Play With Me (Playing For Keeps Book 2)

Play With Me: Chapter 12


My back hits the wall with a thud when Jennie pins me there, her warm fingers and fiery gaze roaming my torso, leaving a trail of want in their wake, so deep, so hot, my skin singes.

She drags her tongue slowly across her lips before murmuring, “So fucking hot.” Her eyes flip to mine, the challenge there. “Keep grinning like a jackass and I’ll walk my ass right the fuck back out of here.”

I flip us around, hips pressing her into the wall, fingers circling her wrists as I hold her hands on either side of her head. Her mouth lifts to mine, seeking, hungry, so fucking eager. “You won’t go anywhere, sunshine.”

“Rules.” Jennie gasps as I bury my face in her neck, legs wrapping around me as I hoist her up to me. “We should set some rules.”

My tongue trails the columns of her throat. “Do we have to?”

“Carter would never approve.”

“And I don’t want to die at the ripe age of twenty-six. It’ll be our little secret.” I flick my tongue over the spot below her ear. “Spoiler alert: it’s not little in the slightest.”

“No sleepovers.”

“Excellent. You seem like a bed hog.”

I yank her top over her head and die a little at the lacy mocha bra, the pink rosebuds peeking out from behind the scant material. I want them between my teeth while she sinks her nails into my shoulders and cries out for more.

Jennie’s eyes are hooded and dazed as she watches me, starved, a desperation I’ve never seen before but vow to cherish for as long as I get to be on the receiving end of it.

I bury my fingers in her hair and my tongue in her mouth, swallowing her moans as I grind her against the weight of my craving for her. I’m gonna need to fuck her hard and quick so that I can start over and take my time with her. We’ve got all night.

But then she chokes out her next rule, the two words a garbled mess lost somewhere in my mouth.

“No sex.”

I chuckle. “Cute.”

“I’m serious, Garrett. I won’t have sex with you.”

My mouth pauses on her jaw and my hands still their kneading. I drop her slowly to her feet. “Are you a virgin?’

“What? No!”

“Then why won’t you have sex with me?”

“Because I…well, I’m…I’m just…” Her eyes scale the wall behind me as she aggressively twines her hair around her fingers until it knots and gets stuck. When I free it, she shoves the tip of her thumbnail between her teeth, nibbling.

Taking her hand gently in mine, I pull it away from her mouth. “Jennie.”

“It’s been a while,” she admits quietly. “A few years…or so.”

Or so. “Oh.”

“Yeah. I’m just…not really ready to go there again.”


Heat floods her cheeks the longer she waits for me to say something more substantial than oh, and I’m trying, I swear to fucking God. Nothing’s coming.

The light in her eyes dims, and she steps away, picking up her shirt. I’ve never seen her so vulnerable before, and something inside me hurts at the sight of her.

“Forget it,” she whispers. “This was stupid. I knew you wouldn’t go for it. Why would anyone?”

I grab her wrist. “Hang on.” What am I doing? “It’s fine.” Fine?! Lieutenant Johnson screams at me from where he’s way too restricted in my briefs. “No sex. I can handle that.” I think the fuck not, he argues. Thing is, though, I’ve already seen Jennie naked. I’ve seen her I’m fucking coming face. Not only would I like to see it again, but I’d like to be the reason behind it.

But more? There’s something going on here, something that ruined this for her. Not all sex is special, but some is supposed to be, and when it should’ve been, I can tell it wasn’t. I don’t know if it’s related to her lack of friends, or the trust she doesn’t give easily, but if I can give her those things—friendship, trust, respect—I’ll do it happily. I want whatever pieces of herself she’s willing to give me.

Jennie watches me warily. “You can?”

“Taking control of your sexuality and setting your boundaries is fucking cool, and I respect that.” I gesture at the shirt she’s clutching to her chest. “Now ditch the fuckin’ shirt, sunshine. I’m gonna worship all of you tonight.”

It’s not until I start stalking toward her, a sinister grin on my face, that she fully comprehends what’s happening and frantically tosses the shirt. She lets out a yelp when I scoop her up and toss her over my shoulder. Dropping her to her feet in my bedroom, I bend her over the bed with my palm between her shoulder blades.

These jeans are a fucking sin, hugging her wicked hips, that little gap at the back of her waist just big enough for me to slip two fingers down and take a peek at the heart-shaped ass hiding beneath. They’re the kind with all those strategically placed rips, like through one thigh and over her knee. But my favorite one…

I slip a thumb below the frayed, narrow rip slicing its way across the back of Jennie’s left thigh, a mere inch or two below her ass cheek. Whoever designed these jeans…I would fall to their feet.

