Phantom Regency

Chapter 23

Exile Colony 542GE Annual Report

Location changes: 4

Visitors (excluding donors): 7

Total # of Ships (beginning): 67

Freighter: 43

Cruiser (unarmed): 7

Cruiser (armed): 3

Other: 14

Ships added:

Warbird class Battle Cruiser (unmoored): 6

Ships lost:

Freighter: 2

Total # of ships: 71

Population (beginning): 6,134

Births: 223

Deaths: 543

Population: 5,914

Cash on hand (beginning): c23,905

Goods sold: c4,290

Donations: c45,500

Expenses: (c62,870)

Cash on hand: c10,825

Nexur Revinger studied his son’s face for a moment. He was handsome, charismatic and eager. And that was nine tenths of the problem.

“Nix, why do you continue to stir up trouble?”

“But, father I just wanted…”

Nexur interrupted. “You just what? Just wanted to shame your father? Just wanted to cause trouble for people that have had too much as it is? Just wanted to break your mother’s heart again?”

“I didn’t want to shame you. I’m sorry. I have ideals. I have dreams,” Nix replied.

“Son, dreams and ideals are fine. But if they lead you into being arrested? The governor’s son?” Disappointment was in Nexur’s voice.

“I didn’t think they’d arrest us. It was a harmless demonstration. I still don’t see why you can’t fight for more equality. How can you sit by and do nothing?” Nix pleaded.

“I’ve told you before; I don’t have any real power. My position is simply to be a figurehead and carry out the will of the committee. You should be talking to them.”

“How can I talk to a bunch of cowards who meet in secret? There will be more and more unrest. The committee and the well-off are content to wait out here in the middle of nowhere. The poor and hopeless want change, any change.” Nix spoke with passion.

“Nix, baby, are you okay?” The large figure of a woman swept into the room. Xyllia Revinger was an impressive woman. Tall, with big hips and big curves, she dressed well and walked with confidence and purpose. She engulfed her son in a smothering hug.

“I’m fine, mom.”

“Good.” She turned to Nexur. “Why do you have to give him the third degree? He needs to rest.”

“Xyllia, dear. I was trying to help him to see that there are other ways to…”

His desk console lit up. His assistant appeared on the holo-phone.

“Excuse me,” he said, and then spoke into the holo-phone. “This is Revinger.”

“Governor sir, there is a ship approaching. They ask to speak with you,”

was the reply.

“Patch them through, order the fleet to cut off their retreat. And notify Kruft.”

“Yes, sir.” His image flickered out and was replaced by a serious looking young man. He was tall and thin and had a long scar on one cheek.

“This is Governor Revinger. You are surrounded. Do not attempt to escape or approach the colony. Identify yourself.”

“I am Eamor Thaxius, heir of Yoshun.”

All three of them gasped. “You… you understand I cannot simply take your word. This is a… a fantastic claim. I…”

Eamor interrupted, “My identity will be established easily enough. Once it is, I will address my people. Please make arrangements. I will arrive by skypod directly.”

“Well, I… uh…” Nexur was all out of sorts.

Nix barged in to the call. “You are most welcome, true Regent. Your arrival is fortuitous. We…”

“Nix! Let me handle this. I apologize. My son is young and zealous. He…”

“Governor, no apology is necessary. I will arrive within the hour. Thank you.”

The holo-phone flickered out.

“Could it really be?” Xyllia asked, wide eyed.

“Del told us the last heir was killed several years ago. We still have DNA samples on Phaenor Thaxius. A simple blood test will reveal the truth.”

“But what if he really is? What then?” Xyllia asked. “Our exile could be over. Oh, Sky Man, let it be so!”

“It changes everything. He will liberate us. The words of the Sky Man promised our liberation. It is a sign.” Nix said excitedly.

“Son. I’ve warned you about religious fanaticism. If he is the heir we owe him protection and acceptance, but chances are he can offer us little. He is likely a hunted man. We should move the colony again. If he found us, anyone could,” Nexur said sadly, “Now, you two go back to the apartment. I must notify the committee.”

“Let me come with you. I must see him,” Xyllia said excitedly.

“Nix needs you right now. He’s had…”

Nix chimed in, “I’m fine, I could go too.”

Nexur sighed. “No. The committee would not allow it anyway. Go get some rest. I will let you know as soon as I know anything.”

Eamor piloted the skypod to the indicated landing bay. The colony was as he imagined. A hundred or more phantom ships docked together, most of them freighters. They were floating in the sky several light-years from any inhabited system. The colony was surrounded by six Evanthan battle cruisers. Their hawk-like hulls presented an intimidating appearance. He exited the skypod into a small empty bay. Two men in rich robes and two men in uniform approached him.

