting his beer mug up and I do the same, clinking mine with his before we both take big swallows. He polishes the rest of his off, while I drink at least a third, and it was mostly foam.

I am seriously not a beer drinker. I should’ve gone with Nat and Derek to the bar and got a mixed drink.

“Noyes! Sit down, brotha!” Ace greets another teammate, who’s currently sliding into the booth on the other side of the table, a cute brunette with him. “Join us!”

The girl sends me a helpless look as she settles in, curling her arm around Noyes’ arm and leaning her head on his shoulder. Clearly, they’re together. Clearly, she’s staking her claim on her man and a tiny flicker of jealousy rises up within me, making me wish I could do the same to someone in particular.

A certain someone who chooses to push me away more often than not.

A guy who acts like he’s interested, yet insists he wants nothing to do with me.

I contemplate Ace, who’s currently engaged in conversation with every guy sitting at our table, telling a story about what happened to him while sitting on the sideline during the game. I’m half listening, my gaze going to the table to my right, wishing I could hear what they’re talking about.

Ace says something that makes everyone crack up and I join in, laughing at something I didn’t even hear. I see Knox glance over at me, followed by Cam, and I immediately look away, praying that Knox doesn’t come over here and say something stupid to embarrass me.

But it’s not Knox who slides into the booth right next to me mere minutes later.


It’s Cam.

The moment he presses his big warm body right up against mine, I’m done for. I can’t hear what Ace or the rest of the guys are saying. All I can focus on is how hard his thigh feels wedged next to mine. And how his arm brushes mine when he settles his beer mug on the table in front of him before turning to look at me with a giant smile on his face.

A smile that I don’t recall ever seeing him wear before. It’s dazzling. Beautiful. But there’s another emotion lying just beneath it, one I can’t quite figure out, and I stare at him in confusion.

“What’s gotten into you?” I ask.

“I’m your new babysitter.” When I don’t respond, he continues, “Knox sent me over here to keep watch over you and tell everyone else to back the fuck off.”

Cam sends a pointed look in Ace’s direction.


“I’m just being friendly, QB.” Ace lifts his hands up like he’s being held at gunpoint, just before he starts laughing.

He doesn’t seem to take too much seriously, which is the complete opposite of Cam.

“Friendly, my ass,” Cam mutters under his breath, shooting invisible daggers at Ace with his eyes.

“Oh, calm down.” I reach out and settle my hand on his thigh, giving it a platonic pat and he quickly settles his hand on top of mine, trapping it there. I lift my gaze to his, suddenly breathless.

He angles his head away from mine, answering a question one of the guys asked him, his grip gentling but not moving. I’m able to splay my fingers out, touching as much of his thigh as I can, marveling at the muscle I feel beneath my palm.

He’s rock hard and so freaking hot. I swear my hand is going to go up in flames if I keep it here much longer. But I don’t want to stop touching him. In fact, I test him to see how far I can take it before he pushes me away.

I slide my hand inward, my fingers shifting to the inside of his thigh and he doesn’t stop me. Keeping my gaze focused on the table in front of me, I stroke my index finger back and forth. Slowly.

Cam doesn’t push my hand away. He doesn’t stop me either when I shift my hand higher, close enough to touch his crotch. My heart racing, my breaths accelerating. I lift my head, my gaze seeking his.

He’s not even looking in my direction, engaged in conversation with his teammates, but there’s a tic in his jaw. Like he’s barely restraining himself. As if my touch affects him.

Of course, it does. I’m zeroing in on his junk. It doesn’t matter who I am, he’s going to enjoy it.

Feeling emboldened, I brush the side of my hand against him, shocked to discover that he’s…already hard?

I snatch my hand away, my entire body going hot. Blindly, I reach for my mug and chug the rest of it in a couple of swallows, needing the liquid to cool me down. I chance a look at him to find he’s watching me, his expression impassive. No emotion noted.

Just before he settles that big hand of his on my knee.

I’m tense. Aware of his hand on me. It’s innocent enough yet not. This is all taking place beneath the table, where no one else can see us, and my brother is sitting in the next booth over, which is dangerous. Though I can see from the corner of my eye that Knox is flirting with some random fangirl when he has the sweet and beautiful Joanna sitting right there in front of him.

My brother is such a bonehead.

“You need another beer?” Cam’s voice is low, his focus entirely on me.

I stare into his eyes, my lips parting, all the air leaving me when he slides his hand up my leg, his fingers curving, sliding to the inside of my thigh. I clamp my legs together, trapping his hand, he smiles, the look on his face…


Slowly, I shake my head, unable to speak. His hand struggles to move between my locked thighs and I spread them a little to give him room. He shifts closer, his hand sweeping back and forth, getting closer. Closer…

“Hey, Blair! You should come to my frat tomorrow,” Ace says.

Cam glares at him, but Ace is oblivious.

“Um, why?”

“We’re having a big bash. Chasing away the Sunday blues. Would love to see you there. Already invited everyone else at the table, can’t forget Maguire’s sister.” Ace grins.

“You’d be smart to forget all about her,” Cam says like a freakin’ threat.

I send him a look, but he’s not paying attention to me. Well, with his eyes anyway.

His hand though? That’s now firmly lodged directly between my thighs, pressing right against the seam of my jeans.

“Knox doesn’t scare me,” Ace says.

“He should. I should too.”

“Cam,” I murmur.

He presses more firmly against my pussy, and I swear I gasp.

“You’re invited too, QB,” Ace rushes to say. “We’d love to have you there.”

Cam turns to face me. “You going?”

I nod, tilting my hips toward his hand.

“Then I’ll be there too.” He glares at Ace. “Someone has to watch over Blair.”

“I don’t need a babysitter at a frat party,” I murmur, so only Cam can hear.

“I trust you. I don’t trust any of those other fuckers that’ll be at this party.” He removes his hand from between my thighs, and I immediately mourn the loss. “If you’re going, I’m going.”

“You’re so confusing,” I tell him, as everyone else at our table starts arguing over a particular football stat.

“Tell me all about it,” he mutters, draining his beer in one last swallow before he sets the mug on the table. He glances over at me, his gaze heated. Intense. I can’t look away. I don’t want to. Something has shifted between us tonight and I don’t understand exactly what. “You into him?”

I frown. “Into who?”

“Him.” He angles his head to his left, toward…Ace. “I think he likes you.”

“He’s just flirtatious. It’s part of his personality. I don’t believe he’s into me,” I insist, meaning every word I say.

“I don’t know about that.” There’s that tic in his jaw again, and I realize what’s changed between us. Changed with Cam.

He’s…jealous. Of. Ace.

I’m freaking giddy at the thought.

“Fine. Be my date at the frat party tomorrow. You can stand guard over me all night,” I say in challenge.

Cam doesn’t even hesitate with his answer.

“Deal. I’ll pick you up at your place.”

Oh boy.

I think I’m in over my head.

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