My thumb glides over Jennie’s heated skin. “These new?”

“I bought them last week.”

“Part of the current collection? Great.”

Jennie frowns. When I dip four fingers below the slit and smile, her lips part in horror.

“Garrett,” she warns.

But it’s too late for warnings. I’m already pulling, and they’re already ripping, shredding into a beautiful mess.

Jennie gasps, trying to turn around. I press myself against the backs of her thighs, fisting her hair to keep her in place as I admire her.

“Jesus Christ.” My brain is short-circuiting. I trace the edge of her panties and her skin pebbles. “This ass is out of this fuckin’ world.” I clap a hand to her ass cheek, grinning at her murderous gaze. “Send me the link. I’ll buy you a new pair.”

“I hate you,” she growls.

“Furthest thing from it, gorgeous.” I drop my pants to the ground, flip her onto her back, kneel before her, and start working her jeans off. “Any other rules before I get started? I’m fuckin’ starving.”

I part her legs, pressing my lips to the inside of her knee, nibbling a languid path up her thigh. She fists the sheets, head rolling as she whimpers my name. But I want to hear her scream it.

“Rules, Jennie.”

“I don’t want to be one of many,” she says on a gasp as I brush her clit through her damp lace. “I know it’s casual, but I want to at least feel…” Her eyes lock with mine as I gently rub her.

“Special?” When she nods, I chuckle. “You’re already special, sunshine.” I wrap my palm around her neck and bring her lips down to mine. “Committed friends with benefits?”

She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, wide eyes moving between mine, and nods.

“Deal. No one but you.”

“Just like that? Even without the sex?”

“Just like that. I don’t need to use my dick to fuck you. My fingers and tongue work just fine.”

Jennie comes to life with an electric, flirty grin, slinging her arms around my neck. “Yes, they do.” She tilts my head back, her mouth claiming mine. “In case you were wondering, blow jobs are still on the table.”

My body stills as my cock roars with need. “They are? I’m clean, I promise. Are you sure? It’s okay if—”

“Just because we aren’t having sex doesn’t mean I’m not gonna pull my weight. I’m still gonna suck your cock.”

If my dick had arms, he’d be jerking one back into his side triumphantly. Since he can’t, I do. “Fuck yeah you are!” I tug her to her feet and seat myself on the edge of the bed. “On your knees, sunshine.”

Her mouth gapes. “But I—”

“Knees,” I repeat on a whisper, squeezing the back of her neck. Jennie falls to her knees, and I thread my fingers through her hair. “So fuckin’ sexy when you’re on your knees and, for once in your life, speechless.” I run a thumb over her parted, swollen lips. “You okay with a little bit rough?”

Her eyes pinball between mine, and her innocence throws me for a loop and spurs me on all at once. “Rough?”

“Mmm.” My grasp on her hair tightens and her breath hitches, heat climbing her chest as she grips my thighs. “There’s something about your bossy-as-fuck attitude that screams ‘boss me the fuck around in bed.’”

I hook her fingers in the waistband of my boxer briefs, and Jennie hesitantly works them down. Her eyes widen and she leans back as if she’s scared. Lieutenant Johnson bobs around, happy and proud as he greets her, letting her know she has nothing to be scared of. He’ll be real gentle with her.

“I-I-I—” Jennie stutters, which is super fucking new, and super fucking hot.

“What’s the matter? What happened to all that attitude?” I haul her forward, lips at her ear. “Am I in charge?”

Fingernails bite into my thighs as I dip my hand and stroke two fingers over the seam of her soaked panties. “Garrett.”

“Say it,” I demand.

“You’re in charge.”

“Fuckin’ right I am. Open your mouth, Jennie.”

She does, without hesitation, slender fingers wrapping around me. A drop of cum beads at the tip, and Jennie’s gaze flutters to mine. She looks nervous, unsure maybe. I’m about to tell her she doesn’t have to do anything she’s not comfortable with, but the words die on my tongue as hers flicks out, tasting me.

“Holy fuck.” The words rumble in my chest as her mouth engulfs the head of my cock.

I take her face in my hands, eyes locking as her pink lips slide down my length, as much as she can take until I hit the back of her throat. When I groan, those pale eyes light with excitement. The corners of her mouth lift as she smiles around me, and it’s in that moment I realize what she needs.

Encouragement. Reassurance. Praise. She needs to know she makes me feel as good as I make her feel. Her signature Beckett arrogance doesn’t own this part of her life, but if I have any say, it will.

It won’t be hard; she sure as hell sucks my cock like she was made to do it. I’m about to cheer her on until she believes it.