The first robed figure was short, stocky and balding. He had a friendly, but tired face. The other was taller, older and shrewd looking with a hawk-like nose. The two uniformed men were young and serious-looking. They carried out-dated nerve sticks.

The first man stepped up quickly. “I am Governor Revinger. Welcome to the Exile Colony. This is Prime Elder Dren Kruft of the steering committee.” Kruft nodded silently.

“I am pleased to meet you. I am here to speak to the exiles. The galaxy is changing. My news will change our fates forever,” Eamor said.

“And what news is that?” Kruft said, trying vainly to be friendly.

“Forgive me, but I feel that I may only speak to the colony at large. Would you be willing to make the arrangements?”

“Surely you must realize…” Kruft began.

“By all means,” Revinger interrupted, “We will arrange for your address. Kindly follow us. Unfortunately, we must take a blood sample to establish your identity. I hope you do not mind. Then we will meet the rest of the committee and discuss the time and place of your speech.”

“Sir, please leave any weapons with us,” one of the uniformed guards said.

“Of course,” Eamor said, handing over his sword and collapsible nerve stick. “Lead the way.”

They led him to a small parlor of sorts. It had a large view port, looking out from the colony. A nurse joined them and efficiently took a blood sample. Kruft and the guards left with her.

“So, may I ask what is the current state of the colony? My grandfather seems to be assisting you greatly,” Eamor asked the governor.

Nexur frowned. He did not want to say too much. Not that he cared, but he did not want to face the committee if he overstepped his bounds. “The people are surviving quite well. We are becoming more and more self-sufficient. Two freighters have been fully converted to hydroponic farming. We are constantly trying to upgrade the quality of the colony, adding sections as we have the means. Our latest addition…”

“Yes, but what of the people. Do they look to the future? Do they speak to Sky Man?”

“Well, I’m no expert on religion. My wife would be the one to ask. I know that one of the ships has a Thaxian temple. Many adepts and even one acolyte joined our exile. I…” The governor’s holo-phone beeped. “Excuse me, I must attend to this call. Please make yourself comfortable. We should have results within the hour.”

With that he turned and walked out of the room. Eamor took in his surroundings. The parlor was poorly furnished. Seats were sparse and of low quality. There was an old-style projection holo-screen on one wall. His impression so far was one of stagnation. He began to realize that his grandfather, deliberately or not, was keeping these people lost and hopeless. There was no life or vibrancy that he could detect. The few people they had passed in the hall walked with a stoop, face to the ground.

He walked over and tried the door. It was locked as he suspected. No matter, they would soon learn the truth and return. He had to be ready for anything. He signaled Rylen on the coded transmitter on his wrist ID, apprising him of the situation. In a pinch, the Sky Lady had enough firepower to blast them out of here.

After a few minutes the door opened and a tall, well-built young man entered. He was confident and friendly. He was a dashing figure in stylish clothes and roguish good looks. He walked over and bowed slightly.

“Regent Thaxius, sir. I am Nix Revinger; the governor is my father. I am so glad you are here.”

“Good to meet you Nix. You can call me Eamor.”

“Well, I… Any way, sir, I am here to help you. There is zero chance the committee will let you be heard. They are oppressive and power hungry. They keep the common people poor and hopeless. Your life may even be in danger.” Nix spoke with great passion.

“Nix, what can I do? I will not leave without speaking to my people. Can you get me past the door?” Eamor said.

“I was let in for five minutes. After that, the guards will open the door and let me, and only me, exit. I can try to get help. Many will run to your aid. We could…”

“I do not want violence. If I can subdue the guards, where could we go?”

“Let me think… Got it! I have a friend who runs the Holo-broadcaster for the colony. He can put you on live. He is a friend of Sky Man,” Nix shared.

“Good, get ready to go.” Eamor approached the door and focused on Sky Man in his heart.

The door soon opened. Both guards stood in the doorway. “Kindly step back and allow mister Revinger to exit,” one said.

Eamor overloaded both of their nerve sticks. They fell limp to the floor.

“How did you do that?” Nix asked as they left.

“Phantom power of intervention. Sky Man gives good gifts to his followers.”

Nix led him through several corridors. After a few minutes an alarm sounded.

“They are on to us,” Nix said, “We have to get out of sight.” He looked left and right as they ran. “Here,” he said, and led them into a door.

They walked into a small shop. It was filled with strange artwork, fashioned from old electronic parts. One piece in particular, jumped out at Eamor. It was a figure of a man in armor. He had a large snake by the neck and was holding a sword in the other hand. The snake’s tail was writhing around his legs and waist.

“Fern!” Nix yelled, “Are you here?”

A short, stocky young woman entered through a back door. She had a huge unruly head of red hair. Her eyes were wild but she had a bright smile. “Nix, baby! Have you come to apologize?”

“Not now, ‘Furnace’. This is important.”

“What could be more important than you standing me up… AGAIN!?” She yelled, still smiling.

