Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 406: Cybernetics Part Two

Alicia peaked out from under the covers and nodded her head. "Mhm… Everything seems to be perfectly fine. I can circulate all my qis, and each magi point is working fine, so all seems to be okay. I will need to do some tests with casting magic but other than that… More importantly, can you get me some clothes!?"


After getting changed, Alicia and Blake still had to undergo a series of testing. "Princess, from what I can see, all is well. What is surprising is that your qi's and your magicules are strengthening the new attachments just like what would happen if you were nourishing blood and flesh. This is truly an amazing outcome that I had not foreseen. "

"So what you're saying is?" Alicia was not sure if she was hearing right.

"What I am saying is that your new arms and legs will be thousands of times stronger than before. I think even if you were attacked in your current state by a creator you might be able to fight on par with them. I am not sure if this is because you are a true god or not but it does prove one thing. Adding cybernetics to your body was a very good idea." Tereax replied.

"What if I were to replace everything on my body besides my reproductive system? How much stronger would I end up being?" Alicia asked out of curiosity.

"You could even replace your reproductive system and it would still act as it should. The only thing we could not replace is your dantian. But everything else could be replaced with ease. Though testing on brain uploading and download into a cybernetic brain has not been completed yet. But once it is and everything comes back green, it is very possible to replace everything." Tereax was very thorough when it came to testing out the new cybernetic technology. He did not want any mistakes. Mainly because he knew Alicia was looking to bring this technology to the next level.

"Then keep testing, we will do things in moderation. My next plan is to replace everything below the neck, next time. Let me know when testing is one hundred percent on this. Plus we need time to see how strong my new arms and legs will become after being nourished in spiritual q, holy qi, and magicules." Alicia figured if her arms and legs strengthened beyond anything she could have ever imagined then she would definitely continue with replacing her body parts. 

"Alright, but Princess, make sure you come back here once a week for a check up. I would like to monitor your progress." Tereax said before seeing Alicia and Blake off.


"So what's next?" Blake asked as he held Alicia's hand.

"MMM… Let's gather Loeri and the rest and go on a little excursion to the Subterranean city. I want to pick up the spirit my mother sealed away. Plus it would be fun to do some further exploration for a while." Alicia paused for a moment before continuing. "Blake, any word from those I sent out about herbs that can help recover one's soul?" 

"The scouts we sent out come back once a month. They have been searching every corner and under every rock with no luck yet. We can also ask Master Sei later if he has any ancient magic spells for soul recovery." Blake answered.

"Mmm… Would be worth a try. I just feel bad for Nomi. He is stuck in such a state hanging on to the last bit of his life. I wish to see his smiling face again. Even his serious face as he worked his hardest was rather cute as well." Alicia fell into thought as she remembered Nomi working so hard, wanting to become a knight. How he endured the pain of having his meridians opened in order to begin cultivating. Alicia suddenly felt like crying. Her son was stuck in such a state and there was nothing she could do about it. 

Blake sensing Alicia's mood dropping pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "We will find a way. No matter what, we will allow him to live happily."

Alicia nodded her head before the two disappeared from her space. They reappeared inside the main hall of the castle. King Augustus who just so happened to be standing there almost jumped out of his skin when they appeared. "Alicia are you trying to kill me!?"

Alicia chuckled as she said: "Dad are you doing something wrong? Why else would just be so scared." 

"Humph! What wrong could I be doing in the middle of the day in the main hall!?" King Augustus asked, trying to put up an angry front but the smile on his face completely contradicted the tone of his voice.

"Oh? Then are you chasing after the castle maids? Will I have a new brother or sister soon?" Alicia teased. 

"You! Damn brat! Come here I am going to put you over my knee and spank you!" King Augustus roared causing Alicia to let out a laugh while running away, pulling Blake along with her. 

"You two really do get along well..." A voice came from behind King Augustus making him almost just in fright again.

"Now I see where she gets it from!" King Augustus grumbled as he turned around and looked at Tang Ming, his expression turning serious. "Did they start moving?"contemporary romance

"Mmmm… Id, say in the next twenty years they will have arrived. Akari plans to go to the Machine Empire in the next few years to fulfill a promise she made. Until she gets back we will have to hold off any enemies. Our life and death will be up to us at that time." Tang Ming replied.

"Are you sure you do not want to let Alicia know?" 

"Mmm…. Akari already has enough placed on her shoulders. Plus she has a family she needs to raise. Us, as fathers, should handle the heavy work. In this time I will help you boost your strength as much as possible. You should also head over to the Holy Land as well to take in holy qi. Your two other daughters and sons are good enough to handle things here. Plus they have Akari's little sisters as well to back them up. Tang An, will also be here." Tang Ming explained.

"Mmm… I will leave once Alicia heads out to do her thing. I just want to settle a few matters and give Catherine, Blanche, and the two brats a rundown of what to expect. But you are right. As Alicia's fathers', we should carry some of her burdens." King Augustus looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh. He knew now more than anything he needed strength!


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