“Fuck yes,” I hiss. “Just like that, Jennie.” With her hair around my fist, I force her gaze to mine. “Eyes on me, sunshine. Always on me.”

Jennie whimpers, shifting, rubbing her thighs together. She’s desperate for affection, attention, friction, and I’m gonna give it to her, just as soon as I come.

I guide her head, watching her swallow as much of me as she can, cheeks hollowing as she slides backward. She pauses on the tip, tongue swirling, hand working the base, before she swallows me back up again.

“Shit. Don’t stop. Fuck, Jennie, don’t you fucking stop.”

She grows louder, moves faster, slurping like it’s her damn job. I lose my words, and Jennie’s smile blooms. Her eyes dance with pride as my balls tighten, and when I tell her I’m gonna come, choking on the words, she keeps going, gaze fixed on mine as I empty myself down her throat.

“Holy fuck.”

She licks the corner of her mouth. “How was that?”

I chuckle, grabbing her by the waist and tossing her onto the pillows. “You wanna know how that was?” My knees hit the bed, and I crawl toward her. “How ’bout I show you how that was?”

My mouth takes hers, stealing her response. There’s something about the taste of me on her lips that makes me a little wild, and when Jennie arches off the bed, rubbing her soaked pussy on my cock, I’m worried I’m gonna try to convince her to let me take something that doesn’t belong to me.

“Jennie,” I warn on a snarl.

“Please.” Her nails bite into my shoulders as she slides herself against my length, up and down, coating me in her. Her smell, her wetness, her heat. “It feels so good.”

And fuck, I can’t say no to her.

My fingers sink into her plush ass as I squeeze her to me with one hand, the other running along the edge of her jaw, angling her hungry mouth to mine. It’s every bit swallowed moan, sweeping tongues, nipping teeth as Jennie’s hips lift and I slide through her folds over and over.

Her nails rake down my biceps as she tears her mouth from mine, gasping for air, and I pull one pink nipple into my mouth. My tongue rolls over the taut peak before I tug it between my teeth, and a shiver of pleasure rockets up my spine when Jennie’s nails score down my back, my name leaving her lips on a moan. I’m going to come, and Jennie’s going to spiral with me.

“You gonna come, sunshine?”

Jennie’s eyes roll down from heaven, and she smirks that Beckett smirk. “You gonna make me, Gare-Bear?”

I steal her grin with my own, and heat spreads like wildfire throughout my body. On the next rock of my hips, I reach down and spear her with two fingers, replacing my cock with my thumb as I rub her clit without mercy. Jennie explodes around me, mouth opening on a cry, cheeks and tits flushed and rosy, and when I catch sight of that swollen, glistening pussy, my cock pulses.

“Jesus fuck.” I roll off the bed as my cock empties all over my hand, seeping through my fingers and to the floor, which is definitely not what I planned and what a fucking mess. “I’ve never done that before.”

Breathless, Jennie sprawls over the mattress, swiping her chestnut hair from her damp forehead. “Came in your hand? Or dry-humped?”

“There was nothing dry about that. Fuckin’ Niagara Falls down there.”

Standing before me, she trails a fingertip along her collarbone, peeking up at me from beneath dark lashes. “I was thinking about Chris Hemsworth.”

“The fuck you were.” I clap a hand to her ass. “Bathroom. Shower. Now.”

“You know, you’re turning out to be a little bit bossy.”

“And you’re a fuckload bossy.” Gripping her nape, I steer her into the bathroom and crank the shower. “Now get in there so I can make sure you’re thoroughly cleaned.”

She does, and I do. Several times over, ’cause being thorough is super important, and I’m nothing if not detail oriented.

It’s nearly four in the morning when we ride the elevator down to Jennie’s floor, hair damp and both of us squeaky clean.

Jennie turns to me with this coy little half smile as she unlocks her door and starts backing in. “Thanks for the ride, Andersen. A solid six outta ten.”

“Six outta ten, my ass. I rocked your world, sunshine.”

She fingers a wet lock of hair that hangs down my forehead. “I’ll only have to use Indiana Bones once tonight.”

My chest rumbles as she grins, and she grips a fistful of my shirt, hauling me into her. Her tongue slides into my mouth as my hands crawl up her top, circling her warm waist.

I start walking her backward, ’cause now I’m thinking round four sounds real nice, but Jennie disengages, slapping my hands away.

“G’night, Gare-Bear,” she sings, then promptly slams the door in my face.

Hands on my hips, I look down at Lieutenant Johnson, snug and content in my track pants. “We did it, big buddy. We did it.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.