“Fern, you are awesome, and I am sorry, but this is Eamor Thaxius, the true Regent. We are running from the committee.”

“No way!” she said, “I heard the alarm. They put the colony on lockdown. So, is he really…?”

“I am,” Eamor said, “Thank you for hiding me.”

“Who said I was?” she said smirking, “What’s in it for me?”

“Fern…” Nix began.

“What’s in it for you is what is in it for all the colonists. Sky Man is calling. Freedom is on the horizon. I must speak to the people. They will follow me,” Eamor said.

She paused for several seconds. “In that case, we have to get him to Houk.” Her eyes lit up. “We can go through the main duct.”

“Brilliant,” Nix replied, “There is an output right around the corner.”

“But what are you going to say? What can you really do for us?” She asked Eamor through narrowed eyes.

“You’ll have to wait for the big show like everyone else,” Eamor said with a wink.

“I like him,” Fern said to Nix, “Let’s go.”

They snuck out the door as quietly as they could. Fern led them down a side corridor. They turned a corner and almost ran into a uniformed guard. He was short and thin; his uniform hung off him. He was young and freckle faced.

“Halt! We are on lockdown. You must come with me!” He said in a shrill voice. “Oh, Nix, what are you doing out?”

“Yurri, I can’t explain. Just pretend you didn’t see us.” They shouldered past. “And speak to Sky Man. The future is almost here,” he called over his shoulder.

“I know almost everyone here. Unfortunately, many are loyal to the committee. We just lucked out, big time. Yurri is an old friend.”

They came to a swooping notch in the side of the corridor. In it was a large round grate. Stale air trickled out of it.

“Ewww,” Fern complained, “The filters aren’t working so good today.” She produced a small power tool from her belt and unfastened the grate. They went in and pulled it back in place.

“Do you remember how to get there?” Nix asked.

“Of course. I snuck through here a hundred times as a kid.”

She led them through several twists and turns to another grate. She reached through and started to unfasten the grate from the outside.

“Aaaah!” she exclaimed, “Stupid bolt.” Her tool clattered across the ground.

“Now what?” Nix asked.

“We bang your head against it until it breaks,” she fumed, “Can you reach it?”

He lay on the floor and stretched his long arm through the grate. The tool was just out of reach. They heard distant footfalls.

Eamor was studying the opening. “There is a powered opener,” he said to no one in particular.

“Yeah, but we don’t have a…” Fern started to say.

Eamor had stretched out his hand. The grate slowly started rising into the ceiling. Nix rolled out into the corridor.

“Hurry,” he said. They ducked through and they started running the opposite direction of the approaching footfalls. Nix led them to a set of double glass doors. The initials C. H. N. were written on it. The door was locked.

Fern banged on the doors. Nix picked up his holo-phone and dialed. It was quiet. Apparently, the guards went another way.

“Houk, I’m at the door, let me in,” Nix said into the phone.

“Sure, Nix. I’ll buzz you through. Wait in my office, I’m in a meeting,” Houk responded.

“Make it fast, this is big.” They made their way to his office. It was small and non-descript. A large console was on one wall with a chair before it. Promotional posters decorated the other walls. A small table and chairs sat in the center. They sat and waited in silence.

Houk Bronder bounded into the room. “I just hired a new actor. Our spring program will be awesome!”

He went to his console and pulled up a holo-recording.

“Houk…” Nix began.

“Wait, you gotta see this.”

“But, Houk!”

“Wait a minute,” he said. The holo was just starting.

Fern strode over and hit the cancel button.

“Hey!” he complained.

“Houk, pay attention.” She spun his chair around. “This is the true Regent, the heir of Thaxius. The committee is looking for him.”

“No doubt,” Houk said in awe, “So, that’s what all the fuss was about.” His eyes locked in on Eamor. “Why are you here? What’s it all about?”

Nix jumped in. “He’s here! The long-promised time has arrived. He has come to…”

Eamor laid a hand on Nix’s arm to silence him. “Houk, I need to address the people. All your questions will be answered.”

“Yes, of course,” he said quietly. He turned back to the console and pushed several buttons. “Quiet, everyone,” he said, and then opened a microphone.

“People of the Colony. Colony Holo Network brings you a special report. This is Houk Bronder, C. H. N. news. As you know, we have been on lockdown for several hours. I have just received word on the cause. Stand by for an announcement.”

He pushed another button. “Sit here,” he said to Eamor. “Camera focus is here. Speak clearly. Make it count.”

Eamor took the chair. He cleared his throat. He spoke to Sky Man in his heart. Houk gave him a silent countdown with his fingers.

“People of the Colony. This is Eamor Thaxius, heir of Yoshun. Open your ears to me. Open your eyes to the future. Open your hearts to Sky Man. I have come to…”

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