Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 475: Leaving Earth Part One

The next day Alicia came up with a brilliant idea. Well, at least she thought the idea was a stroke of genius. She had decided to hold a lottery to allow one person outside of Japan to leave earth behind and move to Phantasia. Of course, the person who won would be tested to see if they hold any malicious intent and if they did, she would just randomly choose another winner. 

In order to do this, she requested the help of the Emperor once more who happily obliged to let her use the same reporter from last time to hold a live stream at her house and also had a web development company quickly build her a website to allow for people to submit their entries, along with a counter that counted how many entries she received.

After a week, everything was set up, Alicia sat in the living room with cameras on her with a smile on her face as she wondered just how many people would actually sign up to leave Earth. The man behind the camera began to silently count down with his fingers and upon dropping his last finger, he pointed to Alicia which was her signal to start speaking. "Hello, world! Alicia Gabriel Alastine here. From what I can tell, there are a lot of people who now know of the fact that Japan will be separating from Earth and coming with me. This may sound out of this world well, that is the perfect term for it. Since it is indeed out of this world. You may also have noticed that Japan is now closed off to the rest of the world. Only planes that land at the makeshift airports I created outside the barrier will only allow in Japanese residents and their relatives. These places are all being closely guarded by my people. And those who lie to get in outsiders who are not part of their family line are being completely kicked out of Japan with their families."

The idea to separate Japan from Earth and join Alicia's planetary community within her space was given a unanimous vote of approval the next day and word was quickly spread to recall all family members overseas. Now she planned to allow one person outside Japan to leave as well.

"Now, I will be allowing one person outside of Japan to also come along with me. We will be selecting the winner by the end of the month. We will not announce the winner to the public in order to stave off any incidents. But I assure you, all things regarding this are kept strictly private and are secured with my own seal of approval. So the nations around the world or hackers who wish to hack my website, I warn you, do not try, or the person sitting behind the computer may just end up fried." Alicia made a few arcs of electricity form in her hand as she said this to serve as a warning. 

The comments were piling up as millions of people were commenting on the thread. Some with skepticism but most were wanting to know how to sign up. Alicia looked at the screen next to the camera that was showing a Mwitter feed of the live broadcast and her smile widened even more seeing how many truly wished to sign up. "You can go to the website,, and sign up. Remember any false information will disqualify you from winning. I wish you all good luck!" 

The camera turned off and the blank screen showed the web address for the website for people to go on. The site crashed many times over the days to come but there was nothing Alicia could do about that. They were already using the best servers the world had to host the site. 

Alicia's days were calm as she spent time with her family going to the beach and even a quick trip around the world for a bit of sightseeing. Calm and relaxed just like she wanted it to be. But the day had finally arrived where all fun times would come to an end. 

Alicia sat in a meeting hall within the palace where all the heads of the country were present. "As you have asked we have allowed plenty of time for the citizens to recall all family members to Japan if they wished to go. Even if some are still not able to come there is nothing we can do." 

"Yes, I must continue my journey and can not hold it off any longer. I would like you all to send out an emergency notice that the ground will be shaking during the process of removing it from the earth. I will take a few miles of the surrounding ocean as well to ward off any threat of causing a tsunami and this way you will continue to be an ocean state. You can fill your waters up with fish from one of the resource planets once the fish populations are reduced. This way no one will lose any jobs. During this time of change. Even more, jobs will also open up as well. Interplanetary companies will start to pop up all over Japan. So get ready to regulate things." Alicia could tell her words just now had allowed some of the officials here to sigh a breath of relief. This was a big change, to begin with, but they also needed to slowly get used to a new way of life. This Alicia knew very well. 

"We thank you for all your considerations!" The Emperor bowed his head to Alicia. Their nation had been a peaceful nation since the last world war. With the threat of war looming over many lands, the Emperor wished to keep his peaceful nation just as it is without needing to risk the lives of his people to defend it. contemporary romance

"Then I will get started, please send out the emergency notification